
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Who is going to QuiltCon? Or to the FQ Retreat in London?

First, that is Lightning, and he is getting better. That is his spot, next to my sewing machine, which sits just to the left of that basket you see in the photo. Thank you again for everyone who has wished him well. Surprising to me, having a sick pet, especially one as nice as this dog is, is really hard, or maybe I really have become crazy dog woman. But, he is not going to QuiltCon or to the FQ Retreat.

The folks at the Modern Quilt Guild have set up a link so people going to QuiltCon can share their faces and a five facts you might not know about them. Those of you who know me well know there are almost no pictures of me because I really detest getting my picture taken. So today I decided to get over it already, and took a picture in the mirror. It is not great but they never are, but it will give you an idea so you can find me at QuiltCon.

And for the 5 things about me:

1. I love to garden. I am not a great gardener, but I love it all the same.

2. I love to read but I read so much at my work that I go for months without reading a novel, and I miss that a lot. I have a house full of books, many of which I want to read again soon.

3. I am a problem solver, a fixer, the calm, reliable one in the storm or crisis. Later when everything fine, then I crash, but not until then. 

4. I carefully guard my free time. Between a crazy busy job, a busy family, the pets and my hobbies, I really have little time for things that are not fun, interesting, and enjoyable. I have zero patience - outside of my work where there is no choice -  for things and people who don't make me happy.

5. I love to work with colour and textiles. Quilting is my most recent thing but I also love knitting, needle point, embroidery, weaving, and spinning. 

So if you going to QuiltCon, do let me know so I can look for you. It will be time to go in no time at all. And if you are not, but you are going to the Fat Quarterly Retreat in London in July, let me know that too, because I am going to London again too and am so looking forward to meeting those of you I missed last year!




  1. I'll be going to QuiltCon. See ya there!

    I would love to have more of a green thumb. I really just want to learn to plant the right things so that I don't kill them. :) I need low maintenance flowers.

  2. I will be there - here's my linky party post:

    Hope to meet you and lots of other quilters. I enjoyed the post and learning a few things about you :)

  3. I am not going to Quilt Con but I am going to FQ retreat, but you already knew that.

  4. Ah, I guess you know I'm not going to either...I'll keep Lightning company while you are galavanting around the world! Nevertheless I loved learning a bit more about you.

  5. Thanks for sharing...can't wait to hear all about QuiltCon!

  6. Good to hear Lightening feeling better.
    Won't be going to FQ Retreat but will def be going to Festival of Quilts, early August, don't suppose you will still be around or that??

  7. So looking forward to meeting you :-D

  8. I wish I could go to QuiltCon but that will have to stay on the bucket list I'm afraid! Have an amazing time! However I will be at FQR again this year so see you there x

  9. Glad Lightening is better :-) See you in London!!

  10. So lovely to see you Leanne and to learn a little bit more about you. I'm with Lightning - I'm not going to either *sob*.

  11. I'll be in London, so will see you there.

  12. *waving*

    I'm not going to either (and neither is Archie) but it's lovely to see you (both!) and get to know more about you. Have fun!

    P.S. We're both very glad to know Lightning is on the mend...what are the symptoms of pneumonia in a dog? (I thought it was best that I find out, just in case!)

  13. Neither for me but will look for your posts on activity and fun when you return :). So glad Lightening is better!

  14. Hee hee, you might at least have smiled ;o) See you in London again, would you like to borrow Baby Brother again this year?

  15. Alas, I am not going to either. Those things will have to wait 'till the kids are older. But it is great to see Lightening and YOU!

  16. Quilt con not but of course the Fat Quater Retreat and I can't wait to see you again.

  17. Looking forward to seeing you at the FQ Retreat in London. Very pleased that Lightening is on the mend. Enjoy Quilt Con. Di x

  18. Yippee, Lightening! I'm so so glad he is feeling better and back to his rightful spot. Perfect.

    It was so nice to read your 5 things :) We could easily share number 1.

    I can't wait to see you in London!

  19. Glad to hear that lightning is recovering. I really reallyhope I can still get a ticket to fat quarterly at the end of this month...

  20. You forgot to tell e everyone you are a brilliant person! Can't wait to hear your QuiltCon report, and then see you again in the summer.

  21. Yay - so jealous of Quiltcon, but get to be at Retreat, so I can;t really complain.

    Three cheers for dogs being in the right place!

  22. Oh Leanne you are so funny! You have the most beautiful smile - you should use it in your self-portraits!! Soooo looking forward to more chatting in July! Jxo

  23. Nice to learn more about you, Leanne! I'll be at QuiltCon. Hope to see you there!

  24. I'm going to QuiltCon too and I hope to get a chance to meet you there! We Canadian modern quilters have to stick together! ;)

  25. Yay Leanne-I get to meet you in person! I'll be at Quilt Con and am so looking forward to it. See you soon!

  26. Despite the fact that we spend our summers a short ferry ride apart, we will FINALLY meet in London in July! Yippee!! I promise to be fun.

  27. I'm off to London this year as I missed out last year.

  28. Hi Leanne, I hope to meet you in person at QuiltCon. Safe travels!

  29. Hey Leanne,

    I'll be at quilt con! Hope to see you there! Are you taking any workshops?


  30. I'll be in London this summer! Hope you enjoy Quilt Con!

  31. I love your picture in the mirror - that is great!

  32. so glad lightning is getting better - so nice to see a photo of you (although I totally understand not being keen on them) - and unfortunately I'm not going to either but I'll be there in spirit :)

  33. Jealous that you are at QuiltCon, but I know you'll pick the highlights and mention them later on. I think you look fine in your photo, but often people hate photos of themselves when they don't smile. I'll bet you have a fabulous smile!

    Have fun!


  34. Leanne, ok, I'm hooked and have to make this thing - it is just so cool! Question about the acrylic template, if you don't mind: what is the size? I ask because I bought a set for the retro flower quilt and JP's info doesn't specify and clearly I don't need 2 sets. Can you help me, please?

  35. I spotted your quilt while we were volunteering during set up last night and hanging all of the quilts! So exciting :-)


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