Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday's progress and a concern

Jaggy Edges

I was paper piecing last weekend. I so love the dramatic results of paper piecing but it is a slow and patient process for me, with the seam ripper close at hand. The green strip is the new one, the pink one was done earlier. Wouldn't a quilt with large pointy triangles arranged like this look great - I might have to figure out how to make it.

Jaggy edges - another arrangement

Or maybe arranged like this? Maybe a mini quilt? These bits are part of the Mystery QAL quilt, which I am working on finishing.

Top done

This is the Summer's Blush pattern by Bloom top so far. I am trying to decide if I want borders or not. I am thinking about using a heavier decor weight or linen for the back and using this as a beach/picnic blanket. And I am going to need another name for this quilt, it is just not blushy.

Aqua and Orange - Blocks for Betsy

These blocks are for the Aqua and Orange Bee. I had such a nice time making them and just love the colour combination.

Aqua and Orange Bee - blocks for Betsy

I am making progress on other projects and hope to be able to show off another finish this weekend.

My concern is with SOPA and PIPA, two pieces of proposed American legislation. My kids spent a few nights passionately explaining to me how this legislation would break the internet as we know it and, in my opinion, they are right. I knew that without the kids, but what was so interesting was that they knew about it, were able to debate it rigorously and felt so strongly about it.

Go to Wikipedia here to read more, today English Wikipedia is dark. Or go here to see what Flickr has to say. Or google it. The whole internet world will be affected, not just people in the United States, and so hopefully we all will take notice and act.

I am linking to Lee at Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday and the Needle and Thread Network, please go and visit all the wonderful bloggers and their work posted there.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced




Debbie said...

Your triangles really are stunning - very cool! And I like your blushy quilt alot I think it looks just great w/o borders & would be an amazingly fun picnic quilt!

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

That blushy quilt is beautiful...and the paper pieced They would make a great border in a quilt...very pretty.

Linz said...

The triangles are AWESOME, and yes - would be beautiful!

I think a black boarder on your quilt would look awesome. I have done a heavier weight fabric for backing on a picnic quilt - and it works wonderfully!

Great blocks! Happy WIP!

Amy said...

very pretty quilts! I like the idea of the long white triangles in the paper pieced one.

Kelly said...

The paper pieced traingles would make an amazing quilt. I am thinking they would look fab on my sideboard as a runner ;)

Lee said...

Those triangles are AMAZING! I think i like the first layout best. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

Sheila said...

Your blushy quilt looks like a Victorian tiled floor - I am feeling a border tho.

Canadian Abroad said...

LOVE the triangles, and think Summer Blush is more of a Summer Night. I have been reading about the legislation earlier today. I do not agree with what they are trying to do, but then the UK has such a unbalanced extradition pact with the USA it is ridiculous so I disagree with a number of laws out there.

Sandra Kaye said...

Love the spikey, and the aqua blocks.... great job!!

Catherine said...

the blush quilt looks fantastic. And well done on all those triangles: I chickened out of those on my quilt!

Sheila said...

All of your work looks terrific , I really love the colors of those deep triangles you PP .

rachael {imagine gnats} said...

love the triangles!! and agreed on your concerns...

Shevvy said...

Love the jappy strips. They will look great in your quilt.

As for the legislations, I know there are faults with the internet and it is so easy to use it to ignore copyrights and if it was your work being pirated, books, films etc it must be heartbreaking to see it being stolen on such a scale. But at the same time, there has to be another way than this level of censorship.

An being a bit cynical, I wonder why this appears to be supporting large corporations interests. Why haven't they used it to address things like child pornography instead?

Judith, Belfast said...

Oh Blushy quilt reminds me of Victorian tiles you get on hallway floors. Love your spikes - wouldn't they be great in the border of a quilt too! You are certainly making great progress. Jxo

Elizabeth Dackson said...

Oh my gosh, I adore those spikes! So gorgeous! A whole quilt of those would be amazingly stunning...and probably agonizing hard work!!

Katie said...

I love those paper pieced triangles! Isn't paper piecing great? Makes life so easy!

Annabella said...

How do you do it all Leanne? Love your triangles and will make an amazing quilt! I`ve kind of ignored the legislation thing - perhaps I had better have a look.

**nicke... said...

i loooove those paper pieced spikes. i pinned the mystery QAL and will check it out. i love those flags in the hometown line on your not blushy quilt. it is very pretty!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

All beautiful as always, ask me again for ideas when I am not shattered! xxx

A.J. Dub. (Amy) said...

All great projects! I especially love blushy. :) said...

Concern - I went to flickr and they asked if I wanted to darken my pics. I have no idea what those things are all about, and my kids are too young to explain. Me... I can't read for longer than5 minutes. Is there a "for dummies" version where I can get it in a nutshell?

Love the triangles : ) (I like em back to back...?)

Thanks for linking!
~Monika K.
in Saskatoon

Michelle in Saskatoon said...

Hi, I love the look of the triangles. I did a border on a quilt a few years ago where I paper pieced spikes like that, but it was all in yellow and white, a two color quilt. I like the fabrics you used, they look so cheerful! m

Letterpress said...

Glad you brought up the SOPA legislation--I didn't go dark on my blog today (I knew it was Wednesday) but I did head to Wordpress and Google and signed their petitions and wrote to my congressman (who is completely a dolt, but that's another story). I think we do need to some copyright protection, but wouldn't it be nice if those senators/representatives have some input from those in the know? I've been following this on Boing Boing for some time, and apparently during the hearings, there were tons of people lined up to speak, to give their input about good ways to deal with this and they were not even brought in. It's complicated (like those gorgeous pink and green paperpieced zig-zags of yours) but it we all apply a little know-how, perhaps we can solve the problems!

And I enjoyed reading the rest of your blog, too!

Elizabeth E!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Gorgeous work, the quilt looks amazing and I wouldn't go with borders, it will look fabulous as is :)

Katy Cameron said...

Love those triangles, although the blush top is making my eyes go a bit funny as I scroll down o.O

This new legislation is something I, outside the US, have been watching with some alarm. It will affect the rest of the world, and yet we are entirely powerless to stop it. Not sure at what point the US government decided they were god in these matters...

Michelle said...

Your paper-piecing is stunning!

Love the Summer Blush pattern and your color choices are quite dramatic.

I agree with you and your kids about SOPA and PIPA!

Peggy said...

Great paper piecing! And Summer's Blush - maybe Summer's Bloom? - looks wonderful I think a border would just finish it off nicely. Like the aqua and orange - what a unique combination!

Nicky said...

Fabulous really love the lattice or tiled effect of the summer blush and those pp triangles are sharp! Fantastic!

Susan said...

Your Blush quilt is great! It reminds me of a tiled floor (as I just see others have also suggested!)- maybe call it "On the Tiles"?

M-R Charbonneau said...

Leanne, you have great projects on the go! Love the pointy triangle strips!

æble said...

I was completely unaware of SOPA and PIPA. Thanks for sharing that bit of info. Time to pull my head out of our mostly TV free home and call some representatives.

Amy DeCesare said...

I love those points so much! For your Summer Blush picnic quilt...I vote no borders. I would call it "al fresco" or "Sidewalk Cafe."