My occasional small scrap project lists (the last one was here) have been helping me to keep from starting new scrappy projects every time I sit down to the machine. And it reminds me that this project went from using my blogger's bundle to being a scrappy one as I hunted for more fabric to finish her off. This last weekend I was working on quilting the magenta and navy courthouse steps quilt. I settled on making this quilt a nice 70" square.

I decided - wait for it - on quilting some lines on the quilt. This time I decided to quilt each lantern separately, rather than an all over set of lines. The lines in the lanterns are unevenly spaced but about 1/4" to 1/2" apart freehand on my long arm Millennium. Also, I purposely decided to not stitch the outline of the lantern - either in the ditch or away from the edge. I wanted to see how it would work without that more "finished" or traditional approach to motif stitching.

I'm also changing threads to sort of match the lanterns - dark blue, variegated pink and ivory/sand. The motif quilting and the changing threads is making this a much slower quilting project, but also fun and relaxing.
I know that some folks mend in their threads as they go. So far, I can't bring myself to do that, when I am in a quilting frame of mind I am too impatient to do a nice job on the mending in. I am thinking all the thread changes on this quilt and the subsequent time to mend them in later might reform me some, we shall see.

Here is where I stopped. I am hoping to get time to finish her off this week.
I also wanted to remind you that next Tuesday, July 14, is the July Scraptastic Tuesday link up, so please plan to join us to share your scrappy projects in progress or finished or your thoughts on taming the scrap mountain. Oh and check out Nicky's post at Mrs. Sew and Sow, she is starting a DWR scrappy quilt!
This is looking SO good, tho all that thread changing sounds challenging. Glad you find it relaxing! ;-)
WOW, that quilt took lots of planning and was so worth it! It's beautiful!
Loving this Leanne. Think all your efforts will pay off. Burying the threads later sounds like a good idea. I have the same problem when I do it "along the way."
Loving this Leanne. Think all your efforts will pay off. Burying the threads later sounds like a good idea. I have the same problem when I do it "along the way."
Leanne....this is going to be just gorgeous when all quilted!!!! I love the colours!!
I think your quilting motif is perfectand modern, and I agree about burying threads at the end, too! So glad you did a close up so I could see it was a navy with pink. I'm looking forward to seeing your back when you're all done.
Completely love the palette and scale of this quilt. It's also really interesting to hear your thought process on the quilting itself.
I waited...I'm so glad I did!
Really love these fabric choices, they suit the style so well!
I almost always tuck my threads in later on, too. I use it as a nice time to cuddle up on the sofa with the quilt and watch a movie as I do this task. Much nicer than interrupting quilting time to do it then. Love the lines following the lantern orientations. Very nice effect.
well arent you making it hard for yourself!! actually i think you are doing the right thing for the top, it will rock.
Love the colours in your quilt Leanne - it is going to be amazing!
I'm so glad you've broken out of your straight lines! Lol! She's a beauty! I can't wait to see the end product as your quilts are always so different at each step of the process :) XX!
This is looking stunning! I'd love to know how other people go about finishing off ends? Take a needle and darn them somehow? I have been just taking a locking stitch and snipping the end, maybe that is not durable or a good way? Have heard of people burying the ends what do they mean when it's machine quilting? I have seen how the knot is buried if hand quilting.
Beautiful colours and the solution for the centres is perfect!
The quilting looks amazing!
It`s absolutely beautiful!Have you finished quilting it?
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