It's the second Tuesday of the month, and time for the Scraptastic Tuesday link up hosted by Nicky - Mrs. Sew and Sow and me.

As some of you have noticed, I have been travelling for fun and mostly for work a lot these days. It means less time sewing. On Sunday morning, I spent a long while tidying up my cutting area and I even dusted it off. It rarely looks like this. Those boxes underneath are various quilting projects in progress.

Despite all those projects, I was drawn to the scraps left over from the pillow top I told you about last time and so I just decided to spend some time playing with them. I made some curves.

Then I chopped the curved bits into blocks and added a few more and trimmed them up nicely. These look good but I felt pretty ambivalent about them. So I went in search of some dark grey solids.

There were no greys about but I found a pile of beachy tans, taupes and browns linen and cotton chunks. Some were scraps, some were larger uncut pieces. I added some of those.

And some more, with no plan at all really.

By the time I got to here I was unsure about it and I did not like how those lightest bits of linen join in a non curvy jog. I did cut through that join and add a bit more solid but I have no more photos. I need to take a fresh look at the whole thing and decide what to do with it.
The point, however, is that I had a great time playing with my scraps. There is no risk in piecing them and then cutting them up and piecing them some more. These are the left over pieces and if the result is not appealing, I can just slice them up to be more scraps. And the time spent, just sewing and playing around - well, it was relaxing, and fun which is the whole point of a hobby. It's not just about the finishes.
Now, its time for you to link up and share your scrappy projects to inspire us all.
A huge thank you to our generous sponsors for providing the following prizes:
- Sew Sisters Quilt Shop - $25 gift certificate
- Sew me a Song - a $20 gift certificate
- Massdrop - a bundle including Aurifil Mako 50-weight 1,422-yard spool of thread in Dove (2600), Natural White (2021), and Light Beige (2310)
- Mad About Patchwork - a $30 gift certificate
- Oakshott Fabrics - £25 gift certificate
- Fat Quarter Shop - $25 gift certificate
- Green Fairy Quilts - $25 gift certificate
- You don't have to have joined us before, everyone is welcome.
- One link per person, and it will be your entry into the random draw for the prizes. It is the same link up here and at Nicky's blog - Mrs. Sew and Sow - so you only need to link up on one of our blogs.
- Please visit at least a few of the links, they are very inspiring, and leave comments too as everyone loves to connect.
- Use the Scraptastic Tuesday button if you like (code is on the sidebar) and invite your friends to join us too.
- The link is open until next Monday night at 10:00 pm MST. We will announce the winners next Tuesday.
- If you have trouble linking up let me or Nicky know and we will get you sorted.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you have been doing. Nicky pointed out this morning that we have been hosting this link for 7 months now, can you believe it? I sure hope you are enjoying it as much as we are.
I took a curved strip piecing workshop with Marilyn Stothers long time ago. I did like it. Shoot, I must have some of those ufo strips somewhere! :O
Very fun to see your improv. curved piecing! I love the organic look to it.:) I'm not sure if i'll be able to link up this time, but I have definitely enjoyed this scrappy inspiration!
It looks like you had a lot of fun. I like seeing where this is going!
I think you are so right when you say it is not all about the finishes. Play is good for us and it is what a hobby should be. Your philosophy of the scraps being no big loss if it doesn't work out is a healthy one too. Nice play with your scraps, I look forward to see how you progress it.
I love how the colors have come together in this. Looks great, and I think taking the time to just play with the fabric is something we should all do more of!
Yup sometimes there is too much stress about getting stuff right and finished and play helps us be more creative - we can start something and who knows where it will end??
I love the organic way that this project is developing and I must admit that you've got me tempted to try some curves instead of my usual straight lines ;-)
Oh yeah I like the tan and taupe plan!
I love those gentle curves!
Looking good! I like those curves and fabrics!
Thank you ladies - lots of interesting scrappy projects!
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