Wednesday, September 4, 2013

It's Wednesday again, and I made some progress

Swirling Medallion - quilting detail

Last Wednesday I said I was going work on some things. Here is how I am doing.

The Swirling Medallion quilt had a back made, then it was basted, quilted, bound and washed. I will post a Ta Da post about it later this week, she turned out so nice.

Giant Plus - quilted

My Giant Plus quilt had a back made, and I basted and quilted her. So this coming week I hope to trim, bind and wash her. I went for fairly light quilting - at least for me - and I think it will work nicely with the giant size motifs.

The very last line

Tonight I quilted the last line on my St. Louis 16 Patch. I love the feeling of doing that last line. So this week I backed, basted, and quilted her too.

St. Louis 16 Patch - quilted

It is hard to see in this late night too dark picture but I quilted it in a cross hatch. I just love quilts with the squares and they puff up so nicely when they are washed. So another one to trim, bind and wash.

So last week I said I was hoping to quilt four quilts and finish the quilting on one other - getting three quilted is not bad. And in my defence, I ran out of batting - time to buy a new huge roll - and I need more pins if I want to baste 4 quilts at once. So quilting my Granny Square quilt and finishing the Emerald Irish Chain go back on the to do list.

Some Polaroid Blocks

Di from Random Thoughts of do or di directed me to a post from Sharon at Lilabelle Lane Creations (go here) calling for polaroid blocks for a special quilt. So I made some for her. I missed the mail today so I need to get these blocks and other mail out tomorrow at lunch.

Thrift blocks - for my turn in the Modern Stitching Bee

I did plan out and test my blocks for my round as Queen Bee in year 2 of the Modern Stitching Bee. I saw my friend Alison's quilt here, which I love. She linked to Robin's inspiration mock up photo - do go here to see it. I loved Robin's quilt so much that I emailed her for permission to copy it in my bee, which she generously gave me.

I am changing a couple of things - varying the text print to any thing that reads as a horizontal line on white/cream/ivory, and brightening the colour palette a bit, but mostly I am sticking to Robin's design. And thank you to Alison, for pointing out this great idea in the first place.

In case you wanted to make blocks similar, there are excellent tutorials for piecing the thrift (or economy or square in square) blocks at Red Pepper Quilts here and at Little Island Quilting here, I just gave my bee mates the math to make the units finish at 6" square. If you wanted to paper piece the thrift blocks, I drew up a paper piecing pattern and it is here. There are may tutorials for QSTs, I generally go back to this one, although I start with slightly larger squares and trim a bit. So the bee blocks are off the list.

Piece-of-Cake Shopping Bag

I was distracted by an excellent prize on Friday and dropped everything to make this lovely bag (my post about it is here) from Patchwork Please! Unfortunately I did not win the prizes but it is fine, as I have the bag.

I pulled a bunch of fabric and made these blocks for Bee Blessed. Again, they were supposed to get in the mail but getting to the post office before closing remains on the list. So I am done with bee blocks until mid month when fabric arrives in Always Bee Learning

My list for next week, from last week's unfinished business, is:

  • Finishing the Giant Plus and the St. Louis 16 Patch quilts.
  • Quilting the Granny Squares and the Emerald Irish Chain quilts.
  • Sort, trim, count and take stock of the pickle dishes, finish the blocks I have units for, and develop a plan for finishing it. 
  • Get those place mats finished.

And a couple of other projects:

  • Finish knitting Krista's hat, take stock and see if she needs a better one.
  • Recover my ironing board before the top falls apart. 
  • Start the Tula Pink City Sampler blocks. I am only about half way behind, I think there is time to catch up.
Another plan steeped in optimism but it remains my favourite way to be.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

I will link to Lee at Freshly Pieced and the Needle and Thread Network, see you there.




1 Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

Leanne! Three quilts quilted in a week is amazeballs! Plus all your other beautiful makes - I'm so impressed.

2 Judith, Belfast said...

A post full of sheer yummie-ness there L! And thank you so much for the BB blocks! They are perfect! Jxo

3 Lucy | Charm About You said...

Incredible work! Looking forward to the ta-dah! Also love your bag :)

4 Adrianne @ On the Windy Side said...

Hello ms efficient over there! Wow, you've gotten a lot done, and it's all so gorgeous. I'm also a huge fan of cross-hatching, and I actually find it a particularly enjoyable and forgiving quilting design. I have a theory that it's something to do with quilting across the bias of the fabric. Can't wait to see the reveal posts for these lovely almost finished quilts of yours.

5 pennydog said...

