Sunday, February 10, 2013

Searching for Emerald

Searching for Emerald

In the middle of that ring of green Kona fabrics - a Farmer's Market bundle I got from the Fat Quarter Shop - is a swatch I ordered from Pantone. It is Emerald, the colour of the year, Pantone 17-5641 TCX. So, it seems none of these greens are Emerald.


You will remember that last year the colour of the year was Tangerine Tango and it was the Tangerine Tango Challenge that led to me making Shattered. So I thought I might enter again this year. You can too, the details are here. And truthfully, all you have to do is use green, any and all kinds are fine.

Searching for Emerald

But first I wanted to try to find the real Pantone Emerald - which frankly is not the colour I see as emerald, but that is only its name anyway. That is the Solids Crew bundle that I received from Simply Solids. No Emerald there.

Searching for Emerald.

Nicolette from Dutch Comfort, suggested that Emerald was more blue, so I pulled out my Kona Poseidon bundle, that I had ordered from Pink Castle Fabrics after I used the old one to make my first Mod Pop quilt - Whitewater. It seems I must always have this stack on my shelf as these are probably my most favourite colours.

Searching for Emerald

There were a couple of hopefuls in the blues, Kona Emerald, Sage Candy Green and Everglade (moving clockwise from top left). But, nope, these are not Emerald either.

Searching for Emerald

How about Kona Jade Green? Another no. I left this photo partly uncropped to show you how I sometimes trick my camera into getting the colours closer to right. Usually I just crop that extra bit off.

Searching for Emerald

So the verdict is, not one single fabric in my sewing cupboards comes close to reading as Emerald. The closest is that a couple of Kaffe Fassetts prints have a tiny bit of Emerald in them. In fact there is no piece of clothing in my house either that is this colour. Maybe it will be everywhere in fashion in the spring?

Playing with Emerald

I have cut up the Farmer's Market and Solids Crew fabrics and am hoping for inspiration to strike. I have one idea that may work, I will be trying it this afternoon.

A sea of ninepatches

These are just simple nine patches that I have been making in the meantime. I think that these will become a simple Irish Chain quilt, which is still one of my most favourite patterns ever. You can read about another Irish Chain I made here. Well, and I just have to show it to you too, it is under the mini Irish Chain I made in the Doll Quilt Swap a couple of summers ago.

DQS11 on my original Irish Chain

Seriously, I have been waiting too long to make another one of these, look how great they are.

DQS11 Quilt, finished, and in the mail, hope you like it partner!

Well, I knew you wanted a closer look at that mini too.

A stack of nine patches

The blocks look so nice all stacked up - they are 6.5" square, I think I have almost enough for a whole quilt. And I have a niece who adores green - what do you think, maybe it will be for her.


I have a couple more of the colour swatches, if you want me to send you one, just let me know. If  a bunch of folks are interested I will draw by random number. 

It is my birthday today. Besides searching for Emerald and playing with greens, I am eating cupcakes and relaxing. Loads of cupcakes - my diet has been going well and I will be back on it tomorrow, but we all know there are no calories on your birthday, right.

Enjoy your day.




Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Oh Happy happy birthday! Hope you have a great one, no calories in cake at all xxxx

You can put me in the lucky hat for pulling swatches please xxx

Canadian Abroad said...

I love Irish chain quilts. Haven't made one in ages myself I sit to see what you shall do with yours.

dutchcomfort said...

I would almost start doubting the Pantone swatch of Emerald!

Happy Birthday Leanne!! I celebrated mine 4 days ago!

Anonymous said...

I love your Irish Chains! I just designed a version to use up scraps and posted about it on the Pink Castle Fabrics blog.

Erin Quinn said...

As soon as you put a candle on it it loses all calories. This works for cakes, puddings, chocolate, cans of soft drink (although they are Harding get the candle to stay upright). Have a magnificent birthday!
I love your selection of greens and blues. I've heard emerald was a bit of a monster to find and you have totally proved the point. Your Irish chain will be gorgeous. Makes me want to try it, but I have to finish the thousand projects already on the go first :-)
E xx

Toni said...

Happy Birthday, Leanne!! That Emerald is a tricky one, isn't she? Just from what I had seen of the swatch online, I thought it looked similar to Candy Green, but it really isn't even close, is it? But it is fun seeing all the other vibrant greens you have found! Hope you are having a wonderful cupcake-packed day!

