
Friday, December 7, 2012

The winner of the Bella


Wow, I have a lot of movies on my list now - thank you to everyone who entered my draw and thank you to Sew Mama Sew for hosting Giveaway Day. If you are looking for a movie suggestion go here and check them out, there is something for everyone.

So there were 719 comments, and my blog numbers them to 200 and starts over every 200 comments. Here is the draw:

And the winner, commenter #325 was Leanne who blogs at Daisy and Jack, and who has become an internet friend of mine. She said: 

For me, it is sort of like finding the 4 leaf clover when this sort of thing happens (you know, the name thing). Congratulations Leanne, I will email you for your address and get the beautiful Bella fabrics off to you on Monday.

On the favourite movie front, I did not count but I am sure that the most favourite are the Princess Bride, Love Always, and Pride and Prejudice. Some of my favourites came up, including White Christmas, You've Got Mail, Top Gun, Back to the Future, and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - oh and I loved the Devil Wears Prada, Leanne, well and anything else Meryl Streep has ever been in too.

But a lot of my favourites were left out, like Groundhog Day, Mary Poppins,  Annie Hall, Funny Girl, and I could go on and on. And that does not count the scary ones I don't watch so much anymore but I was there on the opening day of Alien, sitting in the front row (one person picked it) and I have seen the Shining many times. Stand by Me is an all time favourite of mine Krista, and I have not even started to consider the serious, though provoking movies. Enough, I am hoping as my kids get bigger and need less of my time to get back to being the movie buff that I once was, as clearly this list is dating me a big bit.

We are into the darkest of the winter days as the solstice approaches, this is the time of year that makes me so glad I make quilts to snuggle under and hibernate (well, nap anyway) or watch a movie. I am going to get myself a copy of the Princess Bride and Love Always, I have to admit to not having seen either - and clearly that is a mistake I need to correct soon. I think I want a television in my quilting area (my bedroom) for Christmas now too.

Feel free to keep leaving me movie ideas whenever you please.




  1. Wish I had time for some of these movies. I'll be looking for the first two also. My DD and I watched Pride and Prejudice. She thinks the mother the funniest thing??? lol Great blog hop.

  2. thanks for the fabric leanne :) and I totally forgot to add groundhog day - I've seen that movie about 10 times ! and I loved Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - I was in love with Robert Redford when I was younger :) The Shining still makes me shiver though and I left the movies about five minutes into Alien and to this day I've never seen any more of it !
    thanks again - I'll let you know what I make with the gorgeous Bella.

  3. Congratulations to the winner. I said Funny Girl and I live anything Meryl Streep.

  4. Congrats to Leanne on a great win. I hope that you also enjoy your movie fest. Di x

  5. Yeah, Leanne won! I left my comment when I was struggling to think of films I like and then as soon as I clicked 'publish' I remembered 'Mary Poppins', 'The Secret Garden' and 'Goodnight Mr Tom'. And a few others that I've forgotten again! Oh, 'Save the last dance' and '10 things I hate about you'!
    I hope Father Christmas brings you a telly for your sewing area and a voucher for some DVDs!

  6. Nice to see I'm not alone in my love of Sundance. Altho, Butch was no slotch either.

  7. Oh Love Always is soooo good. I need to get a copy! Congrats Leanne!

  8. That was a great list she gave you :o) I'm just sitting down to sew through a Bond marathon on TV, doesn't get better than that :oD

  9. Great movie choices-i love top gun too! Well done to Leanne


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