Today the lovely sisters over at Sew Sisters Quilt Shop have sponsored a give away of a fat quarter bundle of the beautiful Moonshine line by Tula Pink in the Meadow colourway. I have to say when Carol emailed me that photo, I gasped - isn't it beautiful!
Sew Sisters is a Canadian quilt shop in Toronto that has both an online presence and a bricks and mortar store you can visit. As a Canadian store, they sell fabric in metres - so 39.4 inches - which is important to remember when comparing prices. They have excellent shipping charges for orders going to Canada and the United States and charge only the actual postage anywhere else in the world.
Besides these fantastic Tula Pink Moonshine prints, they have a great selection of Kona solids and many other designer and novelty fabrics. They also have an excellent selection of books, notions, and several different quilting threads, including Aurifil and King Tut.
I have not had the chance to visit the Sew Sisters real store in person yet, but I hope to find the time to do that on one of my next trips to Toronto. I did get a chance to spend some time eating ice cream and chatting with Carol when I was at spring market, and she is just a lovely person!
Sew Sisters has a lovely blog where they host tutorials, give aways, and share information. They regularly sponsor an event called Blogathon Canada - the next one is November 17 - 22 - which features Canadian bloggers from across the country.
You can have up to three entries into the randomly selected draw to win this fantastic bundle, here is how:
- Leave a comment, and let me know how you are enjoying the fall - or spring. I'm cooking my Thanksgiving turkey as I write this post.
- For a second entry, head over here and sign up to follow Sew Sisters somewhere or sign up for the newsletter, and then come back here and leave a second comment letting me know which you did. While you are there, do take a take a look about their lovely shop.
- You can have a third entry if you follow me on my blog, instagram, or somewhere, just let me know how you do in your third comment.
Please make sure I can find you if you win, leave me a trail to an email for you somewhere or add it to your comments.
I'll leave this draw open until Friday night, October 17, 2014 about 6 pm MST and I'll post about the winner on Saturday morning. Thank you so much to Sew Sisters Quilt Shop for this beautiful bundle!
Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 559 Newer› Newest»I've spent the holiday weekend cooking and quilting - but I'm heading into the office today :(. KaliaContiki AT
I follow Sew Sisters on their blog thru Bloglovin. I've also been to their shop in Toronto - they have an amazing sales room! KaliaContiki AT
I am loving this fall. The weather is unusually pleasant and the colors are spectacular! Thanks!
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KaliaContiki AT
I follow Sew Sisters on Bloglovin. Thanks!
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Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
I love fall -- the colors, the weather, everything!
i like Autumn when the weather is dry but today it's wet and gloomy!
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I follow Sew Sisters blog already
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I love this season....just got out my favorite sweaters!!
We have had a lovely fall so far, lots of sunshine to enjoy the changing leaves.
I am enjoying watching the leaves change and fall like rain in the woods behind our house. Unfortunately I must watch from indoors because of severe allergies, but I have nice big windows I can view it thru.
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Following Sew Sisters on Facebook.
I like to watch the changing leaves. they are just starting here.
I am not as enamored as to raking said leaves
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Here in Kentucky the weather is cooler and the leaves are turning to lovely fall colors. It's a great time of the year! My enthusiasm may go down once the leaves start falling and I have to start raking them up.
Happy Thanksgiving! The leaves are starting to change here so there is lots of color for inspiration!
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In Louisiana it is not really fall yet. It is still in the 80s. I like winter when it gets cold!
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No fall or spring here - just hot and humid tropics - but I do like it!
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I receive the Sew Sisters newsletter.
I'm enjoying fall by running my preK-er around to school and other activities!
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I follow you on Bloglovin.
I follow Sew Sisters on Twitter.
I love fall because of the colours of the foliage and the cool evenings. Happy Thanksgiving!
Lots to love about fall in NM: cooler temps, gorgeous autumn leaves, and roasted green chile!
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Gorgeous fabric! We are loving fall in South Florida- it means the rainy season is ending!
We just took my kids to a pumpkin patch. We had so much fun. They had a corn maze and other mazes made of straw. They also had a petting zoo. My kids had a blast!
We are loving cheering for the Royals - it's been a long time since we had October baseball in K.C.
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I follow you with bloglovin!
And now I follow Sew Sisters with bloglovin as well!
Following Sew sisters on bloglovin'.
Enjoying the wonderful fall leaf colors.
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Our first cold front just blew in last nite - this morning was a blustery 51! I don't know what the wind chill is but it feels *chilly* ! Love the cool weather, the wind - not so much!
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Our family enjoyed celebrating the start of fall by going to an apple farm and making cider beginning to end! Very fun.
oh yeah. I follow you!
I just followed Sew Sisters on facebook. What a generous and lovely giveaway!
I enjoy all the seasons - it's hard to tell them apart around here. Fall does mean it's time for our MQG retreat and this year it also means I get to go to the Quilt Festival in Houston (wish I was at market with everyone else too, but hey, I'm not complaining)
I follow you with bloglovin (although I usually just hit the button on my own blog sidebar to see what's up) and I'm on IG with you now too.
Fall is our family reunion at our cabin. Having a great time!
