Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mostly playing with colours

New York Beauty

I made that New York Beauty block today for Michonne in my Always Bee Learning bee. Today I am certainly learning. It took me most of the day, although that is not the block's fault - I am feeling very tired and lazy after a month of crazy work and had to take a nap or two. But, you can see my repair at the top and the repair still needed also at the top. And it is 1/4" too small on two sides so tomorrow the bottom parts must come off and two larger pieces added.

I thought it good to share my challenges lest anyone think I am that good at paper piecing - after all this is a "learning" bee. Oh and I have one more to make tomorrow, I decided that I best call it a day on paper piecing today.

Fabrics for Mod Pop

A couple of weeks ago I rambled on and on about picking colours for the Mod Pop Quilt Along. That stack above is where I am at today. I think that this bundle needs more reds and oranges to warm up the bubble gum pinks. The two blues are Essex Linen, royal blue and aqua. I think I am down to picking between them, or maybe I should use them both, alternating the chains??

Possible colours Mod Pop QAL

I have been trying to decide on my colours for a while now. Another Poseidon bundle fell in my shopping cart after I cut the first one up for the first Mod Pop. So I first thought I could pair it with a bunch of yellows.

Possible colours Mod Pop QAL

Or maybe just with pinks?

Possible colours Mod Pop QAL

Then I took out the lightest pinks and added reds and oranges. And just this blue cotton for the focus?

Possible colours Mod Pop QAL

When I put these in the flickr pool, a lot of people liked the aqua cotton.

Possible colours Mod Pop QAL

Surprisingly I found l loved this one - I am not normally that partial to red and blue. That is the royal blue Essex Linen from the first photo. I really like the idea of using linen with the cottons for this.

Possible colours Mod Pop QAL

I had thought this would be the favourite, the warm colours with snow but the blues are just so much better. So, do you think I should use both blue and aqua linen with the warm colours, imagine more reds and oranges in there too?

I think I will make a sample block or two tomorrow. It is time for me share some tips about piecing this quilt, so playing with the colours a bit more will help me to do that.

Liparis from Oakshot

I did manage to wash the Liparis from Oakshott today. They unravelled just enough to really show off the different coloured threads. Each is woven with black and a bright colour.

Liparis from Oakshott

I am thinking about what to make with these fabrics. These remind me of colours in the night, glimpses of colour reflecting off of puddles and cars and shiny windows, in a beam of a car headlight or  streetlight. Of evenings walking out late in the heart of the city.

Liparis from Oakshott

Look at the colours when you get close. I think these would make stunning evening dresses.

Liparis from Oakshott

I have to share all the photos, they are just so wonderful. I know most of you don't pre-wash, but for these it was sure worth it to see these unravelled edges.

Time for binding

This is likely where I will be tonight. Cuddled under one quilt - the No Primary Colours quilt - while hand sewing the binding on my Echo Stained and catching up on blogs, email and flickr - I am far, far behind. There is one day left in this quarter and I need at least one finish for Rhonda's  Finish A Long. Wish me luck.

I hope you are able to relax a bit this weekend.



17 comments: said...

Love those Oakshotts so much. I am really tempted to buy them but I have not used my other pile that I bought earlier in the year, yet.

Canadian Abroad said...

I am right with you on your colour preferences for the QAL. Love the reds/pinks etc with the blue. And I, like Di, have Oaksott envy. Regarding the pp - thanks for letting me know you aren't perfect. Close, but even you have off days. ;-)

Little Island Quilting said...

I would use both the blue and the aqua.

dutchcomfort said...

I’m glad you washed the oakshotts so I can admire the unravelled edges in your photo’s as I never wash my fabrics! My bundle of Lipari’s arrived as well!

I still love your blues and yellows, they remind me of a sunny day at the beach!

Shevvy said...

The good thing about those little fixes on paper piecing is that even though they feel so obvious up close, once they are in a quilt that's finished it's really hard to find them again. I know, I've tried.

I like the royal blue combo with the reason it. That stood out a mile for me...

Catherine said...

Did the stained get finished? I love those oakshotts, what fantastic colours. And I didn't even noticed the repair you had had to do on your NYB until you pointed it out!

Cindy said...

I'm sorry work has been such a stinker for you. The NY beauty is just gorgeous! Fab piecing. I'd go for the second to last Mod Pop option when you use blues and reds. Love that...but I also like the idea of a few different focus fabrics. That could be really pretty!

Katy Cameron said...

I recognise that NYB! That was my block for the QAL earlier in the year :o) If it helps, I found it easier to use a tiny bit of glue to stick the paper to the outer sections, and left them on there while I sewed the curve, which kept the SA okay.

I like a mixture of the 3 blues you pulled out, but I'm sure whatever you use will look fab :o)

Have fun with your liparis when you get to then :o)

Annabella said...

Thanks for adding some gorgeous colour to my day - good luck with all your decisions!

Gertie Pye said...

What a lovely colourful post! I have been eyeing up various Oakshotts for some time and the Liparis just look sensational - like you say, almost like light reflecting off the water. Now I am even more tempted!

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Gorgeous colour combinations - thanks for brightening my day! I really like the photo with the royal blue but I also love the 'two blues' photo...glad I'm not making the decision!!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Oh I forget what you were saying - I was to engrossed in the lovely pics!

I know you will make the best choice on the Mod Pop colours, you always do!

MariQuilts said...

Lots of beautiful That New York beauty is amazing.

Poppyprint said...

good luck with your finish!! I really enjoyed all of the photos and now I want to wash my Lipari's too! I don't have any strong opinions on the mod pop colour choices, but I look forward to seeing the warm colours in that pattern!

Kelly said...

Some serious fabric eye candy in this post ;-)

elle said...

ah! I found my finger scrolling slower and slower. I luv solids and now I'm intrigued by the oakshots. I like the aqua better than the brighter blue. But... lol

**nicke... said...

that pile of solids is so beautiful it is almost ponographic! ;) xo