Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I am mired in work in progress

Pickle Dishes, some progress

I feel like I am always sewing the pickle dish quilt. I am using the pattern templates from the K. Fassett book Quilt Romance. You will recall that the brief for this quilt was brown and mint green, which now that I have a lot of fabrics that are minty green/aqua and brown, is working for me.

In that photo there are about 80 units laid out. I am trying to decide how to use the few dishes which have minty solids and brown prints - should they be random sets of two, or grouped as a set of 8; should they be placed in a pattern (line, diagonal, one corner, etc.) or just randomly placed? The photo shows them grouped as sets of 8 and randomly placed. What do you think?

100 of 200 pickle dishes done.

Last night I hit the 100 unit mark, which measures 5" high. I think I need 200 for a king size quilt. Half way done is good, but I appreciate all encouragement you can give for me to do the next 100. I am hoping for a late night or two, it takes about an hour to make 6 of these for me. It needs to be finished (quilted and bound) by the end of June.

Pickle Dish Quilt

This photo gives you an idea of the blocks. I see a "block" as those 8 units on the right that make a rounded square. Or a block could be the 8 units on the left that make a butterfly. Imagine each with the backgrounds pieced in. Which is a better "block" for laying out and piecing later?

I really need to make some of the "blocks" now to get over the dish unit boredom. I am pretty sure that the blocks will look rather amazing, either way that I piece them, and thus will make the unit making more fun too.

To Boston with Love - Friendship Star Flag, front

On Sunday I made a flag for the Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild's To Boston with Love project. It is a friendship star on both sides. Most folks are making hearts but I think a friendship star also works.

To Boston with Love - Friendship Star Flag, back

If you want to make a flag too, the details of the project are here, and then read the newer posts as there have been updates and further information too. This project makes sense to me and I think it will be amazing if a lot of quilters around the globe participate - sort of a world hug to those who need it.

The rest of my WIP list is short this week (it is long for the quarter but I am not thinking about that today) - I need to finish my bee blocks for Sarah in the Modern Stitching Bee, I need to finish my Four-in-Art mini quilt and I have the very last of the FAL administration to sort out to put Q1 to bed. I am almost caught up on my internet homework too.

I have not managed to do a WIP Wednesday post for a long while. Today I will link with Lee at Freshly Pieced and with the Needle and Thread Network where I know I can find a lot of other friends and inspiration, and so can you.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced 




OPQuilt said...

You ask a hard question about "blocks" for your pickle dish quilt. I think I would trend to the "butterfly" assembly on the left, but really it all depends on what you envision in the corners of your quilt. If you envision the butterfly look, then yay to the above suggestion, but if you will have the rounded corners, then you'll have to think of that as your "block."

I should tell you that I've also made wedding quilts for my children, but a good friend passed on the suggestion to me that I shoot for giving it to the couple one year out, on their first anniversary. I know you are determined and capable and will sew like a phenom to get it done, but keep in mind that it's okay to give it a bit late and show up at the wedding not frazzled from late night binding. One of my couples (the DIL) didn't want a quilt at all because she thought I was the type that made Sunbonnet Sew quilts. She changed her mind; theirs was delivered on their six year anniversary and she loves it. Whatever your pace, it is beyond beautiful and amazing. Fun to see it all stacked up with a ruler showing how high!

Thanks for the info on the Boston Banners.
Elizabeth E.

Judith, Belfast said...

Your pickles are coming together beautifully! So much work! I think random placement looks good! Must get on with making my flag for Boston. jxo

Sewing Mom said...

Your quilt is going to be amazing...the placement is lovely.

sarah elizabeth :: {no} hats said...

Those colors are amazing together!!! Though I can be of no help on the block question, sorry!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

oh the pickles are amazing!! I love the rounded corners block on the right, though I agree whatever you chose will look glorious! Beautiful friendship star flag x

Karen said...

You are such an over achiever - those pickles look amazing. I would go with butterfly but I totally love the rounded style as well - I don't think you can go wrong at all. What an amazing quilt this will be :)

Catherine said...

