Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sew Sisters - a sponsored giveaway - Moonshine!

Today the lovely sisters over at Sew Sisters Quilt Shop have sponsored a give away of a fat quarter bundle of the beautiful Moonshine line by Tula Pink in the Meadow colourway. I have to say when Carol emailed me that photo, I gasped - isn't it beautiful!

Sew Sisters is a Canadian quilt shop in Toronto that has both an online presence and a bricks and mortar store you can visit. As a Canadian store, they sell fabric in metres - so 39.4 inches  - which is important to remember when comparing prices. They have excellent shipping charges for orders going to Canada and the United States and charge only the actual postage anywhere else in the world. 

Besides these fantastic Tula Pink Moonshine prints, they have a great selection of Kona solids and many other designer and novelty fabrics. They also have an excellent selection of books, notions, and several different quilting threads, including Aurifil and King Tut.

I have not had the chance to visit the Sew Sisters real store in person yet, but I hope to find the time to do that on one of my next trips to Toronto. I did get a chance to spend some time eating ice cream and chatting with Carol when I was at spring market, and she is just a lovely person! 

Sew Sisters has a lovely blog where they host tutorials, give aways, and share information. They regularly sponsor an event called Blogathon Canada  - the next one is November 17 - 22 - which features Canadian bloggers from across the country.

You can have up to three entries into the randomly selected draw to win this fantastic bundle, here is how:
  • Leave a comment, and let me know how you are enjoying the fall - or spring. I'm cooking my Thanksgiving turkey as I write this post.
  • For a second entry, head over here and sign up to follow Sew Sisters somewhere or sign up for the newsletter, and then come back here and leave a second comment letting me know which you did. While you are there, do take a take a look about their lovely shop.
  • You can have a third entry if you follow me on my blog, instagram, or somewhere, just let me know how you do in your third comment.
Please make sure I can find you if you win, leave me a trail to an email for you somewhere or add it to your comments.

I'll leave this draw open until Friday night, October 17, 2014 about 6 pm MST and I'll post about the winner on Saturday morning. Thank you so much to Sew Sisters Quilt Shop for this beautiful bundle!

Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!




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PymaGirl said...

Cool fall days...more time to be inside and sew.

Siobhán said...

I'm enjoying the fall colour in between all the fog! I'm happy to see the colours, though, since sometimes autumn in Ireland isn't as colourful as it was back in the mid-Atlantic states that I call home.

Siobhán said...

I follow you on Blog Lovin and Instagram.

Siobhán said...

I like Sew Sisters on FB.

Mama Spark said...

I Liked the Sew Sisters FB page

Mama Spark said...

The thing I love most about fall is college football!!!

Mama Spark said...

Following you on Instagram!!

Unknown said...

We are so happy down here to be finally seeing some spring weather. My family and I recently took a trip east of Perth (in Western Australia where we live) to see Wave Rock and the wildflowers...beautiful!

Unknown said...

I follow you via email.

memmens said...

I am not enjoying the copious amounts of rain but the gorgeous colours of the trees as they change colour.

memmens said...

I'm signed up for the newsletter - thanks

Unknown said...

here is a pic of the rock :)

memmens said...

I follow your blog and IG

ittehgaps said...

My camera and I are out hunting colorful trees. Meadows is my favorite colorway as well. Cindy

ittehgaps said...

Signed up for their newsletter. Cindy

ittehgaps said...

Follow you with bloglovin. Cindy

Susan said...

I love fall and the start of Monday Soup Night

Susan said...

I subscribe to sew sisters newsletter

Susan said...

I follow your blog and read it faithfully

Kate said...

I love Fall - it's my favourite season. Keeping busy in the sewing room and enjoying our fabulously warm weather!

Kate said...

I am a follower on Bloglovin.

Kate said...

I follow Sew Sisters via Facebook and their newsletter.

Jan said...

love the crisp fall air. and the smell of turkey and pumpkin pie!

Debi said...

I've been having fun this fall walking in the woods and plotting the quilts I want to do this fall!

Chris R said...

Celebrating fall with enjoying the colours and my grandson's 1st birthday!

Debi said...

I just signed up for your newsletter!

Debi said...

I've been following you on blogspot for a long time now!

Donna W said...

I am loving fall! Been out driving in our 1960 MGA that my husband restored. So, much fun to look at the fall colors in a convertible. And, it is just fun riding around in this really fun car!

Donna W said...

I receive Sew Sisters newsletter.

