Wednesday, December 19, 2012

WIP Wednesday - A list might be helpful before startitis sets in again

Low volume top and EPP - a nice fit I think

It is time to get organized. I hope to take most of the next two weeks off from my day job and just do Christmas. I expect some free time to quilt and I am worried that several new projects will call me - I seem to have chronic startitis. Maybe this list to keep me on track. That one up there is my low volume quilt which is to have appliquéd EPP. Some applique will be nice with a movie and then to back and quilt it.

Windmills and Trees - top

The Windmills and Trees (Pattern by Lynne from Lily's Quilts) quilt back needs to be finished and then this one can be quilted. It is not big so clearly could be finished in no time. Right?

Liberty Squares

My Liberty Squares quilting practice quilt needs a back and then I can use it to practice quilting. The plan is to quilt a few squares a day, different fmq patterns in each solid square. Can't practice until it is basted, that is not a big job, surely.

EPP Hexagons for Travellin' Pic Stitch Blog Hop

This hexie blob can be finished while watching some television. I have plenty of great suggestions for watching. It has progressed some but not enough for a pillow. A pillow is not that big.

Ohio Stars

My Oakshott Lipari Ohio Stars runner will look festive on the table or wall. This one is a priority, all it needs is a border, plain back and some quilting. One night. Maybe two.

Mod Pop Top done!

Now quilting the Mod Pop might take a while longer. It is huge. But I love it so much, I need to get it basted and then plod along with it. First I have to iron the king size sheet that will be the back, surely I can manage that right away.

No - for the No quilt

Here is my first pieced No for the No quilt using Denyse Schmidt's Proverbial Quilt pattern for Krista's Proverbial QAL. This was fun and it will be my piecing project for the holidays as so much of the rest is quilting - quilting is my favourite part, but I do love piecing too.

I need to remember my Finish Along list, there are a few more things there that did not make it into this new list and are due to be done by year end. Clearly I need to hold startitis at bay for a little while longer.

Oh and there is still more shopping, more baking and then wrapping and tidying, I love this time of year. Yikes!

I am linking to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced and the Needle and Thread Network. Buttons are on the side. You can see what everyone else has on the go there, well worth the look.




elle said...

Startitis! ooh, I hope it isn't catchy! LOL Anyway, ahem... I do like those low volume quilts!

Catherine said...

Oh you have lovely projects to finsih off - I seem to suffer from startitis a lot too!

Canadian Abroad said...

You have some big, and beautiful, projects there. I hope you get some time off to relax, sew and enjoy the holidays.

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Leanne! Fortunately that startitis is catchy and goes around the quilty blogs! Your projects are so beautiful and all they have so wonderful colours! x Teje

Di said...

There are some beautiful projects here but don't forget to chill too whilst on holiday. Di x

Nicole said...

Wow, you've got a lot going on, Leanne! Enjoy your two weeks off. Happy sewing!

Sarah Lou said...

What a lovely way to spend your holidays doing something that you love!

Sarah said...

I love that - "chronic startitis"! So many beauties in there - the "afro divas" and the "oh-ho-ho" stars are my faves but there's so much loveliness it's like Christmas came already!

OPQuilt said...

Hilarious. Startitis.

Classic description of what ails us all, especially when we see new fabric lines, or someone else's quilt (I'm still in awe of your mini with the dress form and sewing machine) and want to jump in and play.

And in case I haven't mentioned it before, your ModPop is fabulous. Love the cools against the warms, & the tonality is wonderful. I also like your other quilts and look forward to progress reports on them.

I've decided you never sleep.

'Fess up.

Elizabeth E.

Katy Cameron said...

Good luck, I'm sure you can do it!

Sarah said...

Oh Leanne such beautiful, gorgeous list! Dont know which project I love more... Hope you have fun in your weeks off, and cant wait to see these finishes!

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Looking great Leanne.....have a great Christmas

Debbie said...

oh my gosh. Your list is kind of intimidating, Leanne! Good luck moving forward on it all!

Susan said...

Start-itis! I think I may be in danger of catching this! Love it! And all your projects would have me stressing! Yet they seem to energise you! Go for it!

Jenny said...

I love everything you're working on! The tree quilt...the mod quilt...fabulous!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

You have some stunners ther, keep at it x

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous list of eye candy! You can do it, you can do it!
Have a lovely holidays :)

mtnquiltr said...

Great projects, I love them all! The trees caught my eye, very effective. No, I must NOT start a new project!

Regina said...

Your projects are so wonderful that you'll have no trouble finding the motivation to finish them. And then you can start something new. ;-)

Marg said...

So many beautiful projects, hope you have lots of time to relax and sew over the holidays.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

You have an incredibly attractive WIP list! I hope you get lots of relaxing sewing time over Christmas, I can't wait to see the results! xx