A quick stop in today to share my #quiltmarket shopping. So there is all the fabric I bought and brought home, Cotton & Steel, Heather Ross, Karen Lewis, Elizabeth Hartman, Tula Pink, Carolyn Friedlander, April Rhodes, and Heather Jones - Fabric from Robert Kaufman, Windham, Free Spirit, Art Gallery Fabrics, and Cotton & Steel (a division of RJR).
At Quilt Market, one can pay a nominal $20 (or something like that, I don't have the receipt handy) to attend Sample Spree and then buy whatever is on offer for the prices set out which are generally wholesale or less. The next day some of the manufacturers put up pop up shops to sell any left overs, and to sell other bits and bobs.
I occasionally attend quilt market as an Industry Professional, having had my credentials as a long arm quilter and pattern designer accepted by the Quilts Inc. folks. I have been to Market at Pittsburg (2014), Minneapolis (2015) and now Houston (2016). Market happens twice a year, in the spring in May in a number of different cities and in the fall in Houston, attached to the Houston International Quilt Festival.
Quilt Market is not open to the public, but rather is the market for quilt shops and quilt professionals to interact with manufacturers, designers, printers, distributors, supporting companies and each other. It is a chance to see and order the upcoming fabric, thread, books, notions, patterns, sewing machines, etc. It is busy and the people there are present to work. So while I get to visit briefly with my favourite designers and other people, one does not monopolize their time. Having said that, it was fun to reconnect with many of my favourite folks in the quilting business, including some of my lovely blog sponsors.
You can get a great idea of the booths and products and people at Quilt Market by searching #quiltmarket generally or on instagram.
I should point out that several of the folks in booths gave me small free items. I have already shared all of those with my Modern Quilt Guild as door prizes to the November meeting and I forgot to take a photo. But I did want to say that my guild friends were very appreciative of the generosity.

I say that I mainly go for the thread. Given the cost of shipping thread, it is great to be able to buy a year or half year's supply in one go and since I fly a lot for my day job, I get a substantial free baggage allowance. So this time I used up my customs limits for a three day trip and came home with 3 heavy bags.
So I have a few things I want to share, because it is not my intention to boast or to make others feel inadequate, I am just sharing my own quilting journey, such as it is. So:
- I try to never apologize for having a substantial amount of quilting fabric, thread, and supplies. These are my "paints" and I need a lot to inspire. But others do not need so much - everyone should do as they like. I encourage you, however, to be comfortable with your own investment, small, medium or large.
- Besides the money I earn quilting via patterns, show winnings and sponsorships, I do have a good day job where I work really hard for long hours. And my kids are older, the youngest two in University now with only one full time at home. Not everyone is the same, and nor should they be.
- I love the inspiration of these brilliant colours and creative new fabric designs. I am excited to play with all of this, to create, to learn and to share.
Now, I am off to spend the day pre-washing all that fabric and quilting. I have a quilt on the long arm to work on and I have projects to start piecing. And bee blocks to finish, and to request.
Enjoy your Sunday.
Those threads are giving me heart palpitations--yummy colors!! I've only been to market once and it was quite an experience--Sample Spree is way too much fun!
Glad you had a fun trip. I love your stash - thank you for sharing. I've been to quilt market once. I hope to go again, maybe in the spring.
I do have a question. Like you, I work outside the home piecing three part-time jobs together to make one full time job. We are empty nesters too. When do you find time to sew? Do you carve out a few hours, and go into your sewing room, and just plan your quilts, piece and work on your longarm with no interruptions? I ask you this, seriously because it's the toughest part of quilting and blogging for me. And I am one of those people who really needs 8 hours of sleep. Thanks for any tips and suggestions. Enjoy your stash :)
Those bullet points you wrote sound like you've been "fabric shamed" or something like that. Have you? Is that a thing? I am not in the industry, I just read blogs and look for inspiration to quilt, but the thought that there have been times where you feel the need to explain these things is just sad! I saw the pics of fabric and thread and thought "How awesome for her!" So if anyone makes you feel bad about your haul, your stash, or the time you spend quilting, send them to me and I'll tell them to mind their own business!
Thanks for sharing your fabric shopping. Waiting patiently to see what you make.
OMG, lol, ...omg !
I really understand when you say "These are my "paints" and I need a lot to inspire."
and that is all meant in a good, supportive way. I happy for you too and would like to experience QM for myself someday.
So jealous! But in a good way! Like you, we (husband & I) work very hard. We should not feel guilty about enjoying the fruits of our labours.
Wow, have fun playing with them.
I am glad you enjoyed Market - would love to be a fly on the wall as I don't have the credentials to attend. I hate when quilters - of any level - have to explain or appologize because they have been shamed in some way. We do what we do because we love it and work(ed) hard for it. And I love quilters who share in any form - their extras, their knowledge, their freebies, their time. You keep being you.