Gosh, you've been busy!

6 Charlotte said...

wow! what a week!!

7 Charlotte said...

wow! what a week!!

8 Charlotte said...

wow! what a week!!

9 Cindy said...

Oh my goodness you're crankin' the pretties out! Love your bag, clearly. Your Modern Stitching blocks are going to look awesome. I can't wait for your Ta Da! post on your medallion quilt. That's looking so great :)

10 Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

You have done a beautiful job on your quilts Leanne...I feel like I'm missing out lately. So much out door work; not getting to post like I would love to. But it will come Your projects are wonderful!!

11 Deborah Hamilton said...

Wow, you are working hard on your quilts! I really like the plus quilt and the polaroid blocks. what a clever idea!

12 Susan said...

As my mum used to say" you make me tired thinking about it" - it being all you achieve in a week! The Polaroid blocks were fun to make- this was a new size for me!

13 elle said...

You are such an inspiration. Luv the look of all the colourful projects. Great end for summer!

14 Mary Menzer said...

So much done! Tell us, did you lock the door to your sewing room so no one would disturb you? I have a swirling medallion in the planning stages.

15 Melanie said...

wow! Three finishes is awesome!

16 Debbie said...

goodness gracious you packed alot in there! Awesome!! Can't wait to see those finishes!!

17 Pam @ Quilting Fun said...

Great blocks. Love your medallion quilt with the close quilting. Also love the plus and 16 patch for their looser quilting. Lovely quilts. Did you say what you were doing with them?

18 What Comes Next? said...

wow! I hope you remembered to breathe in there - what an amazing, productive week you've had! That's a lot of quilting - and basting - all that pin basting - way to go!

19 MariQuilts said...

Send me some of your energy....please. I can't believe what how much you accomplished, and it looks fabulous, as always.

20 Carla said...

Oh my goodness! You certainly live up to your name! Gorgeous projects

21 Cille said...

Wow... You've been busy! It looks fantastic :) I look forward to see more f your finished quilt.

22 Allison Sews said...

Glad to see I was not the only one tempted by the Patchwork Please prize of the week! I just couldn't find the time to make the bag though. Good job!

23 Hilary said...

Wow you have been so productive! I wish I could get that much done in a week haha my 2 year old helper tends to distract me :)

24 Isisjem said...

Oh my what an amazing week of loveliness. So much prettiness all in one post!

Anonymous said...

Wow you have been amazingly constructive and your work is soooo pretty.

26 Little Island Quilting said...

You've been busy!!

27 Sarah said...

I am exhausted just reading about what you have been doing. So much fabulousness all in one post! I love your squared spiral quilting in the swirling medallion and the plus quilt is so appealing too. There's nothing in this post that isn't gorgeous and of course a special thank you for the Bee Blessed blocks. Your own Bee quilt is going to look great when all those blocks start rolling in.

28 Canadian Abroad said...

I cannot believe how much you have got done! Love your bee block idea, and going to miss being in the bee.

29 Katy Cameron said...

Wow, you were really busy! Loving the crinkly medallion goodness :o)

30 Poppyprint said...

I'm so sorry you didn't win the linen. This is a very impressive post of productivity!

31 Gertie Pye said...

The quilting on your medallion quilt looks spectacular. What a productive week you have had!

32 Rachel said...

Wow, that's a lot! Good for you!

33 Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Amazing how much you're working on. Love the Plus quilt fabrics.

34 Live a Colorful Life said...

I'm out of breath reading about and seeing all these beautiful projects!

35 dutchcomfort said...

Wow, that’s a lot of progress on such fabulous projects!

36 Sarah Lou said...

Wow, that is a lot of progress, I'm tired just looking at it!

37 Pam said...

WOW !! have you given up sleeping?? ha ha love all your always inspire me!! love the polaroid block, going to make a few today xo and now i am leaning towards a simple 16 patch with my briar rose tower after seeing your post...happy sunday xo

38 Regina said...

Fantastic work - do you eat or sleep at all?!

39 Elizabeth said...

Holy goodness!! That is a lot! So nicely completed as well. Drawn to the Amy Butler fabrics you are using in your giant quilt. I have alot of the Lark collection and am considering a Swoon quilt for my bedroom... Thanks for all the links to additional wonderfulness.

40 said...

This is how I know I am really behind in reading's Wednesday again and I'm just reading about all your lovely projects from last week.

41 Sarah said...

Wow so productive! I love the quilt at the top. It looks so good all washed and wrinkly. I want to do a St Louis 16 Patch and a plus quilt too. On the some day list!