
Friday, April 15, 2011

And then there were four.

And then there were 4 - LBSP Blocks

(My process is here, tutorial is here.)

Just a quick post, in case you, like me, were wondering about how this block looked next to some others - pretty excellent!




  1. I agree - I want to get on and make more now - theyre being made for me in a bee in June and I can't wait to see them coming in and coming together. I want to go and make a few scrappier ones too thank you for working ahead - these look fab together.

  2. These do look great! They make a great secondary design.

  3. These are fab! They look really connected when placed together. Well done! Jxo

  4. You are one busy lady! These are beautiful, and I just became your 50th follower!


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