Hi Leanne! Your new fabrics and threads are fantastic! I am waiting excited to see more about these and of course I'm always inspired to see what you make! Thank you for sharing your thoughst and about the Quilt Market. Enjoy your materials and be happy to have a change to visit that kind of Quilt Market! I posted today about the fabrics I purchased with the gift card I wond from Scraptastic Tuesday. Thank you again! x Teje
Looking good! I'm sure you'll use it well! Enjoy!
Looks like a lot of cheery inspiration for the coming darker months! When you mention washing fabric, do you wash pre-cuts? Except for fat quarters (which I have washed) the pre-cuts are not something I have much experience with and I'm curious what that might be like to wash. Hope you enjoy your new tools of inspiration.
I wish I could pry some of those bundles open and see what they contain :) Have a great time playing! (But pre-washing all this. . . ack!)
Totally enjoyed living vicariously through you.
It's a lot of wonderful awesomeness. I do sometimes stress about how much fabric I have which I suppose I shouldn't...I think stressing about finances runs in my family though so it's a difficult one to change.
I really appreciate you putting it into perspective. I love your fabrics, and would love to have a large and varied stash. But the truth is, I don't use my fabrics that quickly, I'm always going to find new things to love, I live in a tiny home, I have easy access to LQSs with great selections... So I will vicariously enjoy your Quilt Market experience and bounty! Thanks for sharing!
Love seeing all your loot!! A friend and I went to the festival on Friday and I shopped smarter this year- less impulsive. Promised myself I would only buy fabric that made my heart sing- I know that sounds corny! When I brought my goodies home I reorganized- made a list of bundles I have, and set aside for gifting several things from my stash I no longer want. Working hard to finish up projects from this year so I can start in in the new stuff! Thanks for sharing your creativity with us all!
Beautiful 'paints!' Just curious - so you will wash your new fabrics and then put them all back in their 'bundles' per se, or and to your stash by color or maybe both? Just curious what serves you best. And yay for all that gorgeous thread! What glorious color.
I wish I could quilt as fast as I can buy fabric lol. I think you should be proud that you can afford to support the designers who bring us such marvelous patterns and fabrics, which you use to create and bring joy.
That’s a lovely loot! You shouldn’t feel like apologizing for having a stash of fabrics and threads! Curious to see what you will create!
I have a question. So you can't go to the sample spree if you don't have the right credentials? What can you get into if you don't have them? I'm hoping to go next year and confused what I can go to.
no explanation needed :) lovely bounty and you will do wonders with it. enjoy
I too used to go to quilt market - I have a good friend who owns two quilt shops, and I make sample quilts for her shop and also act as a buyer for her when she cannot make it to the PNW for spring or fall sales. I do not do this for "pay" instead, my friend will quilt the occasional quilt for me, send me bits and bobs of fabric and sometimes will buy my pieced tops. The latest rule changes on who can attend market has left me out in the cold so to speak. This makes me sad as I enjoyed the experience so very much -
Ooooooohhhh I need to do this. One day. Maybe 2018 when I'm officially an author, plus I will have enough cash by then! For now I will live through your pictures. More please.
No apologies needed to those of us who aren't the jealous type.
I really enjoy "After Market" posts and think it is fun to see what people go for, what grabs them, and what they enjoyed *materially* at market. I still have several treasured bundles of fabric waiting to be opened from my haul at Salt Lake City, and for heaven's sake, why not grab a few things at market to enjoy all winter long? Love your haul--love your stash--and it looks like I need to stop at Superior Threads for some new thread!
Girl, you are going to have so much fun with your new fabrics & thread!!!
my first thought was "ohh that is a lot of fabric, & Thread!!" then i thought of what was in my sewing room and i have just as much but it is much older. Why is it as quilters we tend to deem older fabric (but not vintage) as not as good as the latest one out? I do this many times. OR we hoard that "older fabric" because we just can't cut into it even though we sometimes know exactly what we want to make.
love your thoughts and no we aren't all the same, nor should we want to be.
What beautiful fabrics and thread!I am looking forward seeing your sewing with these candies!Thanks for sharing your thoughts, through your post I made a visit to this Quilt Market :) Have a nice day!
I loved reading this very honest and interesting post, enjoy all the pressing and folding!
Wow, you do all this and have a full time job. There is hope for me! lol Thank you so much for sharing. You do you! :)
lovely colour fix. Quilt on!!!!
I can see how putting all those bright lovely thread colors together is inspirational!
Hi Kristen.....I had the same reaction as you when I read the bullet points. And like you my reaction to all the lovelies from quilt market were only that I was so just completely excited for Leanne. So I am also curious to know the answer to your question. Because if at some point there has been shaming involved I am ashamed for whoever would have been so callous. Leanne...you go girl!!! :)
I sure enjoy knowing about your market experiences. I've been several times myself, but only to the one in Kansas City. I have attended as a journalist, interviewing and later writing about some of the new products, designers, and shops. Market is quite interesting, and though I never attended Sample Spree, nor purchased anything, I don't miss it. I like being on the consumer end, and aren't all those attendees glad I am! :-)
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