Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wednesday - definitely some progress.

Mystery QAL Blocks so far

My progress on the Mystery QAL is slow but steady.  You can see those jaggy strips have been added to that large orange star at the top.

Also, are the blocks laid out as I think they will be pieced in the final quilt. That friendship star up at the top left is at the outside of the borders, which are not yet done. And there are braided strips to go between the stars at the bottom of the picture and some background rectangles.

Mystery QAL - Braid strip

So, later on in this evening I made the first braid. They are fun to make (the braid tutorial is here) and the effect is pretty slick for a really easy process. That is, if you cut it correctly.

Mystery QAL - braid strip

Well, I know the rule, measure twice, cut once, but I was tired and thought I had it right. So I cut the left side first and there was nothing to do then but cut the right. I am going to use this off kilter braid anyway because I like its asymmetry and it will remind me to slow down and think a bit more as I go.

And so there is just one more braid to do and then the I can piece the stars and finish the border to complete this quilt top. If all goes well this one will be ready for quilting soon.

Cathedral Window Pincushion - partner would you like this one?

This is the pincushion I made for my secret partner for the Bee a {Modern} Swapper group. This month we are swapping pincushions. I decided it was time to try a cathedral window out and a pincushion was a great opportunity as it is just one block. I used this tutorial from My GoGo Life, which is excellent.

Quatrefoil Block for Alisha - Modern Blocks Bee

This lovely block is called Quatrefoil from the Modern Blocks book. It was the January block for Alisha in my Modern Blocks Bee. This block has grown on me, I think that a whole quilt of them is going to be wonderful.

Little Arrowhead Shawl
And I promised to show off more knitting. This little shawl is called Little Arrowhead Shawl which is a pattern by Pam Allen. The yarn is Noro Silk Garden Lite.

Little Arrowhead Shawl

This picture shows both the lace and the true colours. This is a small scarf size piece to wear around your neck more than your shoulders, and I wore it all day today.

Travelling Woman Shawl

This one is a pattern called Travelling Woman by Liz Abinante. I love this pattern and have made a few of these, which again are quite small and fit nicely around your neck or over your head if it starts snowing. Again the yarn is Noro Silk Garden Lite, which is one of my favourites because it comes in so many stunning colours.

Travelling Woman Shawl

Once I started quilting, my knitting output decreased, but I often carry a project in my purse to work on when waiting somewhere or stopping for a coffee with a friend. I had a few of these shawls in a pile to have ends mended in and to be washed and blocked. Rhonda, at Quilter in the Gap, recently mentioned that she had a 15 minute drawer and I gave her a hard time for not finishing all those little bits off. Well, that made me think that I best deal with my own pile of almost finished knitting. I will show you some more of the knitting finishes next week.

I am linking to Lee at Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday and with the Canadians at the Needle and Thread Network. As always, I hope you will go and have a look at the wonderful work you will find linked at both of these.

                       WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced




What Comes Next? said...

you have been busy! Your stars quilt is coming right along, and I love the Cathedral window pincushion - thank you for that link - I've been wanting to do one for ages, and those instructions look like even I could follow them! Your bee block is great, and I love your shawls - seeing all the wonderful knitted items appearing in blogland is getting me itching to pull out the needles again. What a lovely inspiring post!

Susan said...

Quatrefoil and the Cathedral Window pincushion are really wonderful- perfect in fact!

Judith, Belfast said...

Love the CW pincushion. I haven't done CW since college - must have another go (I remember they were tricky!). And I love Quatrefoil, been meaning to have a go at that one too! Mystery Quilt is really taking shape. Will look stunning when it's finished. Jxo

Mary Ann Tate said...

All of your work is lovely...I really love the pincushion. I think I might give it a try:)

Kerstin said...

Wow, you have been busy! I love all your projects, but that pincushion is especially nice.

Nicky said...

Was going to pick out my favs but I love everything here.

Your knitting is gorgeous - fab colours!

Love the off kilter braid - asymmetry is the coolest thing just ask the Japanese!

Nicky said...

Forgot to say I love the pin cushion!

Fiona @ Poppy Makes said...

Your mystery quilt is looking great and your pin cushion is very pretty

Annabella said...

Everything you made is wonderful Leanne - love that block you have made. May have to make one myself.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Ok Leanne...do you have more than 2 hands????? You are getting so much done there...I love all of your blocks...especially love the braids...I've never made one. And you knitting is beautiful....very nice job!

Unknown said...

I love the washed out colours and subtlety of the mystery qal, such great choices! And that pin cushion is just perfection! I MUST get around to trying one of those one of these days!

Elizabeth Dackson said...

