Look what came in the mail for me from my partner in the Mouthy Stitches Swap! The most wonderful tote bag from my internet friend Alison, who blogs at Little Island Quilting. Alison is one of my favourites, her quilts are always beautiful and she picks the best colours and patterns. I had hoped for a bag with some improv piecing and she did not disappoint. In fact as soon as I saw the pictures of this bag I was hoping it was mine.
Look at this side - she kept it a secret. There is a beautifully pieced maple leaf just for me. I made sure to photograph it outside where you can see our Canadian winter already beginning. And I have to tell you the beautiful quilting, and more improv piecing just makes me so happy, as do all those solids. The inside, which I neglected to photograph and now it is getting dark, is a geometric orange prints - one of my favourite colours!
Thank you Alison, this bag is just perfect for me and I will use it often. Oh, and Alison sent me the leftovers of that beautiful leaf fabric in lieu of a key fob. It is as if she spoke with my family who would have told her how my keys are tossed everywhere and a lovingly made fob would not last long - the fabric is a perfect substitution as I just love it.
I leave you with a teaser of texture and green linen. Come back tomorrow and I will show you the rest of this little quilt. For now I have to get ready to hand out the candy, I hope your Halloween is a bit warmer than ours.