It's time to award the July Scraptastic Tuesday Link up prizes.
I have nothing really to share before I do that. My week was filled with:

First, cutting up my rainbow of Moda Bella Solids, which is still secret blog hop project for the Fat Quarter Shop. This project will give me a bunch of new scraps but I have some ideas for how to use them right away.
I also started an online art class. I am taking a free class called Touring Modernism from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. It is art history, taught by Lisa Wainwright, fantastically well filmed, and I love it.

And I spend a lot of time painting. We have to paint the whole inside of this house, which I have successfully put off for a year. I do like painting walls, as there is immediate improvement. And a surprising but great extra is that it seems to be just the right amount of climbing my ladder, bending and stretching to really help my knee feel almost normal as opposed to making it worse which I was worried would happen. But there is plenty of furniture moving, and tidying up too, so it takes a lot of time. Sundance (and Butch too) are my constant helpers, as you can see.
Now onto the prizes:
A huge thank you to our generous sponsors and here are the randomly drawn winners.
- Simply Solids - £20 (20 Pounds) gift certificate - 13 - Allison from Campbell Soup Diary
- Mad About Patchwork - a $40 gift certificate - 30 - Celine from Espritpatch
- Fluffy Sheep Quilting - a €20 (20 Euro) gift certificate - 8 - At the corner of Scrap and Quilts
- Green Fairy Quilts - $25 gift certificate - 21 - Debbie from A Quilter's Table
- Karen Lewis Textiles - scrap pack - 52 - Laurie at dresdenlane on Instagram
- Fat Quarter Shop - $25 gift certificate - 45 - Linda at Koshka2 Quilts
- Massdrop - Fat Quarter Bundle - 37 - Karen at Moose Bay Muses
- Sew Sisters Quilt Shop - $25 gift certificate - 2 - Melanie at mellierc on Instagram
Please join Nicky from Mrs. Sew and Sow and I next month to link up your scrappy project or thoughts on taming your scrap mountain on the second Tuesday - August 9.
And if you are looking for some scrappy inspiration, visit the July links, they are awesome.
Oooo, I so want to take a Modern Art class but it is always offered during the day - and not even online.
I'll be there for your August linkup!
Congratulations to all the July winners! There's a lot of great inspiration in your projects! Thanks as always to the wonderful sponsors too!
Why thank you! That's a nice surprise! ;-) And good luck with all the painting. A big job but it'll feel so good once it's done!
Thank you for letting me know I have won a voucher in your Scraptastic Tuesday. I am thrilled!
Thanks so much! Your little painting helper looks pretty tuckered out--he must have been working hard!
Thank you so much for my prize! I have not yet heard back from your sponsor about my prize... what should I do?
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