So the Q3 link to show off your Q3 Finishes closes in 3 hours, and as a result this post will be a little rushed. I needed to have the light to take the photos, and since Katy's home is many hours ahead of me, her end of the day is far earlier than mine, insert more excuses here, anyway, a good lesson in not waiting until the last minute to do stuff.

On my Q3 FAL hopes and dreams list (go here) I said I would finish each of these pillows, which I am now calling The Sixties Pillows. I hauled them to the coast for the summer and back. I really love them. When did I finish them - this weekend.

Turns out I was glad they were not done. It gave me a lovely quilting project for the weekend. I tried out a lot of different designs. I quilted the Sixties Red Pillow with hot pink 40wt Aurifil thread.

See those diagonal lines in the middle part, I had planned for them to be more straight. Well after one line, it was clear that I would need a ruler for straight diagonal lines on my long arm, so I turned them into wavy, scribbly lines, and I really like them. You know, make lemonaide.

These pillows use the pillow size instructions in my Canvas pattern, and if you wanted to buy the pattern you could go here to see all the different options for doing that.

I had a lot of fun using some of my treasured Comma prints for these pillows. I used a bright orange 50wt Aurifil thread to quilt the Sixties Orange Pillow.

I installed invisible zippers in them too. I have to mention that invisible zippers are almost as fast as just sewing the seam up. The only difference is the time to pin in the zipper, maybe 3 more minutes. Everyone can do it.
See, reasonably invisible. I have a tutorial on installing these zippers here.

My procrastination gets worse. On these two baby quilts, again using my Canvas pattern, all I had to finish was the binding. Seriously. Again, I left it until last night, of the last day in the quarter.

That is the back of the Aqua/Pink one. I made these two quilts to see what happened when mostly the same prints were used but the placement was reversed. I think that maybe the one above - Aqua/Pink looks a little more masculine.

And maybe this one - Pink/Aqua - is a bit more feminine. Anyway, both are suitable for babies, who really don't care much about that sort of thing anyway.

This is the back of the Pink/Aqua one. These baby quilts are 33" square after a good wash and dry.

So for the rest of my Q3 FAL hopes and dreams list, I finished Pointed and you can read about her here.

And I finished my winter scarf, more on it here.
That makes 5 finishes (I listed the two baby quilts as one thing as just the bindings seemed so small) out of 8 hoped for, which for me is an excellent showing this quarter - even if most of it was all done at the last minute because I could not bear to have them not done a minute longer. That is exactly what the FAL is for, after all, right?
I have to rush back to work, see you tomorrow.
How busy you must have been. Beautiful pillows and love the colours and the quilting.
Love the pillows. I'm reading through slowwwwwwwly, Joseph Albers The Interaction of Color. Your pillow look inspired from his book.
that's a lot of beautiful finishes Leanne. I so love those pillows (no surprise here :)) your quilting is just amazing.
oh goodness! The quilting on those pillows make me so happy. Just lovely and I love that you quilted with colored thread pm the black borders. Yay for 5 finishes, tho I'd count that as 6. Done is done.
Love all that texture.
Your quilting is such an inspiration. Congrats on five fabulous finishes
I love how the quilting changes the looks of things so much. As always, loving what you're doing and inspiring me to up my quilting game.
Oh, very nice pilows. Perfect craft. Wonderful.
Love the colours and the quilting!
great finish Leanne! Don't we just love deadlines :) I finished and posted 5 hours prior the closing linky, lol.
lots of great finishes here, especially like the cushion with the red/oranges the colours are lovely, 2 very nice baby quilts and the Pointed quilt looks wonderful, the scarf will be just the job for keeping you warm in the winter is looks so cosy
Wow, these are all so beautiful! How fun to have gotten so much done....even if it was last minute.
Fantastic finishes Leanne and all so beautiful!
Again...love the quilting on these pillows! But the pillows are amazing! I love the colors. You are so insipiring~everytime I see your quilts I get so many ideas! Thank you!
I just love your quilting for the pillows! If one buys the pattern is one allowed to sell items made with said pattern? thanks :)
Love those pillows! Great additions to a fab list of finishes!
It sounds like the finish along has worked perfectly for you! What a lovely pile of accomplishment!
Nice saves! Amazing what a deadline can do - trust me, I know from experience.
I love those cushions - the quilting is fabulous on them!
Such intense quilting, but I really like it. The cushions in particular are great! Good job finishing so much. If a goal means you finish what you say you will, it's a good thing. I'd probably look at the due date, say nah it's not going to happen, and laugh it off!
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beautiful,You have got real talent in your,How did the canvas printing went for you? I think it would have gone pretty well as your Canvas Pillows and Quilts looks exceptional perfect.
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