Fall - brisk, cool temperatures, deep blue skies, panoramas of changing leaves - love it!
I follow you on blog-lovin. Email is brdejd@gmaildotcom. LOVE this moonshine line!!
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Fall here in Ohio has been beautiful so far, sunny and fairly warm. That's pretty unusual. However we've been seeing a lot of wooly caterpillars early. Superstition says that means a bitter winter ahead :(
I follow Sew Sisters on Bloglovin!
Autumn is my favorite season, I love Thanksgiving and shorter days and pumpkin pie!
I've been following you on Bloglovin for quite a while :)
I follow you on bloglovin, you are an inspiration to me!
I signed up for their newsletter. Thanks for the chance and for letting us know about another wonderful shop!
I am moving my usual "sitting place" in our family room to in front of the fireplace. We have already turned it on a few times (it's gas) and the warmth is just so cozy. I've moved my EPP and crocheting close at hand to spend many nights snug and warm while I craft away!
it's been pretty rainy lately so i've been enjoying quilting & game nights with friends
I am enjoying the fall weather, the beautiful leaves, pumpkins and football.
Fall us awesome. Time for scary movies and call day sewing!
I follow sew sisters on bloglovin and fb
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I follow Sew Sisters on Twitter as @kdavis52.
Following on Bloglovin and newsletter. We were just discussing this store at our last Guild meeting! Thanks for your awesomeness!
Normally I would have my house all decorated for Halloween- my fave part of fall- but this year a hailstorm has left us in bad shape :-( Moer to look forward to for next year... -madfabriholic at gmail dot com
I am sitting here listening to the autumn wind blow through the leaves in the trees. Soon the river in the valley will be visible. Love fall,
I subscribed!- madfabriholic at gmail dot com
I follow you on GFC as Mrs. Kathy Davis.
Since I live in SE Alabama we have not quite entered fall yet. With highs around 90 it's still summer.
I follow you on Bloglovin'- madfabriholic at gmail dot com
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I love decorating the home and going with the kids to the pumpkin patch
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I'm loving the slightly cooler weather. Got to take a quilt to the football game Saturday night.
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It is still warm here in Florida. I am greatly anticipating our trip to Blue Ridge Ga October 31 for 3 days. Can't wait to see the fall colors. I love when the leaves change.
I follow Sew Sisters.
Love the Tula Pink bundle! I follow you on Bloglovin'.
Fall is a favorite season for me as I like the many brilliant colors the leaves turn and the smell of pumpkin and apple cider and pumpkin pie.
I follow you on BL.
I made a tortiere for Thanksgiving and some fresh cranberry relish.
I follow you through GFC - I am soooo loving this fabric!!!
Here in AZ we have just broken out of the 90's and the weather is beautiful!
I follow you on email!
Our autumn is about over here in Alaska, but I am looking forward to the fun of winter! I follow you on your blog. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity.I love Tula Pink!
I am so enjoying the mild fall weather. Still have plenty growing in the garden. Will hate to see it go.
I receive the SewSisters newsletter :)
In Arizona we are happy that our fall is finally begining with temps in the 80s. mhart037 at gmail.
I signed up for their newsletter. What a nice little shop, I found some adorable Christmas fabric that I have not seen before.
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I follow you on Bloglovin:>
Here in the UK it is rather rainy however I have just received my bright yellow raincoat so I am sort of looking forward to the storms!
Fall fun included time at the apple orchard, a wedding at the lake and a weekend scrapbooking. Love fall in Minnesota!
I follow your fun blog using Blogger
Happy Thanksgiving to you! Fall is my favorite time of year, and the temperatures and the colorful leaves are especially great this year. And my kids just came home for a visit to help me celebrate my birthday, so I'm enjoying this season splendidly!
I'm a new follower of your blog via email notices. Fun, fun!
I follow Sew Sisters on Twitter! Couldn't see how to sign up for their newsletter....
It is warm here still, I'm just south of Austin, TX. We had a cold front promised to us but haven't seen it yet! I do miss living in New England at this time of year though.
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Enjoying apple season in NY. Of course the fall leaves are beautiful too. Best of all, I'm back in the sewing room!
I follow Sew Sisters and receive their newsletter.
Love going to the cider mill and getting Apple cider donuts while still warm!
I just signed up for Sew Sisters newsletter.
I follow you too!
Spring and fall are my favorites:) Thanks
Just finished getting my turkey in the oven. So far fall has been pretty good here - no complaints.(We know what's coming!)
I get the newsletter from Sew Sisters and hopefully come Tuesday, I will receive my order of Kona Cottons.
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I follow your blog.
For the first time in several years, I attended the county fair last week. It was always a tradition when I was younger. This time, I qualified for 'senior citizen's day'!!!!!
We are planning a trip to the cider mill tomorrow for some fresh cider and hot cinnamon sugar donuts, yum! The leaves started changing over the past two weeks so it is so lovely here.
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I am loving the colder weather!! A much much needed break from the summer heat :)
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I signed up for the sew sisters newsletter
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I love the smell of fall - cooler air, fires, leaves, all of it.
