Monday, May 6, 2013

Glimma for Giveaway Day

Glimma for Giveaway Day

Welcome, it is the time for the Sew Mama, Sew Giveaway Day week again. I have this bunch of fat quarters of Glimma by Lotta Jansdotter for you.

Glimma for Giveaway Day

*** The giveaway is now closed, thank you for your interest.***To enter to win, leave me a comment and if you like, let me know what quilt or sewing projects are on your list to make this spring or that you wish were on your list. For a second entry, follow my blog in some manner (be a follower, via bloglovin, as a subscription, by email, or whatever - there are buttons on the right if you are new here) and let me know that you do and how you follow in a second comment.

This giveaway is open internationally and will close on Friday May 10 at 6 pm MST. After that I will draw the winner using the random number generator.

Please, please, put your email in your comment or make sure it is connected to your profile. If it is not you will not be the winner. I will draw another.

One more time, this giveaway has been open for one hour and I already have a number of comments without emails attached to profiles. Last time, please make sure your email is in your profile or in your comment (leave it like this: name [at] provided [dot] com or whatever and the email strippers will not get it for email lists) or if I draw you you will not win. 

I will not be replying to comments for this giveaway but I will be reading them and thank you for sharing your sewing plans which always inspire me. I will be off entering the other giveaways linked at Sew, Mama, Sew. I expect you will be too.

Oh and if you are not familiar with this huge giveaway week, there are five catagories of giveaways, each in a separate May 6 post at Sew, Mama, Sew - be sure to check out all of them, bloggers from all over the world participate.

***This giveaway is now closed, thank you for your support.****



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tlcala4me said...

Following you via Bloglovin - can I say how much I love your banner on this blog?

Laurel09 said...

This would be an amazing giveaway to win! right now I'm focused on quilting a pretty large quilt -- at least it feels large for quilting on my little home machine!

Nadine said...

Oh what a gorgeous bundle. I am planning to make more quilted cushion covers. I find I always make quilts and I want to do something different for a change. (

Jenny said...

A friend send me an unexpected package of beautiful children's fabrics. I will make a girl and a boy quilt from them for a charity.

Mitzigunde said...

I am working on a Honey in Space quilt for my daughter. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Mitzigunde said...

I follow you on feedly.

Panda Parables said...

i'm planning on making a king-sized quilt to go atop my new mattress. i'm using all the lotta jansdotter fabric i've been collecting, so this will come in handy! katierosek [at] yahoo [dot] com

Harley Dee said...

I just got a new embroidery machine, so I can't wait to play with it and make some personalized clothes for my girls!

Hayatiggs at comcast dot net

Amy said...

I really have to finish the quilts for my cousins this spring!

Two Wednesdays said...

I'm planning a layer cake HST quilt - as soon as I finally finsh my Swoon blocks!

Two Wednesdays said...

I'm a follower

Diann said...

I'd like to start a Storm at Sea quilt.

MoeWest said...

I'm making a lap quilt for my brother's birthday.

MoeWest said...

I follow with Google Reader and Bloglovin. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I have a bunch of clothing on my list, but if I won this, I'd definitely make a quilt. The fabrics are gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway - cheriemie (at) gmail (dot) com

Eema-le said...

I want to make another quilt for my niece's birthday, and I'm also working on a lap quilt for our living room.

melissa said...

i wish a glimma quilt was on my spring todo!

melissa said...

I follow you on feedly! love your quilts Leanne!!


wow, that's a lot of comments! I became a follower too:)

I am working on a pyramid quilt at the moment but have a chisel quilt on my mind:)

Jenna@CallHerHappy said...

i want to create a cover for our piano bench :)

Jill Dorsey || Made with Moxie said...

I have some HR mendocino I need to make something with for myself

Jill Dorsey || Made with Moxie said...

m following on BL

Nanbon44 said...

I have 8 quilts to finish for a nursing home, and then I need to get busy on three for the Cancer Institute...

alli b said...

These would be perfect for some bandana bibs i want to make for my little one Matilda who at 6 months is a drooling machine!
Thanks for the generous giveaway!

Kylie Carlson said...

Right now I'm working on a bright pink, turquoise, black, and white version of Anna Marie Horner's Feather Quilt.

ChrisC said...

Beautiful fabrics! Thanks for the giveaway! We're about to move into a new house, so I've got lots of sewing projects on my plate this summer. The first I plan to tackle is my very first queen-size quilt for our bed. Eek!

AJ said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'm currently making a cot quilt for a friend's newborn baby. alixjwilson [at] gmail [dot] com

AJ said...

and I've subscribed via email

Nicole said...

Maybe I'll get my 2012 Christmas quilt done?!?

Nicole said...


Anonymous said...

Love this fabric, thanks for the opportunity. bailjane(at)hotmail(dot)com

Allison said...

I am finishing up a wall hanging that has Farmer's Daughter blocks in it. I'm in love and can't wait to experiment with this block further. I also plan on making an infinity scarf out of shot cotton.

threadandmetal {at} gmail {dot} com

Allison said...

I follow your blog on bloglovin.

threadandmetal {at} gmail {dot} com

Robin said...

I would really like to make a New York Beauty quilt.

Calikisses said...

Im working on a purse for my mom right now :)

Anonymous said...

I promised myself I would make a quilt this year. However, I haven't started because I'm trying to finish up a knit sweater and crocheted doily first

Anonymous said...

I follow you (GFC)

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I would really like to make the quilt called Retro Flowers out of some Katie Jump Rope fabric I have.

Marie said...

I'm a follower

Marie said...

I want to win

Shan @ Design Gal said...

LOVE this fabric! I want to make some fun bags!

Patty Poe said...

Christmas present quilts are on my list of quilts to make!

Melissa said...

Working on spider web selvage quilt.

kris said...

I'm working on a medallion quilt right now.

Leanne said...

This giveaway is now closed, any comments after this one will not be counted.

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