
Saturday, May 10, 2014

This and that

I had no time to sew this week. But let's start with the beautiful Mother's Day flowers that I got on Thursday, just because it would be nice to enjoy the flowers before I leave town on Monday.

You see, I am off to my very first Quilt Market. The badge proves it. I am very excited but would love any insights into market that you can share. Or if you, like me,  have never been there, what would you like to know about it? I will instagram when I can (I have to depend on wifi, as this is an international trip for me and my phone) and blog about it when I get back. I am off today to buy some very comfortable shoes, I am thinking that I will be on my feet a lot. Any other advice?

I am going to be sharing a lovely giveaway for Sew Mama Sew giveaway day this coming Monday.

And Blogger's Quilt Festival over at Amy's Creative Side starts next Friday so I need to get a post ready for that too. Remember, this festival is for everyone, I hope you will be adding a quilt to the festival too.

Well, I am off to get those shoes, and then to finish answering all the lovely comments you have been leaving this week. I also hope to do some quilting today. For those of you waiting for my Canvas pattern, the fantastic testers have been sending me the best input, it will be available soon. You can see some of the testers' versions by searching #canvasquilt, and I will be showing off their versions here soon.

Enjoy your weekend, Happy Mother's Day, in advance.




  1. Lovely flowers. Bet you will have an amazing time at quilt market

  2. I am going to Market for the first time this year, too! I'll be following this post for tips. Let me know what shoes you buy!

  3. Have a great time and I think you have all the preparation done if you find those comfortable shoes :)

  4. Lovely flowers.....have fun, I will want to hear all about it.

  5. So exciting for you! Hope you have a great experience.:)

  6. Drink water is all I can think of! Have a wonderful weekend and then some...

  7. Have a wonderful time at QM! Are you going to meet up with Katie?

  8. I also had such a busy week and when I read it somewhere else I always think it's like a global thing, lol. Have fun!

  9. Have a great time at Market, looking forward to hearing about your adventure.

  10. I'm sure you will have a ball at QM. Enjoy! Jxo

  11. I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful time!

  12. Enjoy every minute of it. I can't wait to hear about your first time. The fall will be my first one, and I hope to learn many things from you. Have fun....

  13. Enjoy the market and good luck for selling!!!

  14. Very envious. If I was going though I'd want to see a Penguins playoffs game too, it's been a few years since they won, and I think this may be the year. Not seen yesterday's game yet though so no one tell me the score...


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