My largest work in progress is Claire's ROYGBIV quilt. Here is the back, at this point it measured about 63" x 86". Last night I added some white borders to bring it to 74" x 94", just larger than the top by a couple of inches on all sides. Tonight, if things go well, I will sandwich it with the top and start quilting.
I am so pleased with this huge log cabin back, but I have to say it is a slow and careful process to make it without ripples. This is going to be truly a reversible quilt.
Claire asked for stipple quilting and I am looking forward to sitting at my machine free motion quilting. It seems I have been piecing a lot lately, not quilting.
I could not resist laying out these are the blocks I have received so far (two are the ones I made) from my bee mates in the Aqua and Orange Bee. There are more to come, and I am in no hurry for them - working on this quilt is my after Christmas project.
Here is another layout idea. I did not specify any size or pattern, just asked for improv in one colour for each block and sent a bunch of strips of solids. I did suggest regular edges to aid in piecing and I have some extra fabric to fill in any gaps. This is my first time receiving blocks in a bee, I have to say it is just so much fun to suddenly have all these little parcels arriving at once.
I have to show you this little embroidery that was tucked in with the blocks from Katherine who blogs at Honeyhill Designs. It is so cute, the needle is actually silver thread and sparkles!
All the embroidery I see lately is encouraging me to pull out all my needlework supplies, which have been tucked away for many years. My grandmother patiently taught me to embroider when I was 5 and 6 years old, I still remember vividly her careful explanations for each new stitch. Maybe another thing to bring out to play with over the holidays.
This weekend I am planning to get back to the Christmas star quilt I sandwiched just after the holidays last year. I want to make my first attempt at hand quilting on it and I hope if I start it in the next week that it could be done in time for cuddling over the holidays this year. I'll report back on that soon.
I am linking to my usual WIP links, please click the buttons and visit the projects linked up, they are always so inspiring.
I truly cannot hardly believe about your reversible quilt - it is amazing! Can't wait to see it quilted up!!
The pic of your log cabin does not do justice to the sheer size you have created - look forward to seeing the quilt.
Love the aqua and orange blocks - I have not yet been in a bee and am pleased to hear you are enjoying the experience.
I also have a Christmas quilt to complete, started last year. I have decided to give it as a gift so a good incentive to finish.
Your log cabin is looking super! that is going to be so nice quilted. And I just love the aqua and orange blocks layed out like that. This will be an amazing quilt...have fun with it...
that log cabin blows my mind! i love it! your bee blocks are really fun too!
Your huge log cabin is amazing! I can't even imagine making a log cabin that big. It must have felt like adding a border to your quilt over and over again. But the end result is beautiful!
That log cabin is incredible! Especially when you try to wrap your mind around how big it is, because the photo certainly doesn't look it! Amazing amount of work that's gone into that.
Love the mosaic/improv blocks as well. The colours are awesome!
How can that be the back--it is sooo gorgeous. Drooling over here. :o) Love the aqua and orange too!
I keep seeing ROYGBIV all over. What does it stand for?
The quilt is gorgeous! You are doing an amazing job with it.
Those aqua and orange blocks are sooooooo gorgeous! And the ROYGBIV quilt is really coming along! Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )
I love the log cabin! definitely worth the trouble
What wonderful colours you have here!
That aqua and orange is great, I love that colour scheme. Must use it one day.
That log cabin back is looking amazing.
Monsta' block is looking amazing! Cute embroidery gift - glad it inspires you! Would be great to carry on the legacy from your Gran. Jxo
Hi Leanne! That quilt is going to be amazing! I love love those colours and that huge 'block' with stripes!
Orange-turquoise blocks are also wonderful! Those colours just match so well together!
xxx Teje
Yeah to picking up embroidery and for the hand quilting! Hope all goes well and is super relaxing!
I spied your log cabin quilt back on flickr and gasped. It is really beautiful!!!!
The back in gorgeous. I am glad you used the term "reversible" becasue as I soon as I read "back" I thought it was too pretty for that.
Love those blue and orange blocks - but then again, I love solids. The huge log cabin is striking and I can't believe you're making a reversible quilt with so much work.
I love your log cabin ,a reversible quilt ,wow ,that is so neat.I also like your other blocks .
That must have been really tricky getting the large log cabin made without ripples! I love the colors!
The little embroidery is too cute. i also enjoy embroidery.
I just bought a new book called Freeform Quilting which is basically improv. I am looking forward to trying it. Your squares are going to be fun!
i'm SO super excited to see your giant log cabin back come together! and props to you for undertaking an FMQ project like that. it's quite intimidating for a beginner quilter like me! thanks for inspiring and setting the bar hight!
I love all your WIPs! The aqua and orange combo is just great and your bee members made some beautiful blocks.
I am really loving that ginorous log cabin - fabulous, and the aqua and orange blocks are so fresh looking - you;ll have fun putting that one together!
Oh Leanne! that "backing" if you want to call it that is amazing! and I really love that embroidery. what a cute label that would make for your bee quilt.
Thanks for this post , is very good
Wishes for a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving day
Send love and hugs and wish for your family on this special occasion.
I love the rounds of colors like that.
That's the BACK!? WOW. Oh I love the orange & aqua sooo much : ) Your blogs are stunning! : ) Nice work.
thanks for linking - sorry I'm late.
Beautiful! I really love your ROYGBIV quilt, and those improv pieces are amazing. I am interested to see how that turns out.
Great work!
Yeah. Holy cow on that beautiful reversable quilt!! That giant log cabin is incredible!!!
And I love those orange and aqua blocks! SO SO SO beautiful!
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