Saturday, October 11, 2014

Q4 FAL blue sky list

Finish Along 2014

It's Q4 in the FAL, and time to make my list for the last quarter of the year. If you have not done so yet, get your list made and head over to see Katy at The Littlest Thistle to join the fun, there's only three days left to get your own link up.

I always dream of so much quilting in the last quarter of the year. The long, long dark nights are perfect for making cuddly blankets, and the holidays are even more incentive to finish some things. With that in mind, and no laughing, today I am deadly serious about this plan, here is my list for Q4, in no particular order:

Decipher Your Quilt - blocks

1. Decipher Your Quilt blocks - I am going to make these into a finished, happy quilt.

Improv strips - in progress

2. Modern tiny guitar case - the bundle of interfacing has arrived, and this is going to be fun to finish.

Improv log cabin blocks

3. ColourFUL improv log cabins: This bundle of fabrics has a bunch of woven textured fabrics included. I think this will be a perfect fall quilt.

Blended Scraps

4. New Blended Scraps quilt - I have some blue blocks done too. I think this one might be a Christmas present for someone - so that means get it done. By the way, Nicky and I have great sponsors for Scraptastic Tuesday, do plan to join us this coming Tuesday in the link up.

Pickledish block

5. King size Pickle Dish - It feels like I have listed this quilt on almost every quarter of the FAL. Now I have the machine to quilt her, so it is time to finish her off.

Improv Sampler - in progress

6. Free bee quilt - My friend Marianne mentioned her Free Bee blocks at lunch last week which reminded me that I have these beauties to turn into a quilt. Now would be good.

Stonehenge block quilt - in progress

7. Modern Block Bee blocks - I have enough of these blocks for a small baby quilt, and babies are being born all about me. I'm going to stop thinking about making more blocks and instead make that baby quilt so I can give it away.

Mystery Quilt - basted

8. Mystery quilt - This is the most beautiful quilt top I have made - Sheila's pattern and teaching have a lot to do with that. I know you are tired of seeing it on these lists, so I am ultra determined to finish her this quarter.

Ocean Waves - top

9. Ocean Waves - these are the blocks are from my bee mates in Always Bee Learning. I've got 6 more blocks to make and finish her off, so that this quilt will be on the fancy sofa for the holidays.

No - for the No quilt

10. The No quilt is a project near to my heart, and has sat mostly stalled. I am putting it on the list because I really, really want this quilt finished. Really, the length of my lists might be a good reason to finish her, I seem to not get the message (just say no, Leanne!) yet.

Other stuff not on the list because it's not started or doesn't qualify:

  • new modern quilt pattern to go with Canvas - it's just in my head, I hope to start it this weekend so not on the list yet. I'll need some testers - if you are interested let me know.
  • a new Cycles quilt - I have at least two more in my head.
  • a bed size Landmarks quilt - this will be another scrap project.
  • another quilt pattern - just sorting out the details on this one and am very excited.
  • a City Sampler Quilt using Tula Pink's book - yet another scrap project.
  • a blog hop quilt - this one will be very fun and fast.
  • some device covers - I have it in mind to make a bunch of these for holiday presents, and at least a new one for my computer.
I am stopping now, clearly that feeling of not knowing what to do today just needed a list. It's a long weekend here, good thing.

Happy Thanksgiving!




1 Canadian Abroad said...

Oh my lord. I am left speechless.

2 Jennie said...

Great list - the long ones are always the best! Good luck - I really look forward to seeing how you quilt the mystery quilt - it is beautiful!

3 barbara woods said...

lot of work, good luck

4 Camilla said...

Wow I would find that list daunting! But maybe it's good to have it out of your head and spelt out!?

5 Sarah said...

Eh, wow, I think! You have many gorgeous projects to keep you motivated through that list and we shall cheer from the sidelines! Go, Leanne, go!!

6 the running hare said...

OMG Leanne, that is one big list!

7 SewPsyched! said...

oh Boy!!! One fabulous quilt after another! such a drool worthy list :)
Happy Happy Thanksgiving!! Don't say 'NO' to pie!!
XX! Lori

8 Heather J said...

Wow! I'll look forward to seeing these finishes. 😄. If you need al tester, let me know. Happy Thanksgiving.

9 What Comes Next? said...

wowzer! I'm tired just reading your list! Good luck with it all - there are some fabulous quilts on that list that it will be nice to see finished :)
Happy Thanksgiving!

10 ChristaQuilts said...

What a fun list!!

11 Katy Cameron said...

Whew, you have been busy of late, good luck with all that!

12 MariQuilts said...

That's an impressive list!!!!

13 Constantly Quilting said...

i love your mystery quilt! the fabric is beautiful! hope to see this one when it's done.
good luck with all your projects.

14 margaret said...

some lovely blocks you have there to put together and the mystery quilt is lovely, I like the delicacy of the fabrics you have used in it

15 Carla said...

Well, enjoy working on that list. You can do it!

16 Catherine said...

I love the colours in your list of projects. Can't wait to see the mystery quilt finished

17 Sheila said...

Phew! I think your Mystery Stars has been waiting for your longarm, get to it girl!!

18 Susan said...

I'm quite exhausted just reading this list! But I am excited to see the Pickle Dish there! And I will certainly be sharing something for a Scraptastic Tuesday post....

19 Pennie said...

Blimey!! Am happy to pattern test if it helps you get that list finished - in the absence of posting my own list!!

Anonymous said...

Holy Moly, you are ambitious! That is a crazy cool lineup. Will enjoy following your progress.


21 CapitolaQuilter said...

Love them all. Maybe if you start with the NO quilt and hang it up in the sewing room it'll be a good reminder. I need one for myself. Your FreeBee and the tula stood out for me, super!

22 Linda said...

just wondered when quilts began to be referred to as "she".

23 Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Lots of great projects Leanne. Good luck. You've inspired me to get my b__ in gear.

24 elle said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Leanne

25 Katy Cameron said...

Psst, you know it says Q3 right at the top of that list, have you been dreaming these up for a while? ;o)

Good luck!

26 pennydog said...

Yey the pickle dish is back! :P

27 klstitches said...

Lots of wonderful projects, fall is a great season to finish them, the days get shorter, more sew time!

28 Debbie said...

Well my comment seems to have disappeared...but loving those Free bee blocks! But honestly, there is so much goodness here, and you & your new machine will make quick work of them! Show us how it's done! ;-)

29 Mary Huey said...

you go girl!! Your list makes mine look so doable!! Best wishes on getting lots done on all those exciting projects!

30 Archie The Wonder Dog said...

I won't laugh at yours if you don't laugh at mine..!

31 Vera said...

Great projects! Good luck!

32 Rhonda the Rambler said...

I follow you in several places! Anywhere actually

33 said...

I see a couple of oldie but goodies on this list and look forward to see your ambitious progress