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Happy birthday! All cakes, biscuits, chocolate and puddings are calorie-free on your birthday and the two days following it so enjoy! Love Irish Chain quilts, it's (yet another pattern) on my list!

Ramona said...

Happy Birthday. Mine was on the 4th. Yes that Pantone color looks turquoise to me, but then I googled emerald and saw not only that color swatch but everything from Christmas green (as in the fake glass emeralds) to that more turquoise blue mixed with green. It does blend perfectly with your Kaffe fabrics and is pretty stunning. I'm with Erin - Irish Chain looks fun but I also have a few other projects to finish up first.

Katy Cameron said...

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Leanne
Happy birthday to you!

And no, birthday cake has no calories at all. Ever.

Happy green hunting!

Marlene said...

Happy Birthday Leanne. have a great day and calories do no exist on birthdays so just enjoy.
Love your irish Chain quilt and as for the Emerald- to me emerald is definitely a green and that is more a blue. Can't wait to see what you make. said...

Happy Birthday. I didn't know the emerald would be so hard to find, but when I see the swatch, I wouldn't call that emerald anyway. Can't wait to see what you make

Trudi said...

Happy birthday Leanne! Definitely no calories in cake on your birthday! LOVE you green Irish chain, I need one of these! Lol gorgeous!

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Happy Birthday Leanne!!!! I really love the Irish Chain pattern. Have you done the Double Irish Chain??? It is really fun to do also.

Tricia said...

Good luck in your search and Happy Birthday! I would love a color swatch too.

Gertie Pye said...

Either my eyes are wonky or Pantone has mis-chosen the name of this green - it is very lovely but not what I understand to be Emerald! Love the Irish Chain quilt and I'm sure your new version will be just as funky - a lovely Emerald Isle version!

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday lovely! Enjoy your cupcakes :-) Love what you're doing with the greens - totally agree with you tho, that really isnt what most people would call Emerald!

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

Happy birthday! I started my emerald challenge last night and I have a real problem with calling their colour emerald (to me it's almost teal?) So my stack is my idea of emerald ;o) - lucky any green is okay!
Love the colours you chose!

Judith, Belfast said...

Oh Happy Birthday L! Well done you for celebrating in style! I love birthdays! And coming from the 'Emerald Isle' I'd say we have loads of greens here to choose from! Jxo

Marla said...

A very happy birthday to you! The top fabric in your first picture is pretty close to emerald. Just needs a smidge more blue in it. yay for cuppin cakes

Di said...

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and may your cupcakes be for ever calorie free! Enjoy the green fabric hunt. Di x

Anonymous said...

My soon to be DIL also loves green. I want to make a quilt for her and hadn't considered an Irish Chain, but I really like the idea. Thanks!
BTW did you know that there are no calories when you share a sweet? Happy Birthday! (I'd like a swatch)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!!! I'm glad that I'm not the only one struggling with the Emerald color!! If you have any more swatches, I'd love one!


CJ said...

Happy Birthday! It kinda irks me that the Pantone color is named Emerald when it is clearly NOT emerald green! They might as well as named it Watermelon or Poppy. There is nothing Emerald about it. Who names this stuff? I had some Bazzill scrapbook cardstock that was named McIntosh. It in NO WAY resembled a McIntosh apple. It was a dull, dusty-ish yellow. I'm still scratching my head. Have a cupcake for me please.

cakegirl said...

Happy Birthday! Your Irish Chain quilts are beautiful and just what I am starting next. Thanks for sharing your swatches.

cakegirl said...

Happy Birthday! Your Irish Chain quilts are beautiful and just what I am starting next. Thanks for sharing your swatches.

Debbie said...

Happy Birthday!! Sounds like it's been a good one! I finally came up with a stack I feel is Pantone emerald...started a project myself this weekend. Love the show-and-tell in this post btw!

Rebecca said...

Argh! The elusive emerald evades exposure!

Please do post if you do ever find a solid match. I do love that particular shade Pantone shows.

Happy Birthday, I hope it was a good one!

elle said...

HAPPY birthday. I think Irish chains should always be some kind of green! :^)

Svetlana said...

Happy Birthday!!! Your Irish Chain quilt will look amazing.

