Today I am featuring my wonderful sponsor, Oakshott Fabrics. Oakshott Fabrics is a family run business in the UK, and I have had the pleasure of visiting twice with Micheal Oakshott in person at the Fat Quarterly Retreat in London. He is charming, interesting, and committed to providing top quality, beautiful fabrics to quilters and the sewing community. Michael and his mother Julia have and continue to develop the most beautiful colour range of the beautiful quality unique fabrics in careful and thoughtful partnerships with their suppliers.
Oakshott Fabrics has the fastest and most efficient shipping of any fabric store I have dealt with - generally if I order on Monday I have the order in my hands in Canada by the same week's end, usually sooner. Also, if you do not live in the UK, you will not be charged the British VAT taxes, they are taken off before you checkout. These fabrics are also becoming more available at other shops around the world too.
A shot cotton generally has two different colours woven together, one in the warp and a different one in the weft. The differences in those colours gives the fabric depth and movement. The use of wonderful cotton threads adds the shine and sparkle to these 100% cotton fabrics that is so hard to photograph.
My love of Oakshott Fabric's shot cottons has been long standing and you have seen them often on my blog. You might remember my quilt Red, which is made from Oakshott Colourshotts and Essex Linen. This quilt just shines in the sun.
Today I have two prizes to give away, and I think we should have two winners. One is that beautiful package of fat eights of Lipiari shot cottons. Each of these fabrics is has a black warp and a colourful weft. They sparkle like the downtown lights on a midnight walk just after the rain. One day I will make a cocktail dress out of one of these fabrics, they are so elegant.
I tend to pair the Oakshotts with Essex Linen it seems, here are my stars made with Lipiaris, but they work fantastically with regular quilting cottons too.
I made the Lipiari stars into a lovely runner that works all winter, not just for the holidays and is still out on my sideboard.
Our other prize is a set of 10" squares (layer cake size) of the 30 fabrics in the new Colourshott line. Michael has been working hard over the last several months to develop these new Colourshotts. The colours and drape of the fabrics are fantastic.
So to enter to win one of these two prizes, here are the three options for entries into the random draw:
- Leave me a comment letting me know if you have used Oakshott shot cottons before, which of these two prizes you prefer and what you are thinking of using them for.
- Sign up for the the Oakshott Fabrics Newsletter and leave me another comment to let me know you did or that you are already signed up. Go here to sign up for the newsletter at the bottom right.
- If you have already done both of the above, and follow my blog or me on Instagram or become a new follower, you can have leave a third comment letting me know you do.
- Make sure I can reach you, if in doubt, put your email address in your comments.
I will close this draw at 6:00 p.m. Friday, February 28. It will be a wonderful month end win for a couple of you.
By the way, Jess and I are so pleased that so many of you have filled out our survey for Decipher Your Quilt. If you have not filled it out yet, please go here to read about our new series and I hope you will take a minute to fill in the survey too.
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I've never used Oakshotts before. I'd love the Lipiairi bundle. I'd make a quilt for my bed.
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Beautiful inspiration! I would love to try the Colours Shot line. I think it would make a striking wall hanging with various sizes of stars. my email is
I would love the fat eighths collection. I'd make a plus quilt with those beautiful colors to show them off. Thanks for featuring them and for the opportunity to win.
I also follow you on bloglovin. Thanks again!
I have used Oakshott fabric before and I love it! You are right, it is near impossible to catch the colours in a picture. I would be very, very happy with either of these gorgeous bundles. Thank you for the chance!
No, I haven't tried the Oakshott shot cottons. I'd like to try the Lipiari shot a quilt I am planning. Such pretty colors.
I'm a follower!
I've not used them before, but I think they would make a lovely table runner, maybe even enough for a small quilt, with a few extras thrown in for luck.
Signed up for the the Oakshott Fabrics Newsletter!
I have never used Oakshott's but would love to give it a try! Thanks for the giveaway chance!
I would definitely make a quilt with this fabric. It is beautiful. I have not used it before, but would love to try!
