Monday, March 16, 2015

Last call - March Scraptastic Tuesday Link up closes tonight

Scraptastic Tuesday

Don't forget to add your link (blog, flickr, instagram) to Nicky from Mrs. Sew and Sow and my March Scraptastic Tuesday Link up - go here. You can share a project using your scraps - in progress or finished - or some tips for using up that scrap mountain. The link closes tonight at 10:00 pm MST so that we have time to do our stuff and announce the winners tomorrow morning.

Here are the fantastic March Link sponsors:

A huge thank you to our generous sponsors for providing the following prizes:
  • Massdrop - Andover Chambray fat quarter bundle
And you might ask, Leanne, what have you been sewing? Well, I have to say that the mad dash to Cuba and back over last weekend just wiped me out after being in Austin. It was hot and I conferenced and walked a lot, but no time at the beach. It seems that trip resulted in a big sleep deficit which is now, hopefully caught up.

Some improv curves

I did manage to play with some oranges and some curvy improv. I will post a tutorial soon as I keep getting asked how one does this - it's very easy and fun.

Rolled up quilts

And I was able to show a bunch of quilts to a few visitors this weekend. So then I rolled them up nicely, but where to put them now is the question. I need to identify a nice long shelf so that the quilts I am not using or gifting or hanging have a place to live without folding them up.

Quilting in progress

And I did do a bunch of quilting, but alas, did not finish this yet. I have the bottom border yet to do. Something to look forward too during my day at the office.

Sleeping kittens

The kittens are getting big - teenagers now, they were keen on the napping part, at least.

Do join our Scraptastic link, and I will have some more sewing to share tomorrow, I hope.




1 Debbie said...

Traveling really does wipe one out doesn't it? Good to see a current photo of the kitties!

2 Sarah said...

cuba? wow! the kitties are growing up so fast!

3 Turid said...

Oh, I nearly forgot the Scraptastic Tuesday. But Now I've linked up my La Passion. It is a really scrappy project, only the black fabric is following all through the quilt.

4 Marie said...

I love your orange curves. You are the best at matching colors !
And now I hope you'l have a little rest.
Friendly yours. Marie