Monday, February 24, 2014

Featuring Oakshott Fabrics and a give away

Today I am featuring my wonderful sponsor, Oakshott Fabrics. Oakshott Fabrics is a family run business in the UK, and I have had the pleasure of visiting twice with Micheal Oakshott in person at the Fat Quarterly Retreat in London. He is charming, interesting, and committed to providing top quality, beautiful fabrics to quilters and the sewing community. Michael and his mother Julia have and continue to develop the most beautiful colour range of the beautiful quality unique fabrics in careful and thoughtful partnerships with their suppliers.

Oakshott Fabrics has the fastest and most efficient shipping of any fabric store I have dealt with - generally if I order on Monday I have the order in my hands in Canada by the same week's end, usually sooner. Also, if you do not live in the UK, you will not be charged the British VAT taxes, they are taken off before you checkout. These fabrics are also becoming more available at other shops around the world too.

Crimson, Pink, Blood Orange and Saffron - Red inspired mini quilts

A shot cotton generally has two different colours woven together, one in the warp and a different one in the weft. The differences in those colours gives the fabric depth and movement. The use of wonderful cotton threads adds the shine and sparkle to these 100% cotton fabrics that is so hard to photograph.


My love of Oakshott Fabric's shot cottons has been long standing and you have seen them often on my blog. You might remember my quilt Red, which is made from Oakshott Colourshotts and Essex Linen. This quilt just shines in the sun.

Today I have two prizes to give away, and I think we should have two winners. One is that beautiful package of fat eights of Lipiari shot cottons. Each of these fabrics is has a black warp and a colourful weft. They sparkle like the downtown lights on a midnight walk just after the rain. One day I will make a cocktail dress out of one of these fabrics, they are so elegant.

Ohio Stars

I tend to pair the Oakshotts with Essex Linen it seems, here are my stars made with Lipiaris, but they work fantastically with regular quilting cottons too.

Stars, a table runner

I made the Lipiari stars  into a lovely runner that works all winter, not just for the holidays and is still out on my sideboard.

Our other prize is a set of 10" squares (layer cake size) of the 30 fabrics in the new Colourshott line. Michael has been working hard over the last several months to develop these new Colourshotts. The colours and drape of the fabrics are fantastic.

So to enter to win one of these two prizes, here are the three options for entries into the random draw:

  • Leave me a comment letting me know if you have used Oakshott shot cottons before, which of these two prizes you prefer and what you are thinking of using them for.
  • Sign up for the the Oakshott Fabrics Newsletter and leave me another comment to let me know you did or that you are already signed up. Go here to sign up for the newsletter at the bottom right.
  • If you have already done both of the above, and follow my blog or me on Instagram or become a new follower, you can have leave a third comment letting me know you do.
  • Make sure I can reach you, if in doubt, put your email address in your comments.

I will close this draw at 6:00 p.m. Friday, February 28. It will be a wonderful month end win for a couple of you.

she can quilt

By the way, Jess and I are so pleased that so many of you have filled out our survey for Decipher Your Quilt. If you have not filled it out yet, please go here to read about our new series and I hope you will take a minute to fill in the survey too.




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Verna Groger said...

Wow, what beautiful fabric. If I won, I would use it on my first quilted wall hanging.
verna at groger dot net

Margaret said...

I have not used Oakshotts but i have used Kaffe Fasset's shot cottons. I love the Lipari bundle. I'd incorpoate them into a couple of quilts I am planning. Or maybe I'll plan a whole new quilt with just those!

Margaret said...

I receive the Oakshott newsletter.

Margaret said...

I follow your blog via Bloglovin'.

GO STARS! said...

I've never used Oakshott Fabrics before but have been fascinated by them.

GO STARS! said...

I signed up for Oakshott's newsletter

GO STARS! said...

I'm one of your followers

Unknown said...

I signed up for the newsletter, thanks, Gwen

Nicky said...

Drawn as I am to the sultry Lipari I now need a bit of light in my sewing room so would love those 10" squares of colourshott! I think I'd be adding them so my clamshell quilt to add a bit of brightness and sparkle!