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Bloglovin follower: Nicole Sender
I have used Oakshotts before and I totally agree with you - they look so much better in person. :)
I would be ecstatic with either bundle but if forced to choose I'd go for the fat eighth bundle. I've been wanting to make a sampler quilt (maybe something from Vintage Quilt Revival) with solids and these would be absolutely gorgeous!
I just signed up for the newsletter. :)
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never used them but would love to try, either one
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I love these ... I would absolutely use them to make a modern, sophisticated quilt for mother who has always been both. I've been keeping an eye out for just the right solids to anchor and these are just beautiful.
I've never used Oakshotts before but the more I see them the more I want to have them! I love the color in the Lipiari collection. I think they would make a fabulous addition to my fall quilt. I can see lots of modern maples with these pretties!
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have been reading your blog for a while, now officially following . I have never used oakshott as yet but would love to try the oakshott
I've used the Oakshotts in a wall hanging in my dining room - it's so beautiful, and I actually pet it occasionally because the fabrics feel so nice. I've also used them in a table runner for my dining room and have the same issue - they are so soft that I pet them! I'd love either gift, but probably the layer cake is my favorite choice. Thanks for the great prizes!
I've not used Oakshott fabrics as yet. I'm on a fabric fast until July and then my goodness, it's fun time! It's my birthday too and some fabric from the new collection will be on my birthday wishlist. What would I make? A large lap quilt for sitting under whilst watching tv this coming Winter.
I've signed up for the Oakshott newsletter. Thanks for the chance to win. Twice!
I've never used oakshots but they look so fantastic! I guess I'd prefer the fat 8th bundle and I would make a wall hanging for work so I could stare at it all day!
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I haven't worked worth oakshotts but the look amazing. I would choose the fat eighths and make a wall quilt so I can stare at it all day.
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I haven't been so lucky to use Oakshott cottons before, mainly because I haven't yet been brave enough to spend that much on fabric, even fabric that I know would be my absolute favorite in the world. I would be over the moon to win either of the prizes, but I guess I would like the fat eighths a teensy bit more. I think these would call for something extra special, so I might attempt a wedding ring quilt with these. It has been my intention since I got married to make a wedding quilt and I think these Oakshotts could be worthy.
And I get the Oakshott newsletter.
And I follow your lovely blog. Thank you!
I have just been reading about Oakshots & checked out the UK video. I haven't seen the fabrics in person, but really "need" to. It sounds as if the hand would be so much better than other woven plaids for example.The colors are just fantastic. I'd love to use the jewel tones in improv blocks - then I'd need gray oakshot or linen for the background ;-)
I haven't had a chance to use them since none of the local stores carry them. I think I would prefer the Lipiari collection as the colors would work wonderfully in my living room. I've been meaning to make some pillows and a table runner to personalize the space a bit more and these would be perfect!
I follow your blog via email.
Oh my, I love that fat eights bundle, but would be VERY happy with either bundle. I would definitely do something modern and linier.
I am a very happy follower on my email!
I have not used Oakshotts but now I want to the dark color attract my eye I would choose those!
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I would love to use the fat 1/8th to make a an original design quilt inspired by fellow SBAMQG member Pam Rocco's series on Telephone Poles.
I have never had the opportunity to use Oakshott fabrics before, but have been wanting to try them for a while. I would prefer the fat eighth bundle and would use it to make some decorative pillows for my bed. Thanks!
I receive the Oakshott newsletter, thanks!
I follow you via bloglovin, thanks!
I've never used any shot cottons before, but I think they are gorgeous! I love the fat eighth bundle - I can see a nice masculine quilt coming out of that bundle (with a few more feminine colors left over for me!).
I follow your blog!
I have not used Oakshott fabrics before but I think they are beautiful. I would use them for a quilted table runner and/or a beautiful bag.
I signed up for the Oakshott newsletter.
I follow your blog on bloglovin. :) Thank you for the chance to win!
I must admit I haven't used it before but would love some of that colorshotts. I would share it with my sisters to finish up the quilts we are working on.
