
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Slow down, you're moving too fast

Quilting is a process.

These blocks, affectionately called LynneBobSquarePants by Lynne at Lily's Quits who posted this helpful tutorial, have 36 squares each. They are not hard but the process takes a while. I am working on them in between and before and after. Some people call this kind of project "leaders and enders".

They make me slow down and that is a good thing.

The sun is shining, enjoy your Sunday.


ps, Go here for  a video here about this approach of sewing a square to making half square triangles.


  1. I have never seen this way to make half-square triangles...leave it to Lynne to have a tutorial for this. I am a Lily's Quilts junkie!

  2. I love that quilting has taught me to slow down, and take more time to enjoy the time spent sewing. I love it!

  3. I love the way you made those half square triangles - have to try that myself

  4. Great idea!! I'm gonna have to try that. Thanks for sharing!


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