Monday, January 30, 2012

Featured - how cool is that!

Before washing, ROYGBIV back

Today, two of my quilts are featured on the internet - I am both thrilled and a little overwhelmed. The ROYGBIV Log Cabin Quilt is featured at Quilt Story.


And Shattered is being featured at Modern Day Quilts.

Modern Day Quilts

Pretty cool! Thanks to Heather and Megan at Quilt Story, and to Heather at Modern Day Quilts - they made my day, twice!




Lucy | Charm About You said...

woo hoo!! Very cool and very well deserved! :)

Canadian Abroad said...

You are famous - and you are because you are so darn good! Well deserved and I fully expect to see featured more in the future.

Fiona @ Poppy Makes said...

Wow! Well done. Both of those quilts are gorgeous!

Little Island Quilting said...

Completely deserved!

Debbie said...

Totally cool!!! Congrats Leanne!! Absolutely beautiful quilts and the recognition is well-deserved!

Poppyprint said...

That's fantastic - both gorgeous quilts deserving of more love!

Heidi Staples said...

Congrats! I have to say that I'm absolutely crazy about your shatter quilt!

Annabella said...

Cool but no surprise at all - you are an amazing quilter Leanne!

Jenny said...

That's awesome! Well deserved!!

Sarah said...

Much deserved! Enjoy your celebrity status - just don't forget us plebs!

Katy Cameron said...

Congrats on the features, not at all surprised!

**nicke... said...

what a very deserved feature! good work!

Catherine said...

congratulations - very well deserved

Sarah said...

Well done, well deserved!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

I am completely NOT surprised, these are both completely beautiful and the ROYGBIV is one of the most beautiful quilts I have ever seen xxx
Congratulations my friend :)

Leo said...

congratulations - you and your quilts certainly deserve it!

Heather D. said...

Congrats, it's fun to be featured!

tusen said...

Congratulations! They are both great, so no surprise :)

Sarah @ FairyFace Designs said...

Yay! Totally deserved, they are both fab! Delighted for you :-)

Holly said...

That's awesome, Leanne! And so are your quilts!

MariQuilts said...

Congrats's well deserved. I love both the quilts!

Rhonda the Rambler said...

It just goes to prove just how fab you are!! Thanks so very much for the mention on Quilt Story.

Svetlana said...

Leanne, congrats!!! You're featured all over the blogland, that's wonderful. I so love all your amazing creations.

Richard Healey said...

I have commented before on Shattered I think that is just a amazing quilt. The color and the shape just is cool.

Sheila said...

I am thrilled for you Leanne, so well deserved.x

Judith, Belfast said...

Congrats L! V.well deserved! Jxo

Marg said...

I think it's time to get your autograph.
Both quilts are amazing. The interest in your beautiful work is well deserved. Congratulations.

Mary Menzer said...

Well deserved recognition, Leanne! Congratulations.

Quiltstory said...

Thanks so much Leanne!

M-R Charbonneau said...

Congrats! That's awesome, Leanne!