Friday, September 2, 2011

August wrap up, and beach inspiration before returning to the City

Fresh Sewing Day, What I have done in August 2011

It is time for my Fresh Sewing Day August wrap up post. I have been mostly on vacation at my cottage this month and it has been great. However, not really that much sewing has happened, I focused on my two swap quilts and some blocks. I did spend some time at the beach and a lot of time making jam from my crazy bumper plum crop and generally gardening and lazing about.

I am linking to Fresh Sewing Day at Lily's Quilts, head on over there to enjoy everyone's August wrap up.
Fresh Sewing Day

My Love of Solids [a modern swap] wall quilt was inspired, in part, by the beach (the wall quilt is the first one in the mosaic above). I promised to share my beach inspiration mosaic, with photos taken from the beach down the road from my cottage.

Beach inspiration - 2011

As hard as it is to leave, tomorrow my dog and I start the two day, 900 kilometre, car journey from this island in the Salish Sea (Pacific Ocean) back to my home on the prairies in Alberta. My kids and husband have gone ahead, the youngest has had a week of school already. It is Labour Day in Canada on Monday so I have a holiday Monday to unpack and maybe sew a little before I go back to work.

Enjoy your weekend!




1 MariQuilts said...

Have a safe trip back....we got back late last night.

2 Debbie said...

an amazing month of projects for you! Good luck as you travel back home!

3 Sheila said...

Thanks for sharing those idyllic pics - safe journey home.

4 Judith, Belfast said...

I'd say that's a v.productive month all round! Have a safe trip home! Jxo

5 tusen said...

Looks like quite a lot of sewing to me. And lovely sewing, too, with my very favourite doll quilt.
Beautiful inspirational mosaic, all those shapes and textures are wonderful.
I'm joining in the wishes for your safe journey home.

6 Emma said...

You've had an inspired month. The quilt you made for your swap partner is amazing. You have a very lucky partner.

Have a safe trip back to the prairies.

7 Rebecca said...

Man, that beach is outstanding! Hope your trip home was safe and uneventful.