Saturday, November 24, 2012

Making some stars

Trimming Ohio Stars

In the morning light, I trimmed.

Making Ohio Stars

The quarter square triangle units just glow. Oakshott Lipari shot cottons with Essex linen in light grey.

Making Ohio Stars

So shiny.

Making Ohio Stars

One more picture while the sun was up.


Later I finished sewing. These Ohio stars finish at 3" square.

Ohio Stars

I need more green ones, but it is late now. I will put them in the sun in the morning and take more pictures. And make more green ones, and then make them into something nice.

I worked hard this week and the lurgy is lurking again so I am taking it easy in the hopes of fighting it off. There were naps and healthy food in between star making. And tea.

I hope you are enjoying your weekend.




Susan said...

They do glow, don't they! Just beautiful! Look after yourself, and I hope you are feeling better soon!

Shanna of Fiber of All Sorts said...

They are super lovely! Good work my dear!

Paula said...

I love these tiny stars! Are you just using 1.5" squares to get the 3" finish?

Sonia B said...

These are so, so beautiful. I'm amazed that you can get such perfect, tiny hourglass blocks. Amazing. said...

The stars are so pretty. I hope you feel better

dutchcomfort said...

Love those tiny stars Leanne! I hope you feel better!

Catherine said...

Hope you are fighting it off! Those tiny little stars are fantastic

Charlotte said...

so beautiful - they shimmer!

Toni said...

I think that little green one is my favorite. Hope you are feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

wow you are so patient!!
These look awesome :)

I hope you feel better soon. I am coming down with it too... so nice of our guests to leave me with a little momento of their visit ;) lol

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Hope you feel better soon - no time to be poorly.
Those stars look beautiful x

beaquilter said...

those are so tiny and PERFECT!

Rhonda the Rambler said...

Sounds like you need lots of sleep. Rest up my friend.

Kelly said...

Love the tiny stars and admire your patience ;-)

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Not another lurgy? I hope you've managed to ward it off with tea and healthy food.
Your stars are superb!!

Run Quilt Knit Write said...

Oh Leanne I LOVE these - just gorgeous - they make me want to rush off and buy some of those Oakshott fabrics!!

Susan said...

Just adorable! Tea is good...yes drink your tea. Hope you're having a good Sunday morning. :)

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

I too am making Ohio Stars, for my Orca Bay quilt, but mine are much bigger than yours.

Sarah said...

Please take care of yourself Leanne! More rest, less lurgy = more beautiful, beautiful sewing!!

Sarah said...

Adore these little stars - they look festive enough to be renamed Oh-ho stars!

tusen said...

They are so lovely and so tiny :)
Hope you feel better.

Di said...

What beautiful stars. Can't wait to see what they are made into. Di x

Judith, Belfast said...

Cute starts L! Feel better soon! jxo

Debbie said...

can't wait to see what's next!

Rachel said...

So shiny, and so tiny. They are just lovely.

Svetlana said...

these are gorgeous, Leanne!!! and so tiny!

Nicky said...

Get better quick so you can make more green ones! All lovely though Leanne!

Heidi Staples said...

Leanne, these look lovely! Hope you're feeling well!

Katy Cameron said...

Oooh, so pretty and shiny! Hope the lurgy went away again without bothering you