
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

October Scraptastic Tuesday Winners

Before I announce the October Scraptastic Tuesday winners, I have a little about my most recent scrappy project to share:

Triangle improv so far

This started with a fat quarter bundle of orange and low volume prints that I curated for the Fabric Spark October Monthly Sparks Club. I was inspired by Gwen Marston's work to make improv triangles. I had the great pleasure to take a class from Gwen at QuiltCon and although this is not from the class, it is definitely inspired by Gwen who is an amazing teacher and artist. The piece turned into a medallion / log cabin artsy sort of piece. It is currently about 60" square and I think it is ready to be squared up and quilted.

First, I am going to fix that bottom white border as it is too wavy for my taste. I cut these pieces freehand and for the few that had a straight side, I recut them without rulers. It makes it harder to piece large border bits without the wavy border thing happening but it is easy to fix.

So you might be wondering about how this is scrappy - as I started with a new bundle of fat quarters. First, it is all different fabric lines which some people call scrappy. And I used some scraps in addition to the bundle. And this project has left me with a bunch of new scraps too, although I admit to throwing the smaller bits out but don't worry there are still lots of scraps left.

And I am loving it so I could not wait to share it here.

Thank you to our very generous sponsors:

Congratulations to our October winners and a huge thank you to our generous sponsors for providing the following prizes which have been  awarded randomly among those of you who linked up as follow:
If you are a winner, congratulations, and watch for an email from me today or tomorrow to get you connected to your prize.

Please join Nicky from Mrs. Sew and Sow and I next month to link up your scrappy project or thoughts on taming your scrap mountain on the second Tuesday in November, which is early, November 8, 2016.

And if you are looking for some scrappy inspiration, visit the October links,  they are awesome.



    1. This is a lovely piece. I am very smitten with your colour choices. How did you do the triangles? Piecing or embroidery against a background?


    3. I love your medallion and was surprised how big it is!

    4. Hi Leanne and congratulations to winners! Your project is so exciting! How you get these super ideas! I love the colours and shapes! Greetings from Finland! x Teje

    5. Congrats to the winners! Your project (and the triangles) looks like a lot of fun and perfectly scrappy to me!


    Thank you for your comment and I will try to respond by separate email if your email is attached to your profile. Sorry about the word verification but I am getting a lot of spam comments right now.