Monday, March 5, 2012

I love solids!

FTLOS - sewing machine cover

This is the sewing machine cover that I made for my secret partner in the For the Love of Solids swap. I  truly love this piece. My partner's palette was beautiful and I added a bunch of similar colours (all the outside fabrics are Kona solids). I like the depth of colour and interest that a variety of shades gives you when working with solids.

FTLOS - sewing machine cover

The thing about a three dimensional item like this is that you cannot see all the sides at the same time. So I decided to make the sides quite different, while still hoping to achieve  a modern, bold and somewhat minimalist look.

FTLOS sewing machine cover - top detail

This is the view from the top. I decided that I would do something yet again different and use both colours. Here you can also see how the edges are finished. This little bit of faux piping really gives the soft cover a square shape which adds to the modern look.

FTLOS - So far, the next part makes it three dimensional

The construction was fun. This is a photograph of the cover before I turned it into a box. First you can see that it is really hard to photograph these colours - the completed pictures are more true. The cover started as just one panel. I used this approach because I was not keen on sewing a lot of thick seams.

I used Ayumi from the Pink Penguin's tutorial for her little fabric organizer boxes (click here), or for those of you who are familiar with tote bags with boxed corners, that is all this is. The tricky part was making sure that I put the coloured bits in the right places so that they showed up where I wanted them once all the folding and boxing occurred.

FTLOS - sewing machine cover - lining

I lined it with some aqua (this is actually an Amy Butler solid) that I had on my shelf. I am still sweating the measurements, by the way. I added some ease to all the dimensions my partner noted so that it would not get stuck on the way on or off, but I have no access to a sewing machine like my partner's to test it. I suppose if it is too small I can make her a replacement.

FTLOS - sewing machine cover, side views

I love the dense quilting. I used three different variegated threads (2 Sulky, 1 Valdani) to add yet more colour in the same range. I especially like how the "chocolate brownies" thread added so much to the Kona expresso - yup, those names do make me hungry.

And I washed this one and again am glad I did, as it adds a lot to the overall look. That is not why I washed it, however. I figured that it would get dusty and maybe a coffee would get spilled on it, and so I want to make sure that it would not shrink too much or fall apart. I am hoping my partner will use it, and thus will need to wash it from time to time.

FTLOS - pincushion and fabric box

In this swap we also send a small item, so I made this little pincushion and fabric box out of some of the left over scraps.

FTLOS - sewing machine cover

Here is a parting shot, which might be how you would see it as you were sitting down to begin sewing for the day.

I am linking this up to Megan from Canoe Ridge Creation's {Sew} Modern Monday and tomorrow I will link to Heather and Megan at Quilt Story's Fabric Tuesday - you can see both buttons over on the right side of the blog. The projects linked to both are always lovely so I hope you have time to go and visit.




1 Rebecca said...

This is too awesome!

I've been considering a camera bag (no boxed corners though, just a square-bottomed drawstring guy) that is densely quilted inside and out, and this is very inspiring. Those greens!

2 Pat Merkle said...


3 Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Absolutely beautiful, even without trying to dress up brown as 'expresso' or 'chocolate'!

4 tusen said...

I know a sewing machine cover shouldn't be called yummy, but that's the first adjective that comes to my mind when I look at this one :) Lovely.

5 Annabella said...

Well you know I absolutely love this Leanne - it is so beautiful and you have one lucky partner!

6 McIrish Annie said...

Sure wish I was your swap partner! This is fabulous.

7 Rhonda the Rambler said...

I sure hope you end up sewing for me in a swap sometime soon....I am such a fan of your work. I think I might be borderline stalker.

8 Manda said...

Tht is fantastic!!

9 beth said...

It is awesome! What a great cover - I agree - the dense quilting in various colors really makes the cover!

10 Sheila said...

This is beautiful - I think you might be tempted to do another as a mini quilt?? Also think you might yet win Hadley over to brown.

11 Lucy | Charm About You said...

Gorgeous! This is the chicest sewing machine cover I've ever seen :)

12 Tamie said...

I love this cover- the piecing, the quilting and the washing are perfect- puts my plastic one to shame.

13 felicity said...

Leanne - this is just beautiful. You have a VERY lucky partner!

14 Katy Cameron said...

Love your swap items, the machine cover is so much fun with the different wee improv blocky bits (she says, technically)

15 Svetlana said...

Oh, Leanne, this is just soooo amazing!! I love the quilting, it's beautiful. I don't usually work with just solids, they seem kind of boring to me but seeing the wonders you have done with all that dense quilting, I have to give something like this a try. It looks so modern, zen, minimalist, yet amazing. Can you tell I really, really like it? Wow!!! and wow!!! again. Great job!

16 Jenniffier said...

That is so super cute. I really like the aquas!

17 Nicole said...

Beautiful! I love the dense quilting and I too love working with solids. The accessories you made are perfect.

18 Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Leanne! Really fantastic! After quilting so much by hand, I love to see how the machine quilting changes the look so much! Your colours and the design are wonderful!
And what a lovely presnts you have received lately!
Happy sewing week! x Teje

19 Judith, Belfast said...

Stunning L! I love your colour palette (always a fan of brown anyway! Don't tell Hadley!). Jxo

20 Mary Menzer said...

The quilting on your sewing machine cover is what truly makes the piece stand out. I love all the colors you used, and the pincushion looks interesting. I am a fan of brown and I think I'll take a peek at how you made this.

21 Debbie said...

I am in awe every time I see this project of yours - just love the design, the colors, and above all, the quilting. SO nice!

22 Shevvy said...

Apart from the fact that it looks fabulous, I love the way you made it with the boxed corners. Thats totally inspired me, I can do them. Something else to add to the todo list!

23 said...

You already know I love this, everything about it

24 Canadian Abroad said...

Simply amazing. I fall in love with it a bit more each time I see it.

25 Toni said...

Completely awesome, Leanne! I love the variations in colors within the blocks and the quilting is perfect. You have a very lucky partner!

26 MariQuilts said...

Wow, how fabulous Leanne. The pin cushion and fabric box look so cute with it.