Sunday, June 9, 2013

Soon the baby robins will fly away

Robin and her babies

There is mom with her babies on Saturday.

Baby robins

Here the four babies are tonight. They are between 10 and 11 days old now.

Baby robins

Now they look like baby birds, not like aliens.

Robin and her babies

I am guessing they will be flying off soon. I'll keep you posted. The photo correspondents will be on the watch and sending pictures.

I am in some of the most beautiful mountains in the world, although working, not hiking. And not sewing, but I hope to be back to the sewing by the weekend.




MariQuilts said...

Amazing how fast those little babies are growing.

Debbie said...

wow how quick everything changes!!

Susan said...

And they will be off into the big, wide world!Stay safe baby birds!

tusen said...

It's amazing to see them grow. Thank you so much for sharing the photos.

Di said...

They definitely look sweeter with feathers! Di x

Cindy said...

They're wonderful! Look at how happy they are all packed into a little safe nest. How cool to watch this through you, L. Great job keeping us posted.

Gertie Pye said...

I can't believe how quickly they change. Ready to fly already - but 2 weeks ago they were still eggs - amazing!

Karen said...

It always amazes me how fast the babies grow - it has been fascinating to watch your pictorial - your correspondent is doing a great job!

Anonymous said...

Time flies! Ha ha ha.

Katy Cameron said...

Rock on up there :oD

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Awww . . . we had baby robins and baby blue jays in the same tree rather close together. Robins seem to be gone now so I'm hoping they made it. New cats in the neighborhood and I'm praying they didn't get to the babies first. I love discovering the nests and keeping an eye on them.

heart of charnwood said...

They def get cuter every time we see them. Have fun in the mountains :o)

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Wow, they grew really quickly!!

Canadian Abroad said...

Love the wide open beak!