I loooove the oak shot cottons. I've never used them before but I know they'd make a luxurious quilt for our bed. Yum!
I haven't had the opportunity to use Oakshott's fabric before but I love the stars you made. I love the darker bundle of colors!
I have never used them before, but they are stunning to be first choice would be the Lipiarj Fat Eights as they have that black undertone with them making them so dramatic....but I would be happy with either one if I was to win. Thank you for such an awesome giveaway to both you and Oakshot...
I have signed up for their newsletter...
I have been following you for a while now....your blog is on my sidebar of blogs that I follow and read daily...
I would choose the new colors (10" squares). I would use them to make pillows for my living room. I haven't used Oakshott yet, but I look forward to it in the future.
I would love to use the first bundle with my in-planning-mode Anna Maria Horner medallion quilt! I've never used them before but I hear so many good things!
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I've never had the pleasure of working with Oakshotts before. I would choose the Lipiari Fat Eights to make some pillow covers and a small zip bag. Thanks for the chance :)
I already receive the Oakshott Fabrics newsletter :)
I'm already one of your followers :)
I have never used them before but it is on my wish list. I would love to make a quilt out of them. The Lipiari fat eighth bundle is my first choice but I would be happy to win the 10 inch squares also.
I signed up for the Oakshotts newsletter.
I follow you by email.
I have not used them and they look lovely. I am partial to the dark LIpiari set but I love the new one too. So rich looking.
I have not used these before. I am thinking I need a bed runner and I love that star runner in the picture.
I have never sewn with Oakshott fabrics before, but by your description they sound wonderful!! I would love to sew a quilt with the fat quarter bundle!!
I am already signed up for Oakshott's newsletter
I have not yet used Oakshott cottons but would LOVE to! Both giveaways are wonderful and if I had to choose I would pick the layer cake. I would have to make a lap quilt along with some Essex yarn-dyed so I could enjoy them every day!
I follow She Can Quilt via Bloglovin'
I signed up for the newsletter- thanks for making me aware of it!
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I haven't tried Oakshotts, but love the look of them. I would be happy with either, but if I had to pick, it would be the layer cake. They would make a lovely table runner.
The Oakshott Fabric is absolutely beautiful. I can the shine in the pictures. I would love to win. I either make a quilted purse or a table runner. Thanks for the giveaway.
I have not used oakshott cotton before but would love the opportunity to do so. I am looking for shot cottons for a quilt I have in mind and these might be it. Lipari would be my first choice.
I am a follower
I signed up for the Oakshott newsletter . I forgot to say I have not worked with Oakshott Fabric.
I have seen them, but have never used them. You have done some great work with them.
So I'm like 'What is the big deal with Oakshotts?' Everybody is raving about them, Blogging about them...Then I get my hands on some in a quilt shop and I finally understand! Its not just that shimmer which you must see in person, no photo seems to do it justice but the real love is about the 'hand', the drape, the softness. They are just exquisite! I would love to work with that dark rich bundle. Just jewels. Cindy
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I follow you with bloglovin. Cindy
I signed up for their newsletter. I would like to do a paper pieced square in a square or stars like yours as I think changing the grain line would really show off the shimmer of the Oakshotts. Cindy
I have used them once and they were awesome. I really like the layer cake colors
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I haven't used them but I drool every time I see them! I'd find a way to use either stack but the first one is definitely my favorite
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I follow your blog and can't wait to see more Oakshott goodness
I haven't had a chance to try Oakshotts yet but would LOVE to! I'd seriously be thrilled to win either prize! That Fat Eighth bundle looks divine though! I love the black crossweave!
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I'm already a follower of yours :)
I haven't used them before but would love to try! I would be happy with either and would work it into one of the quilts on my to-do list!
I have not used them but i want to! I woud love the fat 1/8s bundle!
And i do follow!
I have never used, but would love too. ooh so hard to choose just one, I would be happy with either.
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My favorite is the fat 1/8 bundle. I'd love to use it in a quilt.
