Monday, June 24, 2013

So many things to tell you about, and maybe you can help?

Name tag for me

I will be wearing this fantastic name tag at the Fat Quarterly Retreat in London next month. It arrived today from Sarah who blogs at Silly Banana Sewing. Seriously, it is so perfect for me, I am overwhelmed.

My flag in Boston

Another thing that is overwhelming is this picture of my flag (the blue friendship star) in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts in the To Boston With Love exhibit. My brother and sister-in-law went to see the exhibit. They found my flag and took a picture of it for me. It is hanging with Faye's flag, that beautiful blue and yellow heart, another member of the EMQG together with flags from quilters who live all over the world.

she can quilt

Next, Q2 of the Finish-A-Long is ending soon. The post-quarter link where you will post each of your finishes for this quarter will open on June 30. You will have a bonus week for last minute finishes before the link closes on July 7. (July 8 will be the day to post your Q3 list, in case you want to organize it now.) I will remind you of all the wonderful sponsors in a day or two, remember that each finish you link is an entry for one of our prizes.

Here is the part where I ask for help.

I could use a couple more tutorials for our Q2 tutorial week which is July 1-6, I left it to the last minute and I am a bit short. If you have a tutorial ready or an idea for one that you want to suggest, please either leave me a comment here or send me an email at shecanquilt [at] Oh, and if you would rather volunteer for a tutorial the end of Q3  or Q4, let me know that too, there is still room.

Rocky Mountain Road block

I did finally get home from being all over the place for work, and I made some bee blocks. It was so great to be sewing again.

Rocky Mountain Road block

Those two are called Rocky Mountain Road for Susan who blogs at Patchwork n Play for the Modern Stitching Bee. Susan made a tutorial for this block here.

Sparkler block

This Sparkler Block, from the pattern by Lee of Freshly Pieced, is for Kristina in Always Bee Learning.

Sparkler Block

This one too, it is the same 4 units just turned around differently, which is very clever.

Hexagon blocks

These hexagon blocks are for Celeste in Always Bee Learning. They are made by sewing two strips, then cutting a 60 degree triangle and piecing them together in different ways. Celeste asked us to leave them as half hexagons for easier piecing of the whole top.

Hexagon Blocks

These blocks are really fast and fun to make.

The Robin is still on her nest, warming the three new eggs - I took that picture yesterday. So far we are able to use the front door without being swooped but I expect that we are back to the side door once the hatching begins.

4 Pickle Dish Blocks

The eldest son's wedding is next weekend. The quilt will not be done, you can see some of it so far there - it is actually further along than that but there is a lot more work to do before it is done so it will go on my Q3 FAL list. That is ok, our eldest is the most easy going guy you could hope to meet.

There is a small problem with the highway to the beautiful mountain location having been significantly damaged by the massive flooding in southern Alberta. We (and the wedding planners) are optimistic that it will be fixed in time so we can actually get there, maybe you can hope with us too...please.

So remember, if you wish to share a FAL tutorial, please let me know. And you have time to get another finish in, truly you do.




Julie said...

Wow your plate is full! Good luck with it al.

Jenny Squawk said...

You are one busy lady. Gorgeous blocks. I can't believe your robin friend came back. Must be all the hospitality. Travel well, have fun, and congrats for the wedding. Best wishes on road clearing, too.

Svetlana said...

wow, your tag is absolutely amazing, and your blocks are wonderful, too.

Adrianne @ On the Windy Side said...

Wow, busy busy! I'll hope on that highway for you - it's not a wedding without some kind of drama, right? I have a tutorial in mind that I could probably get together for Q2 - I'll send you an email :-)

Heidi Staples said...

Busy lady! I hope all goes well with the wedding, and I love that name tag!

MariQuilts said...

I so love that name tag as well. Good luck with the wedding, I hope it all works out!!

Dianne Neale said...

The name tag is brilliant. I am so envious!

Debbie said...

Your name tag is beyond awesome and just perfect for you imho! Looking forward to the FAL = and hoping to get another finish!! Great bee blocks....that always feels good to get those done. And gee whiz - I for one don't need wedding drama, and sure hope yours all comes together as planned!

Catherine said...

