
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Can it be Wednesday already?


On Sunday, I realized it had been a while since I just finished something. And I had been doing laundry and realized just how shabby our old napkins were. So I got out my stack of prints from Angela Walter's Legacy line and a bunch of Essex linen and cut 10.5" squares.


I sewed the pieces wrong sides together, left a hole to turn through, pressed them and then topstitched around the edge, thus closing the turning hole in that process. Easy.


They are lovely and I am going to make more. Next time I think I will use 14 or 15" squares of fabric, but these are a good size as they are for every day use too.

Slab quilts for Calgary - in progress

I am also working to finish off the two slab quilts for Calgary. Cheryl gave me blocks, batting and backs for two quilts. I have pieced the blocks and finished the quilting, so all I have left to do is trimming and binding. It is crazy at my work right now but I am hoping to get these done and on their way back by Friday.

Sunset - in progress

I am also still working on Sunset. You can see the improvement after the ripping out episode. I am just loving the impact of the quilting, so I hope to finish this on the weekend.

That is all I am focusing on this week in the sewing room, I should have more time next week to get back to my long list.

           WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

I am linking to Lee at Freshly Pieced and The Needle and Thread Network, see you there.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my American readers!




  1. Very cool napkins and that is one HOT Sunset! ;)

  2. Sunset is looking fab! And very posh, napkins instead of baby wipes. Not that I can think of anyone that would use baby wipes. Nope, not me... ;o)

  3. Wow! Sunset it looking awesome.

  4. Great napkins, I love a quick finish project, so satisfying!

  5. You treat your family better than I do mine - as mine get paper kitchen roll at meal times. Unless we have guests and then we try to pretend that we are more refined. ;-)

    Love your napkins.

  6. Your napkins are great! I just received 10 1/2 yard cuts of Legacy that I'm going to make into a chevron quilt and I'm pretty excited about it!

  7. Well those just have to be the prettiest napkins I've ever seen.

  8. Lovely napkins! Sunset is really looking beautiful too. I feel antsy too when I haven't finished anything for a while (even though it usually means I've been making progress on a bunch of things). Hooray for quick projects!

  9. Love your napkins! Legacy Line is on my next shopping list :)

  10. Great napkins and of course I love the progress on Sunset!

  11. I've been looking in the shops for some lovely napkins for Christmas lunch. It never occurred to me to make my own - derrr! Thanks for kicking my brain into action :)

  12. All very beautiful projects!!!

  13. Love the napkins! I got inspired to make some for Christmas!
    Love all your projects!

  14. Love the sunset quilt. The quilting is wonderful. Great napkins.

  15. Ooh, I love those napkins, Leanne. I've got to get my kids using more fabric napkins so I will definitely be giving this a try. Sunset is looking gorgeous!

  16. Nice napkins. My family are rather messy and we would need 16" square ones! Di x

  17. I'm curious about how the napkins wash up. We're an all cloth napkin family but I have wanted the nice cotton like purchased cloth napkins

  18. The more I see of the sunset the more I love it. Great work.

  19. Your Sunset quilt is stunning Leanne!! great line of fabric there too....

  20. I'm sooo loving your sunset quilt!!!

  21. Sunset looks awesome! Your napkins are very pretty and doesn't it feel nice sometimes just to finish something?

  22. Love the napkins, and Sunset is amazing! I see the slab I made for the Calgary quilts peeking out of your photo - so neat to see it become part of a real quilt, and for such a good cause. Thanks for putting these together!

  23. Absolutely love the quilting on Sunset, it looks fantastic.
    The napkins look fabulous too, lovely fabrics and so quick to make.


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