I've never quilted with shot cottons but I made a dress with a striped version more than 20 years ago. I wore the heck out of it and see similar fabrics today. I was mesmerized by the fabric way back then and I still love the look of shot cottons. I would choose the fat eighth bundle. Thanks
I've not used Oakshott yet, but am keen to do so. I've read that they are very soft, so I'd love to make them into a snuggle winter quilt I'd take either prize to be honest, but the Lipari ones I think are more versatile and resistant to grubby little fingers!
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I've been longing to use Oakshotts but haven't had the right project. I'd love to use those layer cakes to make a cozy sunroom sofa quilt.
Your blog was one of the first quilting blogs I encountered, and I've been following you ever since.
I have never tried the fabric but I hear wonderful things. I would try either but think the 10 in squares would be wonderful
I already receive Oakshott E-mails
What a fabulous giveaway. I have been wanting to try the Oakshott shot cottons but haven't been able to afford any yet. I would like the new Colourshott layer cake. I'm starting on a quilt that has a sort of "butterfly-looking" pattern and the colors in the layer cake would be perfect for them.
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I am already signed up for the Oakshott newsletter.
I haven't been able to buy any yet, but have noted all the projects I have seen with others using them. I really want some of this fabric and would love the fat eighths of course, but would be happy with either. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
Yes I've used oak shorts before, in fact I believe because of a mention by you.
I follow your blog
I have already been to the Oakshott Fabrics webshop and registered and signed up for their newsletter. Just window shopping so far. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
I signed up for their newsletter
I follow your blog by e-mail and bloglovin. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
I have not used these before but have heard lots of good things about them and would love to give them a try!
Just signed up for the Oakshott newsletter.
I follow your blog via Feedly.
I have recently bought my first ever Oakshott cottons and they are gorgeous. I would love the Lipari bundle and would use it for a table runner too so that I could enjoy it every day.
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I haven't used Oakshott fabric yet, but I'd love to make an improvised quilt with fat eighths.
I subscribe to the Oakshott newsletter.
I have not yet used Oakshott fabrics, but would love to make some sort of small evening bag from the Lipiari collection (I was inspired by your comment about the cocktail dress). Thank you so much for the great giveaway.
PS I signed up for the Oakshott newsletter.
I adore shot cottons! I used them in my economy block along, and want to fill the house with them :) a rich red/linen quilt and a long skirt I just saw online would be a good start. thanks for the chance!!
I follow you on IG and bloglovin. I love me oakshott cottons, so either prize would be a delight:) thanks! Givbludplayhocky@yahoo .com. Ps, the oakshott website is nicely done. Just thought is pass that along.
I have yet to try the Oakshots, and I am craving a little of the Colourshott to give it a go. Many thanks for the chance.
Oh, and I do get the Oakshott newsletter. Thanks
I have used These fabrics before using a pattern provided with the fabrics bought. I would love to try the layer cake fabrics.
I follow you on Bloglovin' :)
I follow via Google. Thanks for the chance to win.
I'd love the colourshott 10" squares. I won a couple Oakshotts in a scrap bundle. They were so soft! I loved cutting them too.
I haven't used Oakshotts before but would love to give them a try. I love the newer colours in the 10" squares :-) I would use them to make some bright cushions for my lounge.
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Oh I love solid quilts, never tried with Oakshotts, but if I won....
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I have been following your blog for a while now, really enjoy it, thanks
I have not used this fabric before, would love to win either prize. I am just beginning my adventure in modern quilting so would likely use it to build something there.
I like the colorshot the most. It seems brighter in the pictures. I would like to make something like your star runner.
contentncm at yahoo dot com
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contentncm at yahoo dot com
I haven't sewn a quilt with oakshott fabrics, but I love how subtle and elegant they are & would love to sew with either if these packets.
I have not used oakshott fabrics before, but the layercake pieces look so lovely. I'd use it to make/plan a starburst quilt
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I am a long time follower of your blog. Love your posts and hope they keep coming for a long time!! Thanks for hosting this lovely give away
I would love either bundle--they are both beautiful. I haven't tried Oakshotts before but would love to use them. robinsheloratearthlinkdotnet
I follow your blog. robinsheloratearthlinkdotnet
I have not used any yet...I love both options-but am leaning toward the fat 1/8 bundle. Would use in a Fall quilt-most likely a bear paw pattern.
