Thursday, May 31, 2012

A little help from my friends


I have entered Noise into the Umbrella Prints Trimmings 2012 contest. If you have not had a chance, you can read about Noise here and here.

This contest is a little different. Umbrella Prints has pinned all the entries onto their pinboard, which is here. The People's Choice award will go to the entry with the most "repins". There are also a host of wonderful judges who will pick an entry to win as well.

There are a lot of great entries so if you have a chance, it is worth a minute to go and view the entries. Repin all the ones you like, and if you like Noise, consider repinning her to.

I am at Susan's house in the beautiful English countryside. Her children and husband are delightful, she is an amazing person and cook, and it has been a lovely visit so far. I will do my best to make sure she finishes packing soon so that we are ready when Laura arrives in the morning to take us back to London for the FQ Retreat.




1 Susan said...

What has Susan put in your tea? Delightful.. Amazing... Lovely????!!!!LOL! Your quilt is incredible! Off to 'pin'! Enjoy your time with Susan. X

2 Debbie said...

Great fun. Noise is definitely repin worthy!

3 Canadian Abroad said...

Ha! Packed in time. Who are you fooling?!

4 Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Re-pinned xxx
(Keep your snips handy in the night!) xxx

5 Al said...

Repinned! Because it's lovely.

6 Heather D. said...

I'd pin you if I was a Pinterest user, which I'm not, so I'll just wish you the best of luck!!

7 Katy Cameron said...

Good luck, see you tomorrow :o)

8 Judith, Belfast said...

Susan is an amazing cook - lucky you! I hope Noise does really well! See you tomorrow, Jxo

9 said...

did you know Susan before today? I can't wait to meet her! She is one special lady.

10 said...

did you know Susan before today? I can't wait to meet her! She is one special lady.

11 Rafael's Mum said...

Done. Easily the best on the board. See you soon!

12 Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Good luck! (With the competition, not with spending the journey to London in a car with Laura and Susan!)

13 Rhonda the Rambler said...

I voted...of course

14 Marci Girl said...

Leanne, you make such beautiful modern quilts, I am envious of your skills and eye for making such lovely quilts!