Thursday, December 11, 2014

Quilts are going to QuitCon


I am very proud and honoured to let you know that the three quilts I submitted to QuiltCon were accepted to be in the show. They are Breathe (above), Peace and Cycles 2 (in order below). You can click those names to read more about each quilt. Yes, I entered quilts with all the same colour palette, I did not really expect that they would all be accepted, but I am good as these are my favourite colours.


I am so pleased for all of my friends, and other quilters I have yet to meet who also have their quilts going to QuiltCon. Over 1350 quilts were entered, it is just so special to have a quilt accepted, congratulations to all of the quilters. I am so looking forward to seeing them in person.

Cycles 2

I regret that not all the quilts, lovingly and painstakingly crafted by the modern quilt community were accepted. I expect that many of those which were not accepted - I have seen several on Instagram - are quilts I might have accepted if I was making the decisions.

But folks, a non-acceptance in this one show is NOT a suggestion that a quilt is not modern or not worthy or not {insert word here}. Imagine having to pick a limited number of quilts out of 1350 photographs. Not. A. Job. That. Was. Easy.

When I enter a quilt show, I expect to be turned down. I am not a master quilter, not a show quilter. I just enter my quilts in shows. I am not sure I know a single person who is a perfect quilter yet, we are all on a journey to learn and have fun and we all get better and better.

So please, let's celebrate the quilts that are in the show and honour the skill and beauty of those who are not in it this time.

But let's stop with the negative judgement either of ourselves, our quilts, or the jury.

This is supposed to be fun, let's not lose the thread.




1 Alison V. said...

Congrats to you, but I would rather see one quilt from three different people than three from the same person. Not that yours aren't totally gorgeous, I just would rather see a wider range of quilters represented and that definitely did not happen based on whose quilts have been accepted and rejected.

2 Anina said...


3 Unknown said...

Congrats! They are all lovely quilts. Can't wait to see them in person!

4 Marci Girl said...

I can not wait to see them in person Leanne! Congrats!

5 Debbie said...

Congratulations, Leanne! I'm really pleased for you. And thanks for the reminder that a non-acceptance in this show does not imply that a quilt is not modern or not worthy (my word, as I spoke it to you I know)....I'm all for celebrating the giftedness in our community - those works I'll see at QuiltCon, and those I am thrilled to see every day on the web and Instagram, etc.

6 the running hare said...

Oh well done! And well deserved too

7 felicity said...

Congratulations!! These quilts are indeed beauties. The job of the jury was very difficult, to be sure.

8 Always In Stitches said...

Congrats. If it was possible I would love to see all of your quilts at Quilt Con.😊

9 christaquilts said...

Congrats - these are all so great! I love how you reminded us that you are not a show quilter or a master quilter, just someone who likes to enter shows, and especially that you do not expect to get in. That's a great attitude to have and then it's a nice surprise when it does :-)

10 Karen said...


11 Mystic Quilter said...

Congratulations! Such beautiful colour in these quilts, very restful and I love your quilting.

12 Marg said...

Congratulations Leanne.

13 Rebecca said...

Congrats! And yes, well said!

14 Cathy said...

I think when a show is being put together with a particular focus... in this case, to showcase modern quilting, the jury needs to remain focused on just that. I see your three quilts as being a series that are related and which then offer a story of modern quilting in three variations of a similar theme. I understand why all three were accepted and celebrate that for you. having to say no is never easy for the jury either... Long story.. CONGRATULATIONS, Leanne!

15 Kim B. said...

Congratulations to you for your 3 quilts all being accepted, and for your compassion for those who are disappointed today. (I'm an innocent bystander in this discussion but still appreciate consideration when I see it!)

16 Little Island Quilting said...

Not a print in sight 😉

17 Carrie P. said...


18 patty a. said...

Three accepted? Well, they are pretty.

19 Tamie said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to see them in person in February.

20 Vicki said...

This is so exciting! Congratulations!!

21 Sue said...

Congratulations! I absolutely LOVE Cycles 2. Well done!

22 Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

Well done Leanne they are all beautiful. And you're right, not being accepted does not mean it's not modern. I'm so excited I will see these in February.

23 Jennie {Clover and Violet} said...

I love your quilts Leanne. I think it is rough because there are specific types of quilts being selected for QuiltCon (or any other show) and that a lot of labeling is involved. I really appreciated your kind words toward everyone. Congratulations!

24 barbara woods said...


25 Venus de Hilo said...

I'm with Alison on this one. Your quilts are lovely, and worth showing, but I can't help wonder what I'll miss seeing from someone else that could have been in two of those slots. I'd prefer to see a wider range of the MQG membership represented than multiple quilts from one person, even when they are as fine as yours.

26 margaret said...

and righty so these quilts need to be seen by a larger audience they are all wonderful and beautifully made and quilted

27 tusen said...

Congratulations. I love how all three are in my favourite colour scheme.

28 helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

Well done , there will always be those are thrilled and those who are disappointed. It is in the nature of the beast when choices are to be made

29 pennydog said...

Wow, three accepted! Well done Leanne

30 Pinkadot Quilts said...

Congratulations. I think it would be great if all the modern quilters also submitted them to more "traditional" type shows as well. Quilts are quilts and all are to be admired!

31 myBearpaw said...

Yay!! Can't wait to see these in person Leanne! Your quilting is awesome! I had the one quilt I entered accepted too so am very happy and proud :)

32 elle said...

Congratulations. I promise not to drop the thread! :)

33 christaquilts said...

The jurors don't know whose quilts they are looking at, so there's no way to know if they are choosing multiple quilts from the same people. The only way to limit it would be to restrict everyone to one entry only.

Anonymous said...

Hooray Leanne, I am sorry I won't get to see your quilts in person this year but every inch of all 3 quilts you submitted have earned their place, they are lovely start to finish!

35 Amanda said...

I appreciate your comments so much. This was my very first time to put myself out there to enter a show and it was with much excitement that I had two selected. I had a few moments of letting others negativity get me down and feel almost bad for getting in, but I've decided to take a stand and be happy - ecstatic even! I set a goal for myself that was just to enter. I did that and was so proud of myself. The fact that they were accepted is icing on the cake for me. Congrats on your entries!! I look forward to seeing them in the show!

36 OPQuilt said...

They are beautiful and it will be fun to see them in person. Congrats!

37 AnnMarie said...

Congratulations. I've admired your quilts through Flickr.

38 Ginny said...

Congratulations! I cannot wait to see these in Feb, your work is beautiful! I cannot imagine the task of the jury and with that may quilts being entered the competition to pick the best must be incredible.

39 Deb said...

Congrats. Your work is always beautiful. Can't wait to see them in February.

40 Bluebell Ridge Handworks said...

Oh Leanne! I'm so happy for you!! These three beauties will be a blessing to all who see them at QuiltCon :o)

41 Vera said...

Congrats! I always like your texture and your style is easy recognizable which is good!