Donna W said...

I follow your blog via email.

vicki said...

Love the cooler weather, not ready for winter! Does it seem like the year is speeding by? Lol Thanks for the chance for the beautiful fabric! vickise at gmail dot com

Emma said...

I follow via bloglines.

vicki said...

I follow you via email. Thanks again. vickise at gmail dot com

Sherry said...

I love the beauty of all the colour changes in the fall.

vicki said...

I signed up for Sew Sisters newsletter. Thanks for the chance to win some beautiful fabric! vickise at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Hi I follow you via bloglovin

Sonya said...

Following Sew sisters on Facebook!


Unknown said...

Love all the wonderful fall colors, thanks for such a great give away!

Sonya said...

Following you now as well on Bloglovin! :)

Unknown said...

I LOVE fall. I enjoy watching the leaves change color, and once the leaves have fallen walking through them. I also enjoy the cool, crisp mornings, and evenings!

Kay said...

I am enjoying cooking Autumnal food like crumbles and stews. Thanks for a lovely giveaway.

Kay said...

I follow you on Facebook. x

Kay said...

I already follow Sew Sisters on Facebook. x

Unknown said...

Had family for dinner yesterday. Hoping for some serious quilting time today!

Rebecca said...

Loving the cooler weather and getting back to my quilting!

Rebecca said...

I subscribe to their newsletter!

Rebecca said...

I follow your blog with bloglovin.

Anonymous said...

It is still really warm here in Southern California. But I like it.

Unknown said...

Here in Ottawa, Ontario, the capital of Canada it is + 23 C !!!! normal high for this time of year is 13 C. Anything you make with Moonshine is going to be beautiful. Tula Pink creates beautiful designs and colours

Yvonne said...

I'm signed up for the newsletter at Sew Sisters :)

Steffie said...

I am enjoying wrapping my new baby and taking walks this season. Autumn brings apple canning, good soups and crusty breads, and legwarmers weather!

Steffie said...

I follow you by email :)

Jane said...

Fall has been very sporadic here in Tennessee. Right now it's really wet & not much color change. Thanks for the giveaway. The fabrics are beautiful!

Unknown said...

Summer is my time of year, as fall and winter are beautiful, but hurt my bones to much from cold, but as of yet we don't have cold, thank the good Lord. and thank you for doing this..GOD bless and if I win my email is

Unknown said...

I am already a member too sew sisters news letter and I love the Amish block of the month they are doing. thank you and GOD bless

Unknown said...

I am getting writers follow you from email Google account. Thank you and GOD bless

Jeanne Gwin said...

Fall is my favorite time of year. I feel rejuvenated and raring to go. Taking long drives down into the Ozark Mountains We are busy harvesting apples and pears from our orchard and making applesauce, pear sauce, apple and pear juice, apple and pear cider some soft and some hard. And yes, there will be some brandies out of some of the fruits.

Jeanne Gwin said...

I receive Sew Sisters emails and follow them on FB.

Jeanne Gwin said...

I follow your blog via GFC and receive your newsletter.

Chiska said...

I love all the outdoor time it seems to inspire at our house. Our fun project is cutting wood for winter. Everyone in our family contributes to the cutting and stacking and it's so satisfying to have a big stack ready to go for winter.

LethargicLass said...

Well we aren't really having fall here but I am loving the amazing Indian Summer!

LethargicLass said...

I follow on IG and your blog

Heartsdesire said...

I love spring and its flowers, and summer is wonderful, but fall is the best. It makes me want to get into my sewing room and spend as much time there as I can. Also love the colours of fall, and also love that gorgeous giveaway bundle.

Heartsdesire said...

I already follow Sew Sisters on Facebook, but I signed up for their newsletter.

Heartsdesire said...

I'm now following you on Facebook.

Beth said...

We're having a rough patch here--the bad news just keeps rolling in. However, the autumn colors and beauty are a balm to my soul. My favorite season makes anything a bit better.

Beth said...

I signed up for the Sew Sisters newsletter.

Beth said...

I follow you via email: wordygirl at earthlink dot net

Chancy said...

I live near the bay and we actually had a warmer summer this year, so I'm looking forward to fall, the crisper air, and maybe doing some knitting again. And soup.

Chancy said...

Also I follow you on Bloglovin'

Massiebal said...

I love spring, it's like earth comes back to live again, so wonderful!

Massiebal said...

I follow you via BlogLovin

Ramona said...