Nicky said...

I have used Oakshott before and love it so much! And I am already signed up to their newsletter!

Nicky said...

I follow you on your blog and IG! And I've met you in person!

Live a Colorful Life said...

Oakshotts are definitely on the top of my list of favorite fabrics. I just finished a gorgeous Swoon for charity auction and the fabrics just glow against black. I agree with their speedy shipment! I had just placed an order and after a week wondered why it hadn't arrived. Somehow I can't received Michael's email explanation that he was waiting for one part of my order. And he actually CALLED me! I had a delightful conversation with him. I hope to meet him someday.

Pat V. said...

I have never used Oakshott cottons, in fact I've never even seen them IRL! Would love to win either of these and give them a try. I'm thinking of pairing them with some Kaffe Fassett fabrics I've been hoarding...

Pat V. said...

And, oh yes, I follow your blog via bloglovin.

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Oh boy would I love to try these!! I have not had the opportunity yet to work with Oakshott fabrics so this would be wonderful.

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Signed up for their newsletter. Love their products.

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

I'm already your follower. Love how you have used the Oakshotts in your work.

Unknown said...

I haven't tried Oakshotts yet, but I love the look!

Cecilia said...

I haven't had the opportunity to use them yet, but I love the colors. I would love to win the fat eighth bundle to use in a quilt.

Cecilia said...

I already subscribe to their newsletter.

Unknown said...

I haven't used Oakshott Cottons, but they're gorgeous. Would love to try them out.

Unknown said...

I'm now on the Oakshott newsletter list.

Unknown said...

...and I follow your blog regularly too. Thanks!

Tamie said...

I would first choose the Fat Eighths bundle but would be thrilled with either one! I haven't used them yet but really want to. I've never made a bag for myself but would love one made of these with some linen. Getting excited just thinking about it.

Tamie said...

I get Oakshott's newsletter.

Tamie said...

I follow you on IG and follow your blog too.

Julie in GA said...

I have not used Oakshott cottons before, but would love to give them a try. I would be happy with either prize. Thanks for the chance to win!

Julie in GA said...

I just signed up for the Oakshott newsletter.

Anne said...

Ohhh man, you know I have serious love for Oakshotts. I have used them before and I'm a total convert.
Of the two, I'm drawn to the new colourshotts, which I am really excited about! I'd love to get a chance to try them out. :) I would pair them with low volumes in a type of plus quilt. I've had a design I've wanted to work with, but I haven't collected the oakshott rainbow yet. It's this one:

Anne said...

I'm already signed up for their newsletter.

Anne said...

I follow your blog and I follow you on IG! :)

Lori said...

I have enjoyed following your blog for some time, I have never tried any oakshot cottons but these bundles would be awesome to start out with. both are nice, but the fat eights have some real depth to those colours, beautiful! thanks for the chance to win!

Jo said...

I have not had, the chanceto use these fabrics yet, but would enjoy giving them a try. I would , prefer the 10 inch squares

Jo said...

I already receive the newsletter

Jo said...

I follow by e-mail

jbettyb said...

I have not used Oakshott fabrics before, but I have been looking covetously at them when I see them used in other quilters blogs. The colours look amazing. I would be happy with either set, though I lean toward the Lipiari eighths which I would use in a paper-pieced wall quilt. Thank you for this great giveaway.

Katie said...

I have not used them before but know several ladies that have and I would love an opportunity to give them a try

Katie said...

I would love to try out the jewel tone bundle and make a quilt for my bed of the card trick Lemone star

Katie said...

follower on bloglovin

pennydog said...

I made my Kaleidostar cushion entirely with Oakshotts! It was a labour of love I can tell you

pennydog said...

I'm already signed up for the Oakshott newsletter (and forgot to say I'd prefer the Liparis please)

pennydog said...

I follow your blog and IG (and I forgot to tell you that I'd probably make a dress out of them too if there was enough yardage, so it will probably be a quilt with those sorts of cuts!)

Melissa said...

