First, I wanted to remind you to please plan to join Nicky, from Mrs. Sew and Sow, and I next Tuesday for the Scraptastic Tuesday link up. The link is open for a week on the second Tuesday of the month. You can link once with a project either in progress or completed or your thoughts on how to tame your scrap mountain - we are looking for inspiration to keep using our scraps up. You can link with a blog post, an instagram photo or a Flickr photo and your link is your entry into the random draw for great sponsored prizes.
Next, I have to confess to not using up many scraps in the last two weeks, but instead to having made several more as I made my bee blocks and an orange quilt that I should be able to show you soon. In truth, I have not been sewing as much as I would like either.
So instead I thought I would use today to list some of my scrap projects that I plan to work on over the busy months of summer. You have seen these all before, but I am hoping a list will keep me committed to them until they are done.

Liberty nine patches. These are easy and a good stress reducing project. If I added a bunch of white fabric to the Liberty box, I could also finish the blocks from Nicky's scrappy sampler with the same scraps.

Magenta courthouse steps. This quilt top needs 9 or 10 more blocks and although it began with some fat quarters, they have long since been used up. Now, I am completing the quilt with bits and pieces, some scraps and some newer fabric pieces. This quilt is also on my Q2 FAL list and it might be possible to just get the whole thing finished by the end of June.

Colourful blobs. I need a lot more of these to finish the project I started making them for, and also for the new projects that are forming in my mind using more of them. In fact I could just keep making blobs until the scraps in each colour ran out as the blobs can be cut and used in so many ways.
I'm going to stop for now as I have to confess that I have a project or ten that I want to also start this summer, we shall see how that goes. But I am also hoping that by setting them out here, I will be able to report these three finished this summer too.
What are you working on or hoping to work on with your scraps? Consider linking up next Tuesday to show us.
I'm hoping to join crazy mom quilt's scrap vortex qa this summer and sew thru my scrap basket....also have a scrappy inside addition quilt under way that I really need to finish up!
I really do love those colorful blobs! Can't wait to see what they turn into.
I really do love those colorful blobs! Can't wait to see what they turn into.
i'm over here cheering for those courthouse steps! Sew faster!
I love your blobs and am very curious what you will make out of them!!
Another suggestion for the Liberty patchwork--in addition to the addition of plain squares--try it on point.
I think the blobs are--well--blobs. I can't see how these will turn into anything. Prove me wrong!
you are the second Leeanne in the quilt blogging world I've met lately!
I am LeeAnna at not afraid of color
My name was certainly rare when I was growing up but it seems very common all of a sudden!
Nice to meet you
I love the blobs too, I also love making them and make them whenever I can!
I'll be linking up, the log cabin blocks are breeding...
I just love scrappy and they all play so well together.
I love lists - and visual ones are even better!!
i am curious about your sliver coloured thread spool holder that is at the back of your Janome.
is it an attachment that you can order for the horizon??
or is it something you had custom made??
would love to hear from you,
Your courthouse steps is one of my favorites--I love the navy with the pops of color. On my agenda this summer is to continue blasting my way through a stack of WIPs. I have made some good progress since January. The one thing I have NOT done is complete a single quilt from my Mid Century Modern bee and that is high on the list.
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