Sunday, September 1, 2013

August 2013

August 2013

I made a few things this August, more than I expected. I also made a lot of pickle dishes but there are more to go.

Crabapple Jelly

I cooked a lot in August, I've been eating better, and I made beautiful jelly and also jam.

my gazebo

And I spent a lot of time in my gazebo, under the walnut tree, but I am back in the city now.
Lily's Quilts
I am joining everyone at Lynne from Lily's Quilts for Fresh Sewing Day, see you there.

September is always a month of renewal - back to school and work, starting the fall. I am excited to find my socks and sweaters and enjoy it.




1 Amanda said...

You got a ton finished! I especially like the swirling medallion.

2 Hilary said...

You did so much!

3 CapitolaQuilter said...

I just want to lounge under the walnut tree and hand stitch with some fresh baked bread smothered in jelly. Love the arrow blocks.

4 MariQuilts said...

You really did accomplish a lot last month....I agree about lounging under the walnut tree,sigh. As for looking for my socks...that's not gonna happen until the snow flies....let's hope it comes a little later this year.

5 Jessica said...

Love your crosses and churn dashes (really everything, though :) ). Beautiful mosaic!

6 Debbie said...

Dare I say that gazebo area is just delightful...I think I'd sit there eating bread and jam like Karen!

7 Jennie said...

You've been busy - I love the idea of stitching under the walnut tree!

8 Katy Cameron said...

That does look like such a lovely location to create :o)

9 Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

So many great projects and that gazebo looks AMAZING!

10 Katherine said...

You had a beautifully productive month! Wow.

Can you believe August is over? Here's to a wonderful Sept. (and beautiful fall weather ;o).

11 Sarah said...

YOu made some beautiful things in Aug. I love the colour of the jelly, so softly summery pink.

12 dutchcomfort said...

You’ve been so busy! Love that spot under the walnut tree!

13 Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Wow, you got lots done in August. Afraid I wasn't nearly as productive. I like your comment that Sept is a month of renewal . . . I can renew my goals for getting things done.

14 Rebecca said...

Ohhh... you have a walnut tree? Are you able to eat any? Down here, we have pecan trees. Not in our yard, sadly.

I love watching your works on instagram.

15 Nicky said...

Love autumn but not yet please!

Great stuff made there and what a stunning relaxing place to do it in!

Trying to resist starting an economy square/hourglass quilt but it is hard!

16 Rachel said...

Looks like your August was awesome, at least as far as sewing is concerned.

17 said...

You had a lovely month in a beautiful location.

18 Cloud CouCou said...

Such pretty projects, what a great August you had :)