I follow your blog too! Happy Thanksgiving to you!
I love fall. I love the changing leaves and the month of October - it's my birth month. My most favourite pastime is walking and kicking leaves.
I do follow your blog and I love Sew Sisters. Wonderful fabrics and great service.
We're into fall here in Pennsylvania, love that reindeer fabric! It would make gorgeous gift bags.
Fall is the best season in Santa Cruz...warm sunny days, cool relaxing nights and the moonshine is clear.
Fall is just starting to kick in here. The trees have really changed their colors a lot in the last week!
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I receive your emails.
It's fall here in ND, USA but beautiful sunny and in the 60s. It's apple pickin' time which means we'll be cidering a ton of apples, or more as we did almost 2 tons last year. Except for apple season, I don't like fall because that means that winter is close behind and that means snow, cold, and ice. Brrr.
I signed up for Sew Sisters Newsletter.
I follow you by email updates. Always interesting.
I signed up to receive Sew Sisters newsletter.
I love fall with the cooler days and beautiful colors. It's very inspirational.
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I follow you here.
I am already a long-time subscriber to Sew Sisters newsletter.
I happily follow your blog!
It's Autumn here and, since it signals the end of Summer and warm weather, I'm enjoying the apples and sun, as Winter is not far behind.
I love all the apples in fall, yum!
I follow your wonderful blog via bloglovin
I follow your blog with a bookmark.
I am enjoying fall (which still feels like summer here) by doing lots of quilting!
I enjoy fall for the crisp air, but spring for the blooms in the garden!
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I'm following Sew Sisters on Pinterest! (@nailtechcom)
I signed up for Sew Sisters Newsletter.
Fall is the best season in Santa Cruz...warm sunny days, cool relaxing nights and the moonshine is clear.
Enjoying Autumn is my passion, other than quilting of course: Take walks at sunset, which is getting pretty early these days, all the while hearing the fallen leaves crunching under my feet, shopping for pumpkins and carving all of them just for the seeds, which I love season w/Old Bay seafood seasoning to bake and munch on for weeks.
prefer yahoo email contact:
Subscribed to Sew Sisters newsletter via email.
I am enjoying the wonderful colors of the trees changing. Our church campus has now gone to two services, so exciting. A great fall excitement.
following Sew Sisters on FB
following you on FB
Wow - love the fabric - winter is my fav season - love it cool and snowy!
Spring here (Australia) is as unpredictable as ever, lovely warm day followed by a hailstorm! Then the sun comes out and everything is so fresh and green again - but a bit windblown!
I follow on pinterest and twitter - @quilary
I get your email newsletter. Thanks for the chance to win some of this gorgeous fabric :)
i was enjoying the fall by going for a swim in the ocean
I follow you on IG.
I love the fall season - I love the fall holidays! thank you!
I signed up for the newsletter!
I follow your blog now - GFC. tks!
I love Springtime - watching the new buds come onto the plants, knowing my little garden will soon be full of flowers and hopefully the odd butterfly :)
Will be going to Heber Springs in Arkansas to enjoy the fall colors.
I signed up for Two Sisters news letter.
I follow your blog and really enjoy it. Thanks for the chances you give!!!!
I've signed up for their newsletter :)
I already follow both you and the sisters on Bloglovin :)
I'm enjoying the beautiful fall weather, the leaves are gorgeous here in the Rocky Mountains.
Thanks for the chance to win.
I love Sew Sisters and this fabric. Thanks for the chance.
I follow Sew Sisters on FB.
I like the fall because of the cooler weather - it gets really hot here in Florida.
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Those fabrics are over the top Gorgeous! I wish they were mine! I'm enjoying the fall by being outside as much as I can, plus getting exercise walking my dog. It will soon be too cold to do anything out there.
Currently enjoying a beautiful fall in Michigan! Love the colors and cooler temps! Thanks so much!
I am enjoying all the beautiful fall leaves.
I've been enjoying the fall by going for walks in the woods and in the city.
I follow you on google friend connect.
I just signed up to follow Sew Sisters on Google Friend Connect. I didn't know they have a bricks and morter store. I'lll have to check it out when I'm in Toronto.
OH my gosh I can't wait for fall to officially get here! I so look forward to being able to open the windows and sleep with fresh air at night instead of the A/C..don't get me wrong, I feel very fortunate for A/C but...just waking to fresh air is a great way to start my day!
Fall is a great time for those long outdoor walks and seeing the trees in their new colours.
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It's spring here and all my roses are starting to bloom. Beautiful!
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I follow you by email
I love the cool, crisp days of the fall months. They make me want to play hookie from work!
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I follow the Sew Sisters shop on Bloglovin.
Fall is the BEST! Last year I was laid up a broken leg, so am really appreciating it this year.
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I'm enjoying the cooler weather and watching people pick costumes out for Halloween! Thanks
I get their newsletter! Thanks
I follow you by bloglovin and email! Thanks
We went for a drive in the country jusr to enjoy the day.
I love Fall and the cooler weather. Anyone over 50 knows what I mean!
I signed up for Sew Sisters newsletter.
I follow you by email and probably also Bloglovin.
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