So far this year, the monthly goal setting for A Year Of Lovely Finishes has been very helpful for me actually getting things finished. I figured out that picking a FAL goal will also keep me moving along with that list too.
So this month my goal is to finish this thrift - also known more as the economy block - quilt. Many of the blocks were made for me by my friends in the Modern Stitching Bee but I got stuck when I was unsure if I should change the edge rows I had made. I'm over that, they are staying as they are and I am going to get a nice back made and put it on the long arm to quilt.
In case you were wondering, we had some snow last night, seriously. Oh well, all the more reason to quilt today and no chance to clean up the back garden. I am off to link up with the AYOLF group and to check out what others are up to this month.
I love this and can't wait to sew your yummy quilting with this one....oh by the way in Az. yesterday we hit 100 degrees!!!
This economy block quilt is looking great. It will be so pretty when finished.
It looks great - it will be a wonderful quilt :)
Love how your economy blocks use a variety of low volume fabrics! Really adds nice depth to this quilt top.
We had a flurry of snow that didn't stay long thank goodness. This is one of my three favourite blocks.
Very worthy of becoming a finished quilt. Bah, humbug, about your snow. Glad it will melt soon!
this is such a great quilt, I love all those low volume blocks combined with bright economy ones.
I love the edges! The whole quilt is fabulous!
very nice too so much fussy cutting to get those centre squares
It's predicted to hit 101 degrees here today! Love your quilt top!
Nicely done! I like the background blocks you've used to hold those varied economy blocks together.
Love your combination of color, light prints and neutrals! Very fun
I so love your take on the economy block quilt. It nicely highlights each fussy cut without overwhelming the eye. Gorgeous design, L.
It's lovely and well done on finishing something - I should finish some of my older W IP...one day
Can't wait to see your finished quilt.
Glad you left those borders. I didn't unpick any of my Lolly quilt after your advice, and I'm glad I left it. (So it's not perfect, I reasoned, it is the best that I could do and I'll just go forward.) It will be fun to see this quilted up!
It is beautiful! Looking forward to seeing how you quilt it.
Good luck Leanne! You can do it :)
Love the setting of your economy blocks quilt!
Good luck, looking forward to seeing this finished :o)
It's beautiful! We had snow last night too (in NL) and most of today too. It's still on the ground. Seriously, when is winter going to go away?
So so so lovely! Great goal. :)
love your quilt
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