
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Scraptastic Tuesday, the November link is open

Well, I got sidetracked and then was out much of the day and finally am getting the November Scraptastic Tuesday link up. At least it is still Tuesday at my house.


First, I have a small scrappy project to share. I was making a butterfly with some scraps of my precious hand screened prints by Karen Lewis. Paper piecing is a great place to use scraps, especially a butterfly that finishes at 5".


As usual, the paper piecing created more, even smaller scraps. These were so tiny that I tossed them out.


At this stage, the magic of paper piecing is ready to happen, at least that is how I see it.


Those tiny bits come together to make the cutest little butterfly, and everything matches up and works.  This butterfly is for the Pip Round Robin that I am part of.

The butterfly pattern is by Nicole from Lillyella and came with two other tiny butterfly patterns as well.

Paper Piecing

Some more paper piecing of the Lion Jungle Abstraction quilt - pattern by Violet Craft - that I have been working on this fall also happened last weekend. You can see in this photo how I work.

I cut large chunks of fabric from the yardage bought for the pattern and then I use those chunks first. As I trim off bits from the piecing, I separate the larger pieced (middle of the photo) and use them for smaller piecing if possible. The even smaller trimmings are going in that metal basket, and I have a plan to sew them all together to make an improv shard sort of quilt, perhaps. The trimmings that are too small to sew together and have 1/4" seams go with my paper trimmings into the garbage. I am determined to use as many of the scraps created by this project as possible.

Now, its time for you to link up and share your scrappy projects to inspire us all. I am hoping for lots of links this month, it is the start of year 2 of Scraptastic Tuesday after all.

A huge thank you to our generous sponsors for providing the following prizes which will be awarded randomly among those of you who link up.
Please join Nicky from Mrs. Sew and Sow and I by linking up a blog post or flickr or instagram photo sharing a scrappy project, in progress or finished, or your thoughts on dealing with your scrap mountain:
  • You don't have to have joined us before, everyone is welcome.
  • One link per person, and it will be your entry into the random draw for the prizes. It is the same link up here and at Nicky's blog - Mrs. Sew and Sow - so you only need to link up on one of our blogs.
  • Please visit at least a few of the links, they are very inspiring, and leave comments too as everyone loves to connect. 
  • Use the Scraptastic Tuesday button if you like (code is on the sidebar) and invite your friends to join us too. 
  • The link is open until next Monday night at 10:00 pm MST. We will announce the winners next Tuesday. 
  • If you have trouble linking up, let me or Nicky know and we will get you sorted.



  1. Wow, that's messy business - I love it.

  2. Hi Leanne and thank you for the link party! What a cute butterfly and scrappy project is my favourite! Also paper piecing. x Teje

  3. Love your little butterfly! I have also been creating some more scraps whilst doing paper piecing today:)

  4. That's a stunning butterfly. I've donated tiny scraps to a local high school textile dept and they've been transforming them, I don't bin any of them!

  5. Year 2 already??? I wish I liked paper piecing...that butterfly is adorable.

  6. I don't like butterflies but I do like yours!

  7. The butterfly is so pretty. Too bad PP is not my thing :)

  8. I tell ya, it causes me physical pain to throw the shards of Karen Lewis away... secret confession, I have them in a ziploc baggie for the day of inspiration when I decoupage a new cat out of them... or something :) XX!

  9. Gorgeous butterfly! Linking up a way to use the scrappiest of scraps with a tutorial on how to use trimmings and loose threads to make greeting cards. Thanks for hosting!

  10. I must have missed this, I thought it was on the 3rd Tuesday of every month...I finished my Scrappy Split 9 Patch & posted on my Blog...It's Bonnie's 2013 L/E Challenge...oh well, maybe next month I'll get linked in time.

  11. I love the butterfly! Sorry I didn't link up this time - I'll try better next month!


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