Thursday, October 13, 2016

My goals for Q4 of the 2016 FAL

Q4 FAL 2016 Goals

I have decided that since I finished 2 out of 6 last quarter, I can set 9 goals for the last quarter of the 2016 FAL. I am not sure where the logic is there but I really would like to finish these projects.

They are:

  • Bee Sewcial quilt - this quilt needs a back and to be quilted. I am a bit stumped on the quilting, should I go dense and detailed, dense with just lines, a cross hatch, or wavy lines, decisions. 
  • Bee Sewcial swap. I have it in mind to make my blocks - there are actually 11 just not all in the photo - into a larger quilt. We shall see.
  • Shawl - all I have to do is wash and block it. It will take a long while to pin out to block, that is what is holding me up on this one. '
  • Striped quilt - this one got stuck because I left out one of the striped strips I made because it was smaller than the rest and I had no more of the fabrics. I want to add it in so the decision is to either make the quilt smaller or add on other fabrics to the shorter strip. 
  • New circle improv - I have a whole quilt in mind.
  • A present quilt - this pretty bundle of pink and green is for a present quilt, so I'm not telling you the rest yet.
  • Improv triangle striped quilt - I need a back and then to quilt. 
  • Triangle improv - I just started these and I see a quilt in them too.
  • Holiday napkins and a quilt or runner or something - I adore these prints and I need a lot more napkins. I am hoping the left overs from the napkins can turn into a holiday quilt or at least a runner.
So now I want to go and sew, but it is the very start of my day and the job that pays the bills is calling.

If you have not yet made your Q4 to be finished list and linked up, please do - go here. There are a lot of fantastic prizes to win, all in random draws and think of how good you will feel getting some of your older projects finished as 2016 comes to an end.




1 Sophie Zaugg said...

I love the triangle improv' and I'm looking forward to seeing the final result !

2 Nicky said...

Fun projects Leanne - not surprised you want to get stitching

3 Debbie said...

Challenging but doable! Good luck working thru your list!

4 Puppilalla said...

Nice, I like the type of prints and bright colour you are using. =) The colorway for the present quilt is very sweet. I am looking forward to learn more of the project.

5 Ella said...

Love your list! The geometrics and the fabrics are fabulous!

6 Crystal_235 said...

Can't wait to see your finished projects

7 Vera said...

with 9 you complete 3 which is one more than last quarter. Makes sense to me ;)

8 pennydog said...

Looking forward to seeing that striped triangle one finished up!