They are all beautiful fabrics! I have never used them before being a fairly new quilter, but would love to use
them in a project! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I've never used Oakshott, but they look beautiful! If I had to choose, I guess I'm leaning towards the 10" squares, but I do love those dark jewel tones! I love making tablerunners with those colors. And I signed up for the Oakshott newsletter. My email is

Susan Stanton said...

I have never sewn with Oakshott fabrics, but they would make a lovely lap quilt. The colors in the Colourshott line are lovely. Thanks for the giveaway.
yoyopattycakes at

Susan Stanton said...

I signed up for the Oakshott Fabrics newsletter.
yoyopattycakes at

Susan Stanton said...

I follow your blog by email.
yoyopattycakes at

Katherine said...

I've never used them before, but am inspired to try them, Leanne. I can see pairing them with some Essex linen or even some low volume cottons for a lap quilt. I would be thrilled with either prize. Thanks, Leanne and Oakshott!

diane said...

I've never used Oakshotts before, but I would love to get my hands on some! I actually don't even have a preference because the Lipiari and the Colourshotts both look equally delicious! I would definitely make a quilt with either, probably some sort of a sampler quilt for certain. Thanks for the giveaway!

diane said...

I signed up for the Oakshott newsletter!

diane said...

I follow you via email!

Catherine said...

What's not to like about Oakshott? The colours are so subtle. I agree about the service too. I had a recent order within 48 hours here in the UK. I used it for the centre Medallion in my latest quilt. It made the star shine out!
I think I'd like the Lipari colours to team with black in a tumbling blocks quilt

Catherine said...

already subscribe to the Oakshott mailing list and a follower too!

cynthia said...

I've never used oakshots, but I want to! I love that table runner, and should I be so lucky to win the bundle, I'd make one!

cynthia said...

I receive the Oakshot newsletter!

cynthia said...

I follow you on bloglovin'!

Ken said...

I've not worked with shot cottons but can see how they would make whatever is made just stand out front and center. I am going to sign up for the Oakshott newsletter and pay closer attention to the Lipiari collections. I have not "first" choice - - they are both wonderful and would be put to good use. Both my husband and I quilt so we might have to fight over who gets the privilege of sewing with the fabrics.

Unknown said...

I haven't used or even seen Oakshotts in person. I read how wonderful they are and how much people love them. Either would be lovely and so generous. I guess I like the layer cake as I just found a new pattern to use with layer cakes. Although, I'd be happy to use either one to create with! Thanks for the chance to win. shopgirl7232(at)yahoo(dot)com

Shevvy said...

I would like the new colourshotts as I haven't any of those yet. I would probably just admire them for a long time, like I do the rest if my oakshott stash!

Shevvy said...

I get their newsletter already.

Shevvy said...

I stalk you all over social media honey!

valerie boudier said...

Aren't their fabrics fabulous - I have visited their warehouse with my quilting group. Would like the layer cake

valerie boudier said...

Already signed up for their newsletter valerie(dot)boudier(at)ntlworld(dot)com

Chancy said...

I've never used Oakshott before, but have been dying to try. I would definitely take the Fat Eighths since I love the deep effect the black gives them.

Kathy Davis said...

I would love the fat eights and include them in a quilt.

Heather A said...

I would love that stack of Oakshot fat quarters. I've been wanting to try them but haven't even seen them IRL - just in photos. I think I would make a manly quilt and pair with some linen and maybe mix in some Parson Gray fabrics ... maybe, unless I decide to stick with all solids. I think I'd make the oakshots little squares inside a mix of linen squares. Something simple.

Heather A said...

I get the Oakshott newsletter.

Heather A said...

I follow your blog with Feedly.

Paula said...

I've recently purchased oakshott fabric but not yet used it. I would love to win the fat eights and would use them in making placemats.

OhioLori said...

I haven't used Oakshotts...YET! They are Beautiful!!! I would make a nice Throw for our Family Room....or a reallllly cool Tote to carry my projects everywhere with me!!! :)

OhioLori said...

I get the Oakshott Newsletter too :)

OhioLori said...

I follow your Blog too, thru Bloglovin :)

OhioLori said...