Your pickle dish is looking amazing, and if anyone can do it by the end of June, it's definitely you!

Unknown said...

Super panele!

Katherine said...

Stunning! Loving those pickle dish blocks, Leanne and think random is working just fine. Such a pretty palette! I like the rounded corner layout - although the butterfly one is striking, too. I know whichever one you choose - it will be gorgeous.

Love the friendship block for your flag to Boston.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Oh Lord That is a lot of pieces to sort out...but very pretty pieces.

felicity said...

For what it's worth, when I made one block for my FTLOS mini, I had the same placement dilemma and ultimately went with the rounded square. Having said that, I am kind of liking the butterfly! In any case, they each have the same assembly challenges so that doesn't come into play in the decision.

To Boston With Love is an amazing project we're really happy that it's caught on!!

Annabella said...

You have another couple of months so I'm sure you'll be fine - I like the rounded block on the right.

Debbie said...

Your pickle dishes are amazing - I kind of lean towards the butterfly placement but both are so cool. Thanks for sharing the To Boston with Love info too...

Kelly @ Vintage Fabric Studio said...

This is so wonderful! I have aspirations of a pickle dish for next year and to see your progress is awesome! Keep it up - you can quilt! :)

Anonymous said...

My vote is for the rounded square layout for your pickle dish blocks. I like this layout because it makes your eye wander around the quilt. What ever way you decide to go, it will be amazing.

Sarah said...

Pup phew! What a lot of work you've done already. The pickles look great. How fabulous would your floor look if it was inlaid with pickles!! Keep going, every stitch will be so worth it.
Love your idea for friendship star for Boston.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

This quilt is going to be amazing! I like the random placement of the sets of 8 minty solid/brown print pickles and think I'd go for the rounded corners but think it's going to be easier to tell once more of the background pieces are attached. Keep going, you can do it!!!

Teje Karjalainen said...

Wow, this is fantastic project! I love love it! Both 'blocks' are beautiful but I prefer the 'butterfly'. Keep going - we are all waiting to see how beautiful this quilt is going to be! x Teje

Nilya said...

Wowereit, this is sooo much work and Looks Kind of complicated. I would lay them randomly. So go on, you will make the next 100 easily ;-)

Rachel said...

That is a lot of pickles! I like the idea of a random layout - it draws the eye around the quilt top. I haven't done a big piecing project in so long - I'm sure 100 more won't take you long at all!

Jennie said...

your pickle dish quilt is going to be fabulous! Good luck

Susan said...

You are doing a fabulous job! Sorry I'm no help with placement - I used the MO2 pattern, which involved a lot of appliqué! I do like the random colour placement though.

elle said...

Nice pickle. I'm not sure which would be best as far as the assembling goes. I like the randomness!

HollyM said...

I probably would opt for the random placement, but that's usually my style. It's going to be really pretty!

Jane said...

I'm for randomness as well... I really like the butterfly better than the rounded square. It feels more free and open. LOVE the colors!

Marg said...

Well done, that's great going Leanne. I think I would go for the random placement as well.

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Kaffe's pickle dish is a favorite of mine. I have pulled fabric but haven't started mine yet. Yours is lovely and I look forward to seeing it finished.

Andrea said...

incredible your work, congratulations

the running hare said...

This is going to be beautiful whatever you do with it. I like the random eights but prefer the butterfly-it looks like you've got a 50:50 split in the comments on this!

pennydog said...

I like random!

By this point I'd be deciding to make the quilt half the size so you're very keen.

Anonymous said...

Woweee that pickle dish is quite a project! I so admire you for your commitment to do it by the end of June!!
Love the friendship star too. Perfect choice.

beaquilter said...

wow! these are awesome, you can DO it!!

Katy Cameron said...

I have one of those flags on my 'to do' list. Not so much the pickle dishes, good luck with them!

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

They look amazing Leanne - it will be a fantastic quilt. No help from me, I like both layouts! I have a banner on my to do list as well :o) said...

Pickle dish colors: perfect!

Created by Kathi said...

Butterfly totally with some great quilting to bring out the butterfly pattern! Kathi