What an amazing name tag! It looks as though you have been very busy, I love your bee blocks. Hope everything gets sorted for the wedding, the flooding has been terrible

Anna said...

The name tag is fab! I am just making mine for my partner. Hope to meet you at FQR!

Sarah Lou said...

Perfect name tag! Sounds like you're been v productive despite the travelling, love the hexies.

Little Island Quilting said...

Welcome back.

Nilya said...

Perfect nametag, wonderful Blogs and I hope, the wedding will be wonderful :)

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Sending you good road trip vibes!
Love your name tag - perfect xxx

dutchcomfort said...

Lovely name tag Leanne! Good luck with the wedding!!

heart of charnwood said...

Fab name badge, looking forward to seeing it in person (and you of course), loving the bee blocks, all os cute and great fussy cuts, and don't mention the FAL i am so close on 3 projects, and yet so far away! ;o)

Susan said...

Love the name tag- it's perfect! I finished my two FAL items; time to think about the next list! Thank you for my wonderful bee blocks, especially as you are so busy with wedding plans! Best wishes for a happy wedding day and safe travels!

Anonymous said...

Love the post. Name tag is just gorgeous! I am sure you will be delighted to wear it in London! The block are fabulous and I am so impressed with the quilt. It looks beautiful and no doubt they will delighted with it. Off to do some finish along......Marie (

Sheila said...

You just might be the busiest person I know - your name tag is a stunner.
Crossing fingers for the weekend, sounds like the last minute stresses could be pushing even the most laid back son to his limit.

Di said...

Wow, that was a lot of news. Firstly I hope that the road is fixed in time for the wedding. Your name badge is a real work of art - fantastic stitching. I like both sets of bee blocks too.... You have been really busy. Now slow down so that enjoy the wedding. Di x

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

Enjoy the wedding, Leanne! Stunning name tag, and I love all your blocks.

Mary Menzer said...

I hope you have a wonderful time at the wedding! A first anniversary quilt or Christmas quilt will do just fine. I LOVE your name tag - what a special gift for you. Your photos of the first robin and her babies were amazing, watching the progress and the colors mother nature provided. I hope you get some down time soon and enjoy the rest of the summer!

nicole said...

Gorgeous bunch of blocks! Love those sparkler blocks!
And good luck getting to the wedding, my sister's in Alberta and has been on a bit of a vacation not being able to get to her work!

Gertie Pye said...

Oh wow your FQR badge is great - a mini Mod Pop! Perfect! I will be able to spot you easily now :)

Enjoy the wedding and don't worry if the Pickle Dish isn't done in time - I would happily wait a lifetime for a quilt as beautiful as that.

Anonymous said...

My goodness - you are one busy lady! Love the FQ nametag and all the other great blocks. Hope everything goes as smoothly as possible for the wedding! said...

It was nice to catch up with you and really fun to see your flag flying in Boston. So cool that your brother was there to see it.
I'm hoping along with you for the roads to be open to the wedding site.

Trudi said...

I wish I could get another finish in, but I'm knee deep in quilting for FQR deadlines! Beautiful blocks, and will hope the road is open in ime for the wedding :) x

Judith, Belfast said...

Gorgeous bee blocks as always L! How great is it having a laid back son!! Fingers crossed the roads get all fixed in time. Jxo

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Gorgeous bee blocks and a stunning name tag! I hope the road to the wedding venue is open in time xx

P.S. Welcome back!

Sarah said...

Oh whata fabulous name tag! Hope th road is fixed on time!

OPQuilt said...

Hi Leanne,
I can share a tutorial. I had several to share, but then I read that the rules state they can't have been published on your blog previous. Sigh.

But! I can do a tutorial for a faced binding, and I promise I won't put it up until you give me the go-ahead, if that works into the schedule. Q2 or Q3 are fine with me.


OPQuilt said...

And now--the real comment. Good luck with the wedding--it seems to have arrived practically overnight. Make good memories!

:) Elizabeth

Cheryl Arkison said...

Loving your pickle dish! Have a great time at the wedding.

jednoiglec said...

I love the name badge - it will be easy to find you! See you soon:)

Katy Cameron said...

Fab name tag, and loving the been blocks :o)