Friday, December 21, 2012

21.12.12 - Optimism and the Solstice


If you were making a calendar, would you envision it being useful for 5125 years into the future? The Mayans were a most optimistic people. I think that is the message they meant to send to us, 5125 years into their future - believe in the best of humanity, and just watch what we will do.


And today is the winter solstice - the shortest and darkest day of the year. It means that I get one more minute of sun tomorrow in my day. This is one of my favourite days of the year.

Ohio Stars

There are the stars in the sun, they just shine. I started quilting the runner last night. I love the quilting part.

Ohio Stars

I hope that, despite the awful things that people do and the bad things that happen both personally and on a larger, even huge scale, that we will remain the stunningly optimistic people that those calendar makers envisioned. If we do, imagine where we will be 5125 years from now.

All the best for the holidays and the new year to you and yours. This coming year is going to be amazing.

I will be reading and likely posting here over the holidays, but today is a special day and the day to make this wish for you. Oh and surely this is a felicity, see you over at Felicity's.




Toni said...

I love your optimism, Leanne! And these stars are just amazing, especially how they sparkle in the snow. I can't wait to see the completed project!

Marci Girl said...

Oh you have such a gift with words Leanne! I needed this today, thank you! May you have an amazing Christmas and New Years!

elle said...

Absolutely! I woke up with such a burst of energy and optimisim! Your stars are a sign of all the bright and sparkly stuff to come. Blessings in the future, Leanne!

MariQuilts said...

I crave that extra moment of the stars..

Charlotte said...

such beautiful stars, and what a lovely post x

Catherine said...

The shortest day of the year is my favourite day. I love the optimism in your post Leanne. I have been thinking that maybe, somewhere, some-one very special has been born today and that is why they picked today

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Going to make a beautiful quilt Leanne

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

You are always so wise!
Loving the stars xxx

SuperMomNoCape said...

According to what I've been reading on the various sites... today is an ending and therefore also a beginning. The ending of one age and the beginning of another. And we all get to be a part of that. Now how exciting is that!

Izzy said...

What a lovely post! Thank you.

Sarah said...

Such a lovely post Leanne :-)

Svetlana said...

oh, your little stars are amazing!!! I love how shiny and sparkly they are, they'll make for a gorgeous runner.

Di said...

I like the thought that the days will begin to get longer from now onwards. Your stars are lovely btw. Di x

Gertie Pye said...

I'm sure I will still like Oakshotts in 5125 years! These stars look great x

Jenny-Narcoleptic in a cupboards mum said...

Your stars are beautiful, what a lovely post.

M-R Charbonneau said...

What a wonderful post, Leanne. I love the Solstice too. Aside from the physical light outside, there seems to be a lightening in the air today. Happy Solstice!

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

Beautiful post Leanne (and love that quilting!)

Judith, Belfast said...

Love the quilting you have started on your stars! Here's to another wonderful year of creativity and blessing! Jxo said...

Love love your stars so much! Happy Winter Solstice & a good new year.


Anonymous said...

Loved this post Leanne!
It speaks of such hope

Katy Cameron said...

Happy yule! And yes, definitely not the end of the world, but the start of a whole new lifecycle :o)

Susan said...

Lovely words and sentiment! We have had our longest day, which I also love!

Canadian Abroad said...

That table runner is going to be stunning. Have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy 2013 Leanne.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Well said!

Karen said...

Lovely post my dear. Cheers :)

Hitch and Thread said...

I love how your stars twinkle in the sun. And a lovely post to think about as Christmas and the new year approaches.

Susan said...

Wonderful post. I truly needed this, thank you. :)

Run Quilt Knit Write said...

Your table runner is going to be an absolute knockout!

felicity said...

I completely agree - I am a huge fan of the Solstice. One of my top 3 favourite days of the year. Happy Christmas to you and thanks for linking up!

Barb and Sharon said...

The 21st is my favourite day too. First day of winter, shortest dat and my birthday!

OPQuilt said...

That day was also my grandmother's birthday and I remember her optimism as well. Thanks for a lovely post about your stars!

Merry Christmas to you, and I wish for you a lovely New Year.
