
Monday, August 1, 2011

July was fun!

July was fun!

I enjoy going to read what everyone has been up to each month at Fresh Sewing Day at Lily's Quilts. Lynne has started making a mosaic of her accomplishments, and so I am following her lead with this mosaic. Follow the button to see everyone's work this month.

Fresh Sewing Day

It was busy in July, with sewing, work and family time. I have made a lot of progress on the DQS11 mini quilt and now I am trying to make decisions about the binding and quilting. I finished my modern crosses quilt, which I named Rainbow Warmth. It is already in Cheryl's hands for the Quilts Recover Project. I made the blocks on my Kaleidoscope quilt, did a couple of Farmer's Wife blocks, made my first house blocks for one of my quilting bees and finished one of the Mystery Quilt blocks. Then we headed off to Hawaii for a week in the sun and the water.

I have a lot of quilting to do in August, and I have another month of mostly vacation at my cottage in the Salish Sea on the west coast of Canada to do it in.

I hope everyone is enjoying the summer and is out in the sun as much as possible!




  1. Great mosaic, love the modern crosses and Kaleidoscope is going to be fab :-)

  2. Lovely projects! LOVE your kaleidoscope and oh, that plus quilt!

  3. What a productive month! Those houses are so adorable. Glad you'd a great holiday. Jxo

  4. Linked up for the first time to Lily's Quilt and love the idea of the mosaic. Here's to July!

  5. Beautiful work! You are one busy lady. What will August produce I wonder?


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