
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mostly about the Farmer's Wife.

Bright colours to give away

I cut up the 5" squares to put in the zippered bag I made for my give away to celebrate reaching and exceeding 100 followers. If you have not yet entered, please do so by going here. I will be drawing tomorrow night.

Rainbow Flowers - #73 Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt

I have been working on the Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt. This block is Rainbow Flowers, #73.  A lovely 1/4 log cabin block. I pieced it as a log cabin block, not as illustrated in the book.

Autumn Tints - #2 Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt

This is Autumn Tints, #2. I was not really considering autumn when I picked the colours.

Squash Blossom - #86 Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt

This is Squash Blossom, #86 (which I posted earlier). It is less striking turned on pointe, I think, but still a great block.

Windmill - #108 Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt

Here is Windmill, #108. I love the simplicity of this block.

Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt - August 14

These are my 18 blocks so far. I am still loving making these small blocks, each one teaches me something, not always what I expect to learn.

You may want to visit  the Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt QAL to check everyone's progress. I am off to do some gardening and then back to plum jam making. I hope you enjoy your Sunday!




  1. Ooo plum jam sounds yum!
    Loving your FW blocks :)

  2. Don't your blocks look fabulous together! I have a new favourite every time you post!

  3. Your finished quilt is going to be amazing! Love the vibrant colors with white. Beautiful blocks!

  4. Your blocks look fantastic! I love that windmill block, think it might be next on my list :)

  5. Really love your bright colourful FW blocks :-)

  6. Great sampler! Love your colours....

    And I got 3 batches of plum jam made yesterday, and another on the stove. There is a batch of blackberries on my counter... wondering what to do with it!

  7. I absolutely love your color choices!!!! I love bright colored quilts. Can't wait to see the finished quilt. --hugs--Sandie

  8. So cute!! I love the vibrant colors!

  9. I am enjoying seeing the FW quilts evolving in such modern fabrics, brings a whole new dimension to it - your vibrant fabric is super.

  10. I love seeing your blocks for the FW quilt - those modern fabrics you've chosen are just so yummy!

  11. These are great! I love the saturated colors!

  12. I love how colorful your blocks are, Leanne! And I couldn't agree with you more - there are several blocks that seem much less interesting when placed on point. I think your Squash Blossom block is my personal fave :)


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