Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Work in Progress Wednesday

St. Louis 16 Patch - top done

I put my St. Louis 16 Patch top on the fence for a photo before I left the island. It is made with fabrics from Sweetwater's Lucy Crab Shack and Kona Snow.

St. Louis 16 Patch - top done

I finished the top on my last day there, so although it was too sunny, I took pictures anyway. It was a very hot summer so the grass is all brown. It will green back up later in September.

St. Louis 16 Patch - top done

You can see the colours a bit better here in the photo I took after dinner as the sun was behind a cloud. The blocks are about 14" so the quilt is about 56" x 70". It is now on the list for quilting.

Churn Dash block for Felicity

Home now, I tidied away all my fabrics from the holidays and made this 12" churn dash block for Felicity. It is a quite late, but I am hoping she can still use it or make it into a pillow or something. I love churn dashes and this was great fun to make.

I have a long list of works in progress to work on and I think there might be some value to set it out to remind me:

To do on my FAL list:
  • Octagonal Orb - done and gifted.
  • Pickle dish quilt - I made a lot of pickle dish units this summer while I was away, but there are still more to go.
  • Placemats - on the design wall, I really need these to use so will work on them this week.
  • Granny squares - it needs a back and to be quilted. I want to baste it this week.
  • Emerald Irish Chain - my hope is to set up for quilting on the weekend and finish this one and start quilting the granny squares and St. Louis 16 Patch too.
  • Low volume quilt - I need to make some more applique parts and then get the quilt finished
The rest of this week's list:
  • Make a test block for the Modern Stitching Bee as I am the queen bee for September. I have finally made a plan, hopefully it is easy to make.
  • Quilt the Swirling Medallion quilt
  • Quilt my Giant Plus quilt
  • Begin writing up the Giant Plus Quilt pattern and make another sample
  • I am sure there are other things I want to do, this is why I have decided lists are good to try for the fall - so I stop forgetting what I wanted to do. So I need to sort out the to do list better for next week.
So the astute among you will have seen that I am hoping to back and quilt four quilt tops and finish the quilting on one more quilt this week. Clearly, I am dreaming but optimism is a good thing.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

I am going to link this list up with Lee at Freshly Pieced and The Needle and Thread Network. There are loads of interesting projects linked each week, I shall be visiting them and I hope you do too.




1 a maidenhair fern said...

what a fun, light summery quilt top.

Anonymous said...

I love that quilt top. The brownish grass makes it look like you're on the prairies, but it really brings out some of the colour in the top. What size does it finish at? Simple patchwork can be deceiving in pictures, making you think it's smaller or larger then it actually is.


3 elle said...

I am ever optimistic. :) But your top is lovely and the do like churn dashes! Go girl!

4 Svetlana said...

lovely projects, Leanne.

5 loulee said...

Can't beat a picture au naturale, even if it is bright and sunny.
Your 16 patches look very bright and cheerful.

6 Anne said...

That 16 patch looks like it needs to be a picnic blanket. :D How fun would that be?? Beautiful work, as always.
Those churn dash squares are just amazing, too! If your bee mate doesn't want them, I'll take them. lol

7 OPQuilt said...

So fun to see what you've been doing while island-ing. Perfect fabric line for where you've been, and quite the line-up of projects and plans. Hmmm. Maybe I should re-orient myself with some of my plans?

Happy End of Summer!

8 Debbie said...

Optimism IS a good thing but wow! You go girl! Love the 16 patch - kind of a comforting quilt imho...

9 Kelly said...

Love the quilt top

10 Toni said...

That does sound pretty optimistic, but I bet you can get quite a bit of it done! Your St. Louis 16 patch looks great in those prints, too. Good luck!

11 Sarah said...

I love the fabrics in your 16 patch - makes a great quilt. I like optimism!

12 Katy Cameron said...

I quite like the photos in the sun, kind of lets you see it in the wild as it was intended :oD

13 Adrienne said...

loving the colors and prints in your churn dashes!

14 MariQuilts said...

It's looking beautiful and yes, that is an ambitious list!

15 Cindy said...

I so enjoyed reading this post :) You and your lists make me giggle, but I am right there with you. The colors you choose for the St L quilt are just lovely together.

16 said...

If you finish that list I might as well pass my super woman cape on to you! Love your St. Louis 16 patch.

17 Heidi Staples said...

Love these pictures -- such bright happy colors!

18 Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Lovely 16 patch - I know I am tired as I was ready 'Giant Plus' as 'Octopus', and had the think about what on earth you were on about!!

Anonymous said...

Love the quilt top and think I will try out this pattern too. Thanks for the inspiration. Have a great day..........Marie (

20 Dolores said...

I like those churn dash blocks. One day I will be making a quilt with them. The 16-patch is great. I like the blue plaid block and the fact that you got the bold strips to all go the same way.

21 Lorna McMahon said...

It is a pleasure to see those 16 patch blocks all put together. Lovely! And those churned dash blocks.... Yowza! Your fabric choices for both are fabulous! Have a wonderful weekend getting settled back at home, Leanne!

22 Poppyprint said...

I'm all for optimism, unfortunately reality always gets the better of me! Love the 16-patch. I made one this summer, too and it was a really fun quickie. Now, to quilt it!

23 Archie The Wonder Dog said...

I love that quilt top! Good luck with your list xx

24 dutchcomfort said...

Love your Churn Dash blocks! You made quite an ambutious list! Good luck!

25 Rachel said...

Very nice projects!