I'm enjoying the short bursts of cool weather when we can get it. I'm in Louisiana so we are still having more heat than I want at this point. Loving Moonshine. Tula Pink creates such interesting fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win.

Ramona said...

I follow your blog by email. Thanks for sharing such good info!

Lorrie said...

I love fall, and I love October best - Thanksgiving towards the beginning and my birthday towards the end! I'm sewing on this grey day.

Lorrie said...

I signed up to receive the Sew Sisters emails.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

I had a lovely time walking through a small wood with my two young nieces and kicking up the fallen leaves - my eldest niece (six) had a whale of a time going 'adventuring', with me and her little sister (three) trailing behind her/balancing on logs/finding sticks.

Lorrie said...

I follow you via Feedly.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

I follow your blog through Feedly

Anonymous said...

A cold front came through last night and there is a definite chill in the air. It's homemade soup time! Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful collection.

Anonymous said...

I receive the Sew Sisters newsletter by email.

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog by email.

Jacqueline Frances said...

Hi there,
Being near Vancouver, BC I do prefer the fall-all the beautiful colours and the crispness in the air!
I enjoy reading your blog, and do subscribe to it via Bloglovin! I write a quilty blog too!!!
Thanks so much for the giveaway,
Jacqueline in Pitt Meadows

Jacqueline Frances said...

I follow Sew Sisters with their newsletter and blog!
Thanks so much for the giveaway,
Jacqueline in Pitt Meadows

Anita said...

I am enjoying the fall staying home with my new baby. :) She is five weeks old today.

Anita said...

I follow Sew Sisters on Facebook and Bloglovin and I receive their newsletter on email.

Anita said...

I follow you on Bloglovin and Instagram. :) (I am @daydreamsofquilts)

Crafty Coffin said...

Since my son is nearly two we are spending a lot of time outside enjoying fall - going to pumpkin patches, the county fair, hayrides and harvest festivals.

Crafty Coffin said...

I follow you through bloglovin'

Unknown said...

Fall is my all time favorite season and wish it would last 6 months here in Wisconsin! We are enjoying the fall colors and watching our son's award winning marching band compete so we have been spending a lot of time outside. Thanks for the chance to win. I love this colorway of these fabrics ;c) shopgirl7232(at)yahoo(dot)com

Unknown said...

I signed up for their newsletter. What a cute shop! Thanks again! shopgirl7232(at)yahoo(dot)com

Unknown said...

I follow your blog as well! shopgirl7232(at)yahoo(dot)com

AngieSue said...

I live in the mountains and fall and spring are both breathtaking!

erin mcsweeney said...

fall in Ontario has been beautiful, much nicer than last if we could just skip winter and go to spring haha

erin mcsweeney said...

i get sew sisters newsletter

erin mcsweeney said...

i follow you via email.

jeifner said...

I did a photoshoot up in the mountains with all the yellow aspens :)

jeifner said...

I totes IG Follow you (I'm Jeifner there too) :)

Kirsten said...

I am loving the warm spring weather here in Australia as our summers get much too hot for me!

Kirsten said...

And I follow your blog.

Unknown said...

I adore the fall with a warm beverage, the fire going and a good book!

Unknown said...

I follow you on IG.

Unknown said...

Follow you on Instagram.

Unknown said...

Signed up for Sew Sisters' newsletter. Thrilled to learn about another canadian quilting store!

Esther said...

Thanksgiving Turkey is my favorite thing about fall (well that and all the beautiful colors of fall)!

Esther said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Esther said...

I now follow you Sew Sisters Blog on Bloglovin

Unknown said...

I really like the colours of the leaves and trees - the crispness in the air on some days. We used to go to La Conner in Washington state every year at this time and loved the journey by ferry and car from our home on Vancouver Island.

perry94022 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I follow Sew Sisters Quilt Shop on Facebook.

perry94022 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I have signed up to receive your newsletter and look forward to it. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving - our daughter and her babies came over - her husband had to work - and we had a lovely time together.

perry94022 at hotmail dot com

amanda m said...

I love fall! I can't wait for the weather in Los Angeles to cool down a bit so I can start making yummy soups and wearing all my cozy scarves!

Rhonda the Rambler said...

My DIL has directed me to enter as she loves this bundle. I live fall but dread winter!!

Rhonda the Rambler said...

I live fall but dread winter!!!

Rhonda the Rambler said...

I am a subscriber of their newsletter. What a lovely shop!

Rhonda the Rambler said...