Wow, the mystery QAL is looking so pretty! Love the vintage-sheet-esque color scheme! Gorgeous works in progress all around :)

Lynette said...

What a pretty braid and stunning pincushion! And you knit, too! I love your scarf. :)

Sue Daurio said...

wow, so many gorgeous things! The Mystery QAL is looking so incredible. I LOVE your braid and the block with the Bliss fabric, gorgeous! Very inspiring!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

You Mystery Quilt is going to be the absolute best - I conceded a big fail when I saw yours!

Michelle in Saskatoon said...

You have some really pretty projects going there! I too love the pincushion, it looks so crisp. Also, th shawls are great, I love noro yarns too! Thanks for the lovely show and tell. M

Richard Healey said...

I like that braid. Thank you for linking to a tutorial I appreciate that a lot. Gratz on your progress on WIP Wed.


Sheila said...

Mystery Quilt - almost there, so excited.
I absolutely love those shawls, you make me want to get the knitting needles out......but I am not very good at it!

Debbie said...

What a bunch of great sewiness! Love your star quilt, with that one star out in the border - very cool! too bad about the mis-cut....it happens....

Shevvy said...

Don't worry about cutting the braid off centre, I did exactly the same thing but once it is in the quilt it is hardly noticeable.
Love the pincushion, cathedral windows are on my list to try sometime.

Kelly @ Vintage Fabric Studio said...

you've been busy! All your current works are wonderful, the mystery quilt is fun and the block for your bee is super cute, love those fabrics!

The Thompsons said...

Everything looks wonderful! I especially love your mystery quilt so far - it looks fabulous! So fun!

Linz said...

This whole post I kept saying "OH! I love those blocks! Oh, I LOVE that braid! Oh! I love those pillows!" you get the point! Great week for you! Way to go!

Heather D. said...

The Mystery QAL looks like fun. I love all your stars. And that cathedral windows pincushion is adorable. I'm sure your partner will love it!

Molly said...

Wow, you have been busy! Love all those stars and the CW pincushion is divine. Your knitting is amazing too- I am impressed!

Poppyprint said...

Wow, you've been busy. Your mystery stars are so pretty together in that layout! Once your braid is pieced into all that pointy business I'm sure you won't even notice the little off-centredness anymore.

Beautiful knitting!! I am v. lucky that my mom's a master knitter and I simply have to send yarn and patterns her way for any knitting I have in mind. So cheeky.

Catherine said...

The mystery quilt is looking fab. I have so nearly finished mine and saw some fabric for the borders that would have been perfect but just couldn't get at the time! Love the pincushion too

Amy said...

Very pretty quilt in progress! I love the wonky braid! the shawl looks very warm.

Marg said...

Lots of beautiful things in this post Leanne. Love the pincushion, and the quatrefoil block. The Mystery quilt is going to look awesome. I really do need to get back into it and finish mine.
The shawls look beautiful, it is always too warm to wear them here, sigh.

Toni said...

So many beautiful projects, Leanne! Your Mystery quilt is looking fabulous and I wouldn't have even noticed your mistake!

Cassie said...

That pincushion is amazing! And your knitting is so gorgeous! I always want to make more delicate things like that, but I have limited patience and like big needles :)

Rhonda the Rambler said...

Your mystery quilt is coming along nicely and your shawls are beautiful. Yet another thing you are amazingly talented at! Are they pinned right to your wood floor? **shocked face**

Sheila said...

You are multi talented , your blocks are really nice and your knitting is amazing!

Susan J Barker said...

I have had a love affair with cathedral window since my MIL showed me a pillow she did way back in the 1970's! Love the little shawls and the silk yarn -- I am just learning to keep my knit stitches even so am using cheaper acrylics for project but see that maybe it is time to graduate to natural yarns and more satisfying colours!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Oh my gosh Leanne, I was going to rave about each thing but it's easier just to say it's all incredible, really incredible!! :)

Peggy said...

Wow - what a lot of work. Especially like the braid sashing, and the pincushion!

Katy Cameron said...

Great list of makes on the go there, isn't that pincushion tutorial fab? I made one for my mum for Christmas

Leanne said...

LOVE,LOVE,LOVE it all......There's not much more I can say other I'm really inspired...

Jenniffier said...

Very lovely work this week! I adore the top quilt you are working on.

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Leanne! I love your scarfs - those mixed colours are wonderful and mostly I love many-colour yarns! Lovely pattern, too!
Also your quilt is going to be beautiful!
x Teje

Kristina said...

Hi Leanne,

Thank you for posting the braid and the link! I am a beginning quilter and love this easy block with a fun look :-) Fun to find you via WiP!

~ Kristina