I posted that mosaic for Q3 of the FAL and well, I finished one of the projects. One of 35. On the other hand, I finished one of my UFOs, that's fantastic! Anyway, I missed linking it up in the finishes, but you have seen Pink already (go here).
Today I am posting this list again for Q4 of the FAL. The truth is my sewing time was pre-empted this summer with moving my house and much of my office, new routines, getting the youngest off to University in another province, unpacking, painting, etc. And all that will continue to the end of the year, but I am going to be sure to do more sewing too, as I miss it. So the whole list is going up again.
So following the mosaic, here are the projects in order and what is next to do (left to right, top to bottom):
- Magenta and navy courthouse steps: I am almost finished with the quilting now, then bind and it's done.
- Scrappy Liberty Medallion: I need to finish a couple more rounds of the top, make the back, quilt, bind.
- Scrappy blocks neutral: These need to be made into a quilt.
- Scrappy blobs: These might be added to the scrappy blocks or become their own quilt, either way they need to be a quilt.
- Blocks from Luke Hanes QuiltCon workshop: I might make these into a series of coasters, sort of mug rug sized or maybe a quilt.
- Liberty sampler: I need to make these into a quilt, maybe adding more from Nicky's sampler or maybe finishing them as is. Also they might become the back of the Liberty Medallion?
- Improv scrappy Xs: I need more of these and then they need to be a bed sized quilt.
- Improv guitar case: I need more "fabric" and then to design and finish the case.
- Giant pluses: I started this with some of the magenta and navy fabrics and I need to finish this quilt.
- Improv Log Cabins: A quilt, and soon.
- Pickle Dishes: Also a king size quilt and soon. Luckily Nicky has a DWR along going on and that might help.
- Beachy neutrals: I need to finish this project, as I remember how much I love it.
- Mystery Quilt: This one needs quilting, and I am now totally ready to do it.
- Jungle Abstract Lion: This quilt is a priority as it needs to be done by the end of August. I have the fabrics and the pattern is printed, so I am ready to go on it.
- Pillows: I am going to make this beautiful fabric into pillows for the new house.
- Lightning quilt for Christa's blog hop: This one is done, so it is not on the Q4 FAL list.
- Florid Blooms: This is dwr #2 from Victoria's class at QuiltCon. That DWR along will help.
- Farmer's wife blocks: I have more of the fabric but this project has been stalled forever. I might just finish them into a smaller quilt and call it a day.
- Blue Bee Blocks: these were from the 4 x 5 bee, and are beautiful. They are ready to be a quilt.
- Improv back: This needs to be taken apart and either more blocks made or pieced into a white background. Initially it was to be the back for the beachy neutral quilt but I don't thinks so now. It would make an excellent baby quilt.
- Liberty one patch: I put this together ages ago to be a quilting practice quilt so now I should quilt it.
- Irish chain in green: I forgot about this one, time to finish it.
- Polaroid blocks: I am going to piece these into an i-spy quilt.
- Bee blocks: I started quilting these and the quilting was horrid. So it is on a time out but it's time to pick out the quilting and start again to finish the quilt.
- Bee blocks: these are wonderful blocks and they need to be a quilt.
- Bee blocks: these are from my very first bee and they are wonderful. They need to be one or two quilts.
- Quilt kit: this is my only ever quilt kit and it's beautiful so I need to finish it too.
- Bee blocks: the stars are fantastic and will be a quilt too.
- Place mats: I have three in various stages, time to finish them.
- Hexagons: These could be a nice pillow, why aren't they already?
- not included in the mosaic, but not forgotten:
- No quilt - I have some great blocks, I need to make some more and finish this quilt. With so much quilting on my list, I need to say "No" a lot more a the day job.
- Blended scraps - I started another version of this quilt, and I need to make more blocks and finish.
- Giant star: I made a top and it has not even been photographed, so I need to get it out and quilt it and take photos.
- Pink Allium quilt: again, no photos, but blocks are made. This one is a priority as I would like to sell the pattern.
- Another Allium blue quilt: The top is done, why it is not quilted and finished and photographed is not at all clear to me. It is a different layout and could also be a pattern.
If you have not joined in yet, the Finish Along is a low key way to try to get some of your UFOs out of the sewing room - go to Adrianne's blog On the Windy Side here to join the Q4 link up. Everyone is welcome. By the way, you don't have to own up to all your UFOs, one can just link up a few or even one project to finish.
I'm off to get my dressing made and the turkey in the oven, it's Thanksgiving in Canada today and we are going to have a wonderful dinner. Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Hi Leanne! Wow lots of inspiration! Too bad we can't have enough time for all the ideas and beautiful quilts to make. This time I'm most interested about those lovely stars etc. in pasten colours (13th photo about in the middle). I would love to see more of that. x Teje
Wow! I am exhausted reading your list. I think it may be longer than mine. Good luck with the finishing along project. I am inspired by you.
Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving!
oh my goodness Leanne! have fun :)
Kudos to you for even attempting to make a list amidst everything else going on in your life. I gave uuo although I still try to ge a lot finished
Whatever you do, the sewing time will be good for you. Hope you and your family have a happy Thanksgiving in your new home...
I hope you get back to your sewing soon...there is no shortage of inspiration here! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Good luck with getting them done! My list is not (quite) as long as yours, but still ridiculous. At the start f next year I am going to list them all out and work out what I want to finish and what I can modify into a smaller finish to get it done. Some things will be UFOs forever otherwise and sewing time is too limited to spend it on something I don't love
You sure have a lot of beautiful projects going! I wouldn't mind finishing any one of those - well, maybe the one with the hexies, I'm not sure I'd be up for they, LOL - but I also know how much easier it is to start a new one. I have a list myself! I was in a local "closers" group for a couple of years which helped me tremendously, but it's starting to build back up!
Love your list and the variety of the projects you have going! The pickle dish is on my bucket list.
Ooo - a kindred spirit with lots of projects to choose from for finishes. :D (I really need to learn how to do those mosaics). Wow! You really did have a disruptive quarter - nobody would begin to blame you for only getting one finish in. I'm impressed that you got that one! Looking forward to seeing what emerges in the next several months.
LeAnne, Happy Thanksgiving!
Turkey in the oven all day, my favorite smell and food to cook.
I'm absorbing all your finishes over a cup of Java..:)
Happy Thanksgiving from me as well. Good luck with your UFOs . It will be interesting to see which ones you manage to finish.
Good luck this time round!
Happy Thanksgiving! The one in Germany was Sunday a week ago but we celebrated this Sunday. Hope you have as nice a time.
And I can totally relate. I forgot to link my finish as well. Dang!
I really like some of those projects in your mosaik. So I keep my fingers crossed that you will have more sewing time this quarter and I will get more inspiration and motivation when you write about it :)
*gulp* Good luck!!
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