I would follow you anywhere but currently on IG and your blog

chipstir said...

I am loving fall-cool mornings with fog in the low areas, maple trees in gorgeous colors- all good!

janequiltsslowly said...

Lovely bundle. Thanks for the chance to win.


We celebrate alot of birthdays in FAll I am trying to make some Banners that can be used every year.


I follow on Bloglovin'


I get NL

Mara said...

I do enjoy cooking so much better in Fall, love making warm soups and yummy desserts like Apple Pie.

Mara said...

I follow along with Sew Sisters on Facebook.

Mara said...

I follow you on bloglovin'

Shirley said...

It has been a beautiful fall in Virginia with cooler temperatures and no humidity. Perfect weather for some baking - spice cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. Those are a great reward for yard work required to get ready for winter. Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway. (

Jonnie (JB) said...

I am really enjoying our fall weather. It usually gets cold so quickly that we kind of skip over fall but this year it's been really wonderful.

Anne Simonot said...

Our fall is (fingers crossed) lovely so far and still holding! (Plus 18 C next week -- wow!) I plan to go for a walk with the dog later, but right now it's lunch, then clean house, and I've been doing a little bit of sewing.

Anne Simonot said...

I think I already get Sew Sisters' newsletter, but now I also follow on FB. It's a nice Canadian shop, and I have purchased from them.

amanda m said...

I follow Sew Sisters on Pinterest and Twitter :)

Anne Simonot said...

I also now follow you on Instagram.

amanda m said...

I follow you on Pinterest and Instagram and bloglovin' :)

Ella and Nesta said...

I have signed up for the Sew Sisters' newsletter!

Ella and Nesta said...

I am enjoying eating roasted chestnuts at the moment!

Ella and Nesta said...

I'm an old Bloglovin' follower!

pwofford said...

I am trying to wrap up all my projects for my church's bazaar the first weekend on December, all the while thinking about the new and fun things I can do in the coming year!

Unknown said...

Fall is harvest time, and the start of quilting with my guild. :) I'm enjoying the weather, hoping the snow will hold off for a long time. ;) I have signed up for the sew sisters newsletter, I liked them on facebook last year, and follow you by email. Love your posts!

Linda S said...

Love the blues in Tula's Moonshine line! Enjoy your blog and will be sending a photo of my 'circle' wall hanging soon.

Karen Propes said...

I'm enjoying the cooler crisp air of Autumn. So excited to see all the leaves changing. Thanks so much for this chance to win.

Karen Propes said...

I follow Sew Sisters via email.

Karen Propes said...

I already follow you via email.

Sharon said...

I like be the colors this fall! My favorite is the maple that is bright orangey pink

Sharon said...

I follow you on instagram

Jordan said...

I follow Sew Sisters on Facebook

Jordan said...

I follow your blog on Feedly :)

americanadian said...

I follow on Instagram

Unknown said...

Oops! I forgot to say how I am enjoying Fall... colors are starting to change here in the American Midwest & we're headed to pick apples and pumpkins tomorrow! (breeze.richardson AT gmail dot com)

Unknown said...

Second comment, I subscribed to the Sew Sisters newsletter!

Unknown said...

Third comment, I follow you on Instagram!

Vera said...

I enjoy the colors but not so much of the cold and wet weather :)

Vera said...

I follow you on Bloglovin and Instagram.

Mrs. J said...

This fall I'm enjoying watching the leaves turn outside my office window, and am looking forward to the pumpkin patch with my family.

Mrs. J said...

I follow you on IG!

klh said...

I'm enjoying the crisp crackle of the leaves as I walk my dog and watching the Canucks play hockey! (not at the same time, lol)

klh said...

I already receive the Sew Sisters newsletter and have ordered from them on line - great site.

klh said...

I follow you on Facebook

Catherine said...

I love autumn and it uus so warm over hrre atm, so I'm trying to get in as many walks as I can. Gorgeous fabrics. Thanks for the chance

Sarah M in Waterloo said...

I'm enjoying the fall because with family back at school I have time to sew again!
Sew Sisters is a great online shop I've used many times and would recommend to others.

Sarah M in Waterloo said...

I follow Sew Sisters on Facebook and receive their email newsletters.
Would be wonderful to win this fabric.

meli B said...

Hi I follow you on Instagram and just couldn't resist putting my name in for this gorgeous bundle.

meli B said...

Here is my extra comment from reading your blog. Thanks for your offer.

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