Never tried them before, but maybe they would make a nice quilt? ;)
jachelno at gmail dot com
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jachelno at gmail dot com
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jachelno at gmail dot com
The shot cottons are beautiful - I love the jewel tones! Either bundle would be a great addition, the colors would make lovely pillows and a throw.
I subscribe to your blog on bloglovin'.
No I haven't ever used Oakshott fabric! I think the fat quarters will be fun, I can make a quilt block for a tote bag or a pillow case. I love the quilt you made, the colors really pop out!
pramuditahandaristi at gmail dot com
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pramuditahandaristi at gmail dot com
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pramuditahandaristi at gmail dot com
I've never used them, but they look interesting. I'd like to try the Colourshotts and might make some kind of pieced or appliqued pillow.
Wow. Those are gorgeous! I have now signed up for Oakshott Fabric's newsletter, found your Instagram (azannette414) and would love to use the layer cake in a simple hourglass block throw. :)
I have signed up for the Oakshott newsletter. What lovely fabrics. I look forward to seeing what you do with them. Janet Wright
I've never used the shot cottons before and can see that I would become a quick user! They are awesome! They remind me of vintage fabrics from the fifties! I would love to win the fat 8ths.
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I have used Oakshott, but really love your idea of pairing it with Essex linen and the great idea of a Lipiari cocktail dress! I think I'd like to play with the Colourshott bundle if I am the lucky winner.
I am a happy follower of your blog on Bloglovin.
What an awesome opportunity you are providing for all of us who have not tried Oakshotts! Both are gorgeous of course and the new ones look like raw silk. I am a follower via Bloglovin, thanks Leanne!
And I'm signed up for the newsletter already!
I am signed up for the newsletter.
Hi, Leanne! I have not seen these fabrics in our stores, but they look delicious! They remind me of some fabrics from the 70's, but I'm sure those didn't have such a nice drape and sheen. I am a 'warm' colored person, so that fat eighth bundle calls to me. Thanks!
Yes I do have some Oakshot fabrics i bought at the NEC. I am planning a baby quilt with them but - superstitiously - I won't start untilthe baby is born.
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I bought a purple oakshot once on a splurge. It was dreamy to work with. I love shot cottons and would love the Fat 8ths to play with but either would be wonderful. I would make a killer quilt with these and linen.
I would love to use some oakshot fabrics, I love the depth of colour. I think I would prefer the liparis fabrics because having black in the mix is a genius idea! I'd make some purses out of them I think.
I signed up for the oakshot news letter
I bought Oakshotts last winter and didn't like the weight of them they are so light and I had a horrible time ironing them, I am hoping the new ones that Michael has are better, so I would prefer to win the 10" squares to test them out.
I have not used Oakshott before. One of my quilting magazines this month had a lovely tote pattern for blocks of solids - these fabrics would be perfect! fat 1/8s would work best, but I also love a good layer cake!
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I've never worked with Oakshotts fabric before and would love the opportunity! I would appreciate either prize - as they both are lovely giveaways. I would no doubt make a quilt!
array-dawn at cox dot net
I signed up for the Oakshotts Newsletter! I'm looking forward to receiving it!
array-dawn at cox dot net
I haven't used Oakshott cotton before, but would certainly love to! Either prize would be fantastic!
I have been following you for awhile now on Bloglovin! I really love your blog and all of the projects that you make! : )
array-dawn at cox dot net
I have seen these all over the internet and have wanted to try them. Hopefully I will win.
i love the Lipiari colors, very rich, i need to make a quilt for my son. black is his color so these fabrics would work well to bring in a little color.
i signed up for their newsletter, these fabrics look awesome, must give them a try.
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I have never used any kind of shot cottons, these look wonderfull. The layer cake would be my first choice, for making a quilt, I'm thinking of a white background to make these colours pop up! Thanks for the chance to win
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