Friday, May 16, 2014

Reflection, a Scrappy Quilt entry into the Blogger's Quilt Festival


Welcome. I'm entering my quilt, Reflection, in the Scrappy Quilts category of Amy's Blogger's Quilt Festival. If you visit here often, I hope you don't mind seeing her again. She seemed like the perfect entry for the festival.

 Let me tell you about Reflection. She is about 53" square after a good wash and dry. Reflection was made from many different fabrics, so she is definitely scrappy.

Reflection - detail after washing

I quilted Reflection on my long arm machine using hand guided free motion quilting in an industrial modern quilting style.

Reflection - detail

The pattern for this quilt came from my friend, Linda Rotz Miller (you can visit her website here or her flickr pages here). Linda was making these blocks, which she said were inspired by Maaike Bakker's book Strip Pieced Quilts, and I was inspired to make some too. Linda is a fantastic quilt top maker, ongoing inspiration and a wonderful teacher, and when I asked she showed me how.

With Linda's permission I posted a tutorial for this quilt block here.

Reflection - back

For the back, I used some strips and lovely black print whose designer I have forgotten. The binding was made from some more of some of the prints used in the front.

Reflection - detail

This is another detail shot after washing. I have to say, that for me, the quilt and the quilting are just not finished until the texture has been added by the wash. Also, we use the quilts, and thus they need regular washing.

Reflection - detail before washing

That photo above is before the wash and in slightly different light. I so love the colours and fabrics in this quilt, some from the new True Colors lines, some from Botanics, some from my stash, many low volumes from a number of sources. I am not sure if anyone would call this design - which is, in essence, just a bunch of HSTs (can you see them) - modern, but this quilt feels very modern to me anyway.

Reflection - back before washing

The back before washing and turned the other way.

Reflection - before washing

And there she is before the wash and probably in better light. I use this cheerful quilt as the extra quilt on my bed most nights, although maybe as summer finally arrives she will be more needed for naps instead.

I hope you are enjoying the Bloggers Quilt Festival, it is always full of inspiration.




1 Beth said...

I could never tire of this quilt! So pretty!

2 Cindy said...

Super entry! This is such a wonderful quilt :)

3 Vera said...

oh, I don't mind either. beautiful colors and fab structure.

4 Annabella said...

Gosh this is just stunning and I must have missed it gorst time round. It reminds me of some amazing Kaffe Fasset cardigan. I just love everything about it.

5 Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Beautiful and love the quilting!!

6 Debbie said...

Just beautiful - love seeing it again!

7 Hannele said...

Your quilt is so beautiful, the color gradation is perfect!

8 ~Diana said...

Beautiful, and the quliting gives it so much dimension...makes it look even more complicated than the design is...well done!

9 PaintedThread said...

Beautiful work. Simple quilting - I love it!

10 Poppyprint said...

One of my favs, Leanne!

11 pennydog said...

Good choice for entering, certainly don't mind seeing it again :)

12 said...

The color and texture in this quilt are just beautiful

13 Unknown said...

Hello, do you sell any of your work?

14 dutchcomfort said...

It sure is scrappy and it looks awesome!

15 Canadian Abroad said...

The colours get me with this every single time. One day I am going to see this in person because I love it!

16 What Comes Next? said...

yup - you can show this quilt as often as you want, I won't get tired of seeing it

17 Marci Girl said...

I said it before, I'll say it again, I Adore this quilt, simply beautiful! Hope you are having loads of fun at quilt market!

18 Lucy | Charm About You said...

Gorgeous! I really love all the tones in this quilt!

19 M-R Charbonneau said...

Yay, I'm so glad you entered this quilt. It's so beautiful, Leanne!

20 myrtovl said...

It's a real piece of Art!

21 Camilla said...

Love this! Can't remember if I commented before?! I am in the midst of using your tutorial and adapting it for my turn in do. good Stitches bee. The scrappy aspect makes it brilliant for a bee quilt.

22 helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

the quilting in this is stupendous, well done

23 make.share.give said...

So pretty! Love how the colors fade from dark to light.

24 Swannie said...

Oh my...this is simply stunning! What a beauty. The movement that the quilting lines make is amazing. I love everything about this quilt!

25 Catskill Quilter said...

I love this quilt! It always amazes me, how many great quilts can be made by playing with strips of fabric! (I pinned your block tutorial to my "Quilt Tutorials" page, and pinned your finished quilt to my "Quilts" board.)

26 Lisa J. said...

I love this quilt. It's luminous! Modern but kind of vintage looking at the same time.

27 Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Just so stunning xxx

28 Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

I've always loved this one and all the colors.

29 Dolly said...

Wonderful blending of colors, and fantastic after-wash texture !

30 Anita said...

Beautiful! Love the colors and quilting you did :)

31 Just A Southern Girl said...

So lovely! The colors chosen, the design, the quilting... it all works together so beautifully!

32 Jeneta said...

Beautiful! I like the back as much as the front.

33 Carla said...

So elegant!

34 Catherine said...

It made me gasp when the photo came up. I think it is wonderful. Good luck in the Festival and you'll have my vote.

35 CitricSugar said...

I would never mind seeing this one again!! The subtle shading, the rhythm of the quilting... There is nothing about it that I don't love! It's been bookmarked in my inspiration folder for awhile and it never ceases to do just that - inspire.

36 Millie said...

WOW! I think I have just found my all time favorite of this Quilt Festival. WOW, WOW, WOW! You have corralled these fabrics magnificently. Outstanding! To say I love this is an understatement of epic proportions. I LUST after this one! LOL. Great job!

37 Bluebell Ridge Handworks said...

Oh Leanne!! Congratulations for making it into the Viewer's Choice finals!! Hooray! Hooray!

38 Yvonne Campbell said...

I love everything about this quilt! It's amazing and the colors just work so well!!!

39 Jo Ann said...

My favourite part is pulling it out of the dryer. Crinkles add so much.

40 myBearpaw said...

I'm not surprised this quilt got nominated Leanne, it's one of my favourite quilts ever!! Good luck!

41 Cille said...

Congratulations :) I've said it before and I'll say it again... It's a fantastic quilt.

42 Wens said...

Absolutely gorgeous quilt! Amazing work :)

43 Elisabeth DeMoo said...

This is a beautiful quilt. The back is as lovely as the front.

44 the zen quilter said...

Love this quilt! It's definitely special - one of my faves! Thanks for sharing!

45 said...

Congratulations on the win - I love this quilt!!

46 the girlfriend gap said...

This is YUMMY! I have posted the tutorial for later reference :) Congrats on winning your category !

47 Teresa Duryea Wong said...

Can't believe you made this from scraps! Wonderful. Congrats on winning the scrappy category!!

48 Betty said...

Now why doesn't this surprise me AT ALL?? Such a beautiful & stunning quilt! And a tutorial!
You're an inspiration to us all Leanne!!

49 Надежа said...

Очень красивая геометрия,БРАВО!

50 Jane said...

Hi Leanne,
I'm the editor at Make Modern magazine and I'm putting together a gallery on the Bloggers Quilt Festival. I'd love to include this quilt. If you're interested, please email me at Jane at