Oooooh geesh! forgot to add...would love the Layer Cake bundle ... but definitely either would be Awesome to use! Thanks

Unknown said...

I have used other similar cottons but not these - they are really beautiful and I would love to try them! I would take either the fat eighths or layer cake I have been working with more solids and these are lovely…Thanks for the chance

Dawn said...

I still have to try some linen and might as well add some Oakshott. It would make a beautiful pillow (I'm on a pillow kick).

Dawn said...

All signed up for the newsletter too.

tusen said...

I've never used Oakshott cottons, just admired them. The Liparis are so beautiful and sparkly but I think I would just stare at them instead of using them, while if I won the Colourshotts I could use them in a quilt I'm planning for my godfather.

tusen said...

I already receive the Oakshott Fabrics newsletter.

tusen said...

And of course I follow you here and on IG :)

Mania said...

Wow! These fabrics are my dream! They are so beautiful and elegant! I would love to win a set of 10 "with 30 fabrics! And yet you never I won ... Maybe this time I-I hope ... Regards, a nice day

Mania said...

I have signed up Oakshott cotton newsletter before..

Mania said...

I follow your blog on Bloglovin

Camilla said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I'd love to win the bundle, or either really! I'd like to use them 1/3rds with each colour group possible in mats or cushions. I haven't used them before (yet!)

Camilla said...

I already get the Oakshott newsletter.

Camilla said...

I subscribe to your blog via Feedly and it's always a great read!

Marisa said...

Wow. I would love either of these sets of fabric. I have not used Oakshotts before-just drooled over the pictures of those who have. I would prominently display them for a good long while. Would I have to use them!?!?!? :) Thanks for the opportunity. mmckee at wi dot rr dot com

Cindy said...

I haven't used them before, but I've seen them and they're gorgeous. I would either make a table runner, so I could see them every time I eat, or a paper pieced wall hanging with stars. The fat 8th would work best for the wall hanging, but the squares would work for the table runner. So either works.

Cindy said...

I love your blog so I follow on bloglovin and email, I believe.

Cindy said...

I signed up for their email.

Wendy said...

I have never used them, but I've drooled over them. i'd be over the moon with either! I'd love to make a quilt for our bed as they are not girly fabrics at all.

Wendy said...

I'm already signed up for the Oakshott newsletter

Wendy said...

I already follow you on Instagram and I'm nipping over to do your survey now

delwak said...

I have never used oakshott cottons I would like the fat eights. I like half square triangle.

Colleen said...

I follow your blog

Colleen said...

I would love to try a quilt using the Lipari

Mel_Lind said...

I think I'd like the Layer Cake due to the huge variety. I would love to include them in some modern bee blocks I'm working on.

Deborah said...

I have not used Oakshotts. They all look lovely; I truly have no preference, given the 2 choices. Would love to use them in a luscious lap quilt!

Deborah said...

And...I just signed up for the newsletter...

Deborah said...

I've been following your blog...always inspiring!

Susanbkatz said...

Love the Oakshott cottons! Bought an assortment at Road to California and have been savoring them since. Both prizes are wonderful, but I am looking at the Lipiari fat eighths and thinking how gorgeous they'd be in a quilt. Thanks, Leanne, for your blog and your giveaway!

Susanbkatz said...

I follow your blog via bloglovin.

Allison Sews said...

Wow those dark Oakshotts are GORGEOUS!! I have only worked with Kaffe shot cottons before and they are rather thin. I hear Oakshott are more substantial and I'd love to make myself a quilt with them. Maybe some sort of cool nighttime scene.

Allison Sews said...

I follow you :)

Lucy | Charm About You said...

I have used Oakshott and love them! Either of the prizes would be wonderful!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

I already get the newsletter

Lucy | Charm About You said...

I follow you of course! :)

Kitty said...

I havent used Oakshot before, but I would love the 10" squares for a quilt~!

Kitty said...

I'm a new follower on your blog!

Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

Aren't the fabrics amazing: I've used them twice - both times on projects for other people and *really* didn't want to part with them! Good luck to all!

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