Susan said...

I'd love a colour swatch! I am thinking about what colour Emerald is, because I think I might have a jacket in THE exact colour!

MariQuilts said...

Happy Birthday...I hope it was a good one. The cupcakes sound yummy!!

Susan said...

Oh, happy birthday - we must nearly share the same date! Aquarians are great people!

Little Island Quilting said...

Happy Birthday Leanne.

Elisabeth said...

Happy birthday, Leanne, and many returns of the day!
I always take calories out of birthday cakes. They can be quite stubborn but I've gotten good at coaxing them out over the years.
I love green and am a little envious of all the greens in your stash. I have the Simply Solids bundle but have used most of it already. The competition looks like fun, I might just see if I can get my act together and make a mini.

Charlotte said...

Happy happy birthday! Have fun playing with fabric :-D

Annabella said...

Oh belated happy birthday Leanne - hope you had a wonderful one! Good luck in your search. My idea of emerald would be the one at 12 o'clock in the first picture. I ove your 9 patches and look forward to seeing what you do. Now back to the diet!

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday Leanne! The emerald is more what I would call jade. TraceyJay had difficulty finding any fabric to match Pantone's emerald too. I think Pearl Bracelets was the only one.

Marg said...

Happy Birthday Leanne. I'm not really a fan of emerald green and I agree with most others that looks more like a turquoise than what i would call emerald. I much prefer tangerine tango from last year, but the Irish chain blocks look lovely and are the perfect block for that colour (Irish!)

Run Quilt Knit Write said...

happy birthday Leanne - I hope you have a lovely day!!

karen said...

Happy Birthday Leanne!!!

I love my mini irish chain you made it looks fabulous in your photo and on my wall!!

fiberchick said...

I've been having a similar problem finding the right emerald... Hope you have a very Happy Birthday!

Rachel said...

Wow, that is a lot of not Emerald Greens!
Absolutely no calories on your birthday! Happy Birthday and enjoy those cupcakes!

Heidi said...

happy birthday !
And what a fun quest.

Dawn said...

Happy Birthday! Have you looked through your thread for an Emerald? To insure that it does exist?! I have a couple of spools of thread that are beautiful colors that I am always trying to find in fabric. Have a great day!

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday! I am sure your entry is going to be fabulous even without the elusive Emerald ;-)

Betty said...

Happy Birthday, Leanne! And love that mini- Irish Chain - wow!

Jennie said...

Happy birthday! I know what you mean about "emerald". In my head it isn't as blue as it seems to be... I look forward to seeing what you come up with this year!

Catherine said...

Happy belated birthday Leanne. And I have seen what you made on IG and it looks amazing

leanne said...

happy birthday leanne - glad you enjoyed cupcakes for your birthday - they definitely have NO calories on your special day !! love those little squares of green :)

Karen said...

Happy birthday ;-). I have not been a fan of green and rarely use it...but those colors you have here are drawing me in...gorgeous.

Mary Menzer said...

So, the Kona Emerald I bought is NOT Emerald. Nice.

I paired it with a Kaffe Fassett that went perfect. Now not feeling so perfect.

Also, that stack of green / blue / tan fat quarter bundles I have on my shelf, not seeing any Emerald.

You have more Kona fat quarters than I do - but I might wager that I have more Kaffe (maybe, I would have to see your closet!)

Happy Birthday girl! Go have some ice cream too!

Karrie said...

Happy Bday ;) Thanks for sharing your swatches!

Carla said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks so much for looking through your stash for the right color! It's too bad there's nothing really close. If you haven't sent out all of your swatches, I'd love one to look at in real life. Thanks again!

OPQuilt said...

I agree with you on the Emerald color they chose--it's an interesting shade of green, and was happy to see that you went on a "green" hunt to try and find it in your stash, yet described for us the difficulty of finding in our quilter's greens.

And a (belated) Happy Birthday! I hope you had lots of yummy cake and ice cream and whatever else you wanted, because yes, there are no calories on that most auspicious day.


Ginka said...

Irish chain is my favorite classical pattern. Have you checked out afewscraps blog? She has a "double disappearing nine patch" pattern tutorial on there somewhere. It is very cool, I think you would like it. It kind of has a Bauhaus look design when you are finished. Anyway, I really like your ping and green Irish chain quilt.