
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

DQS11 in the mail and I am extending the give away until Wednesday night.

DQS11 Quilt, finished, and in the mail, hope you like it partner!

Well, there it is, my finished mini-quilt for the DQS11 Swap. It is about 16.5" x 13.5" (I, of course, forgot to take a final measurement.) The prints are cotton and the background is linen (might be 50/50 cotton linen but I am thinking it is just linen). The background scorches with a hot iron, in seconds, without warning. I put a big tag on the front to warn my partner and also sent a tester bit of fabric.

I decided in the end that white binding was best. I did actually sew on one of the prints that I had in the running but it just did not give the right look.

Doll Quilt Swap 11 - Finished back and label

The back is a Kaffee Fassett print.  You can see the label (edited for now). I was having nightmares about the label, but hopefully this one will do. My partner can just take if off if she prefers.

DQS11 Quilt - being a barn quilt

The quilt is being a barn quilt here. The old barn holds only firewood but I love its run down falling apartness. Maybe I should make it a barn quilt of its own.

The quilt is in the mail, off to my partner. I hope that she likes it as much as I do. I learned a lot about mini-quilts making this and it reflects a learning process, not perfection. I will show you the extras I sent once the quilt has arrived at its new home.

I have decided it was unfair to have a give away to celebrate exceeding 100 followers that opened on Friday and ended on Monday in the summer. Hopefully many of you get away on summer weekends and enjoy some time with family, or outdoors. I have extended entries until Wednesday night. I will draw Thursday morning, so if you have not yet entered, please click here and do so.

Enjoy your day.




  1. wow i really love this quilt Leanne - its a beauty and you clearly put a lot of heart into it.

  2. The quilt is beautiful and you've chosen just the right print for the backing. It looks so lovely and so tiny against the barn door. (I love photos showing the scale of things, your photo of the doll quilt against the full sized one was a great one, too).
    And the barn seems a perfect place for shooting quilts :)

  3. Hi! That quilt is beautiful and the back fabric fantastic! I love the last photo of barn - really adorable!
    xxx Teje

  4. Your little doll quilt is lovely! Don't stress about the label- it's great! I bet you are looking forward to receiving your doll quilt too! What fun! (Wished I joined in but just didn't think I'd have the time!)

  5. Your quilt is beautiful, and set against the barn is the perfect setting! I am sure your partner will love it!

  6. Your mini quilt is gorgeous! Love, love, love your fabric choices, Leanne. Kaffe Fasset for the backing is a perfect choice. Your partner will love it.

  7. I really love this quilt, Leanne. Everything about it is just right, including the white binding. Beautifully staged photography too :)

  8. I really like the white binding. The whole thing is beautiful.

  9. Every time I see this quilt I love it even more. It's beautiful. Love the photo on the door too.


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