When you participate in an on-line quilting bee, eventually it will be your month to be the queen bee and you get to ask everyone to make you blocks.
The thing about that is that you need to plan a quilt. So you need to decide what block you want. And then you need to decide what fabrics to send. And cut them, package them and mail them off. For me, that is not as easy as it sounds, and I hum and haw and change my mind several times.
November is my month in the Always Bee Learning bee. This is a really talented group of quilters who have set up this bee specifically to be challenged with new techniques and ideas, and they are all up for most anything. Those of you who have visited here before will not be surprised to learn that I decided to ask them to do some improv blocks.
I decided it was time to use some of my favourite fabrics. I decided to cut big chunks of two fabrics for each person because I wanted there to be enough fabric in the package for people to play and make mistakes without worry about running short. I have picked asterisk and plus blocks of any size - I think that the different size and kinds of blocks will add interest to the quilt.
I made a flickr gallery of some quilts made with these kind of blocks here, the quilts are always so interesting.
Tonight I took one of the bundles and played. These blocks are really fun to make. There are no rules, just start with a square or rectangle, cut it, add a strip of any size, press, cut again, add again. You can stop at a plus or carry on to make an asterisk.
Tomorrow, if the snow stops - it has been a bit of a storm today - I will address all the envelops and mail all those bundles. I am already late in making all these decisions and sending the fabric out - luckily the group does not mind. Now I can't wait to see the blocks that come back, and I am glad to be done with all this planning and deciding.
I am going to link this post to the Thursday Think Tank, which is being guest hosted this week by Sandi at Piecemeal Quilts who will be sharing ideas for Thanksgiving etiquette. By the way, I get to be one of the guest hosts for the holiday season of the Thursday Think Tank - my day is November 29 and I will be sharing some ideas for gifts for tweens, teens and twenties.

I can totally believe it'd be hard to plan/pick fabric for the quilt! It's the main reason I've never joined that type of bee! :D Maybe next year I'll take the dive, though.
oh my gosh! Not THIS is going to be fun! And love the fabrics you've chosen, Leanne! oh boy.
That's what I like about bees. You get to do things you wouldn't do for yourself. If you find it hard to choose fabric, there's no hope for me!
Loving the blocks. They will make a really eye catching quilt. Di x
This is going to be a brilliant quilt!
gorgeous blocks! It's my month coming up soon in a bee - I may have to steal your ideas :-D
Like you I change my mind many times before sending out my requirements! It feels like such a responsibility! Love your X blocks - the fabrics are beautiful! Hope the storm passes over quickly. jxo
Oh I love your asterics blocks. I am not in a bee this year but last year it took me forever to finally make a decision on the blocks I was going to toruture my Brit Bee Ladies with !
I'll be honest, I had previously seen the asterisk block in isolation and it hadn't really appealed to me but seeing the completed quilts in your flickr gallery has really changed my mind!
Gorgeous colour choices.
Like the asterisk blocks, and your fabric choices are beautiful!
Fabulous! This quilt will be amazing...can't wait to see the blocks
Any Bee block with a dollop of Chicopee in it is going to be a winner!
This quilt is going to be amazing and I can't wait to see what the bees make for you!
OOH I love your fabrics. I have been trying to gather some oranges and love the way they look with your taupe/greys - stunning!
I couldn't agree more on making that decision but your choice is fantastic! Love colors, the block and the quilt gallery. Can't wait to see it finished.
Leanne, love your fabrics, what a fantastic mixture of patterns and colors. I'm sure your quilt will be amazing!
Love your fabrics and block choice. November is my month in Hip bees: it took me forever to decide on my block!
I love the colors you're using and the block looks fab! I see a few of my favorite fabrics in there :)
Excellent choice for blocks and fabrics, I just got my very first bit of Chicopee in the mail the other day, a jelly roll! you'll have a lovely quilt after your bee mates get through with your bundles :D
Oh they are going to look gorgeous in the fabrics you picked.
Beauties! My fabric pile for my January's Brit Bee is all greys, oranges and pinks too - at the moment!
I love your blocks, they're really effective. Think you'll end up with a wonderful quilt.
Oh I love that fabric combo, and how you placed the stripy fabric in the asterisk!
Fabulous fabrics for your fun block. I've always wanted to try as asterisk--you make it sound easy!
I love the fabrics you have chosen and look forward to receiving this bundle to make you some blocks! I always love your choices because it is always so modern!
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