I have been debating setting an August goal for A Year of Lovely Finishes. I'm on sort of holidays, with my work intruding a bit more than expected, so I was not sure there was anything I could seriously commit to finishing. Then I remembered my knitting. This scarf is on my Q3 FAL list too.
So my goal is to finish it in August. I'll be linking this up with Shanna and Melissa shortly as the window to post a goal for AYOLF for this month closes in a couple of hours.
While I am here, it's time I mentioned that I made a big mistake in the first version of the Decipher Your Quilt Circles post, but it's all fixed now. A lovely reader (she is blogless) sent me an email to point out the mistake. Luckily for me, I actually make circles the way the post now reads, but vacation brain and hurrying all led me down the wrong path. If you pinned the post, you might want head over to pin it again as I changed out some of the photos, and so sorry for the inconvenience. I am so not close to perfect, it's just tiresome to make unnecessary mistakes too - sigh.
I wanted to mention that Leanne (she has such a great name, don't you think) over at Devoted Quilter, one of my pattern testers, made this fantastic version of my Canvas pattern. Go and take a look at her post, there are a number of close up shots of her fantastic quilting - it was well worth waiting to see her version don't you think. While you are there, you can enter her draw for a copy of the pattern and if you have already bought it and win, I will refund you the purchase price.
While we are talking about Canvas, Megan over at Pink Chalk Fabrics just made this beautiful baby sized version which you can read about on their blog here. Oh, and if you want to see a peek into my sewing space, you can check out the Pink Chalk Where I Sew post here.
Stephanie, who blogs at Spontaneous Threads, another one of my friends who tested my pattern, asked me if I would mind if she went her own way a bit with Canvas. Of course, I encouraged her to do what she liked. Well look at her stunning quilt, "Stitched" Derived Inspiration (No. 2) and you will want to go and read more about it in her blog post here.
It is so rewarding to see what people will do with my pattern, I just love every version.
Enough for tonight. Come back in the morning for my second "if you are shopping..." post.
I just love seeing all the different versions of Canvas! Thanks for sharing them here.
Love that last version! Fabulous!
Good luck with your knitting! I hope work stays away for the rest of your holiday x
Lovely knitting! We all make mistakes and hope you get a break and some rest soon!
Sorry about the working holiday, but good luck with the scarf!
Have fun with your knitting! Thanks for sharing my quilt, and the link to my post. So fun to see something I made on someone else's blog! Oh, and the canvas-inspired one is gorgeous too.
I think its fun to see a pattern that is outstanding on its own, taken to new levels with the creativity of someone else. I have your sewing space post saved to read later, I'm reading blogs right now, and I'll have a list of further reading when I have some free moments this week.
I've been working all summer it seems, I happily look forward to shorter days and less yard work to spend